The All Island Senior Citizens Scrabble Tournament is held for competitors over the age of 50 years annually.
This is considered a mind stimulating pastime which helps ward off dementia and Alzeimers Disease. The added benefit is that it keeps friends together in happy rivalry instead of facing loneliness - a problem older persons have to contend with.
The event will be on Sunday, November 6 at Hilton, Colombo. Rate: Rs. 800/=.
As in previous years, the competition will be conducted in 2 categories.
The “A” Category players will play 7 games, using words from the Collins Scrabble Dictionary and the winner will receive the Deshabandu Clara Motwani Memorial Cup.
“B” Category players will play 5 games by the Oxford English Dictionary using more traditional words, for the Rajathy Kandasamy Memorial Cup.
Prizes will also be awarded for the Highest Gamescore, Highest Wordscore.
Entry forms are available from Indrani Atukorale, 102/1, Dharmapala Mawatha, Colombo 7 and from Delryn Wijesinha, 27, Ridgeway Place, Bambalapitiya. Closing date for entries is 31st October.