Academically and professionally qualified caring son is sought by G/B professional parents well established in Colombo for their 31 year old daughter 5’7” tall very beautiful highly accomplished and employed as Manager at an environmental consultancy USA. She completed BSc,MSc in USA. She is a PR holder but willing to relocate if suitable partner is found. Kindly reply with family details to : hlg56333@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified Govi Buddhist NS/TT son from a respectable family is sought for our well-mannered daughter,youngest in the family,studied at Sirimavo - Col-7,currently employed as the registrar in a non-state university. She has done BSc SP Project Mgt. & MBA,medium in complexion,kind and caring person who was born in 1988/10. Height 5’4.5”. Please respond with the horoscope and family details. cal88srcproposal@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified son employed in USA sought by retired parents for their daughter born 1989/02,5’3” completed her PhD,well-employed in USA (VA). proposalsbtk@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified son from a respectable family is sought by Sinhala Buddhist business parents for their kind-hearted very fair and pretty height 5’3” daughter born in March 1992. She studied in a leading international school up to ‘A’ levels,she has completed a degree in Business Management as well as a Master’s in Business Management from reputed universities and attached to the family business. Kindly reply with family details and horoscope to: horoscope432@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified son is sought by Sinhala Buddhist parents (Australian citizens) for their slim,pretty and kind-hearted daughter,born 1996/10 and 5’1” height. She is a Doctor working in Sydney. A son from Australia/NSW is preferred. Please write in details to proposalyp@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified well-mannered son is sought by B/G retired Government Servant parents living in Kurunegala for their daughter who is willing to persue higher studies. Currently she is employed as an Academic Coordinator in an University after graduating from state University with a BSc. (Hons) Degree. She was born in 1994/2 and 5’2” height. Reply with family details and the horoscope. proposwa@gmail.com0372243244.
Academically and professionally qualified,caring,and well-mannered son sought by Buddhist parents living in Canada,for their daughter. She is slim,pretty,smart and kind. She was born in April 1994. She completed her undergraduate degree and Masters in leading universities in North America and currently working in Canada. Please send family details and horoscope to: sproposal38@gmail.com
Academically professionally qualified son of respectable family sought by B/G professional parents for their daughter MBBS Doctor. Born 1992/3,5’6” Kuja,Shani in 4th place. Please respond with family details and horoscope. jaymatrimonial02@gmail.com
Academically professionally qualified well-mannered son is sought by B/G parents for their daughter,5’7”,1988 born,never married,an International School Teacher,doing her own tuition as well. Degree (First Class),Masters and CIMA. Other religions are also welcome. Divorced ones are also considered if they don’t have further encumbrances. Willing to migrate with the consent of other party. Reply with horoscope,family details and contact details. 0719231097 /0112090436. mcpropowed@gmail.com
Academically & professionally qualified caring & kind-hearted son preferably who is having Engineering degree in the field of Mechanical,Electrical is sought by Sinhala Buddhist parents for their 26 year old daughter (1997) who is 5’1”,well-mannered & well-accomplished,currently working as a legal apprentice. Reply with family details and horoscope to: ranjith.dharmasiri59@gmail.com
Academically & professionally qualified well mannered employed son who is living in Australia with Sri Lankan values is sought by parents living in Colombo for their only 5’7” tall daughter born in August 1999. She is smart pleasant kind-hearted and brought up with Sinhala Buddhist values. Studied at Colombo 07 leading girls school,currently working as a Software Engineer (IT Specialist) for a well known telecommunication firm in Adelade,Australia after graduation. We are a family of four,younger son is currently studying at University of Western Australia. Please reply with family details and a copy of your son’s horoscope to : proposedk1999@gmail.com
Affluent parents (B/G/K),seek professionally qualified handsome son,from respectable family,below 44 yrs,NS/TT,in Colombo suburbs,for their fair pretty daughter,born Sept. 1984,5’6” tall,old Visakhian,BSc graduate,with a reasonable wealth. Father Civil Engineer,Chairman of his company,elder brother Software Engineer. Reply with horoscope. Email: vivahavasana@gmail.com
An educated,well-mannered businessman or engineer son from a similar background and caste sought by B/G affluent business parents from Kurunegala District for their daughter 1997 born,5’2”,pretty and slim,BBA (Hons) graduate. Inherits substantial wealth. Email: marriageprop97@gmail.com
A caring and kind hearted professional partner is sought by Colombo suburb BK parents for their 27 year 5’3” pleasant daughter well employed in a leading Bank. She had her education in a Colombo leading girls school,graduated from Jayawardhanapura University with a first class Hon Degree. She also holds CIMA and CFA. Owns a new car and inherits parental assets,only sister is a Chartered Accountant married to an Engineer and migrated to Vancouver Canada. Caste immaterial but non malefic horoscopes are preferred.Please reply top : dhanaseelaf@gmail.com
A respectable professional parents in Kandy seek an academically and professionally qualified well mannered son for their 1988 born 5.5ft height,MBBS Doctor daughter working in Kandy district. She is charmingly beautiful,pleasant,kind-hearted and brought up with Sinhala Buddhist values. She is planning to migrate to Aus. (Kuja being in 12th House from Moon creates a Papi Graha Dhosha) Kindly respond with family details and a copy of the horoscope. gayan4u@gmail.com
BGK parents seek an educated employed son below 36 for their 1993 born 5’5” pretty daughter studied at a leading school in Panadura. Currently self-employed in make-up and bridal dressing sector. Inherits a house. Please reply with horoscope to : proposal@myyahoo.com
Bodu Govi respectable parents from Western Province seek academically and professionally qualified caring son for their 31 years,5’6” pretty fair daughter who is an Australian citizen with BSc and MSc having a key position in IT field. She is well-mannered with exceptional qualities and settled in Western Australia. She owns considerable wealth in both countries. Reply to: asinghe1992@yahoo.com
Bodu/Govi parents seek an academically and professionally qualified partner for their 1985-born daughter. She is 5’1” with a slim and fair appearance,serving as Deputy Director in a prestigious Government Ministry under Sri Lanka Administrative Service. Interested parties,please respond with family details,horoscope and contact information to: awaihena@gmail.com
Bodu,Govi,respectable parents from Colombo suburb,seek suitable educated son,from similar background for their kind hearted daughter born in 1998 April,5’3”,pretty,tanned skin,studied at a Colombo leading school,and passionate about Sinhalese and Buddhist culture,just graduated from state university and has a younger brother. If interested,please send a copy of horoscope. Contact 0777311618 /0112793735. Email :- scsoori@gmail.com
Born in 1987 height 5 feet 1 inch a daughter working in the Executive Level of a company in the State of Dubai legally separated from first marriage. She is looking for a partner not more than 40 years old,legal separation is not a problem. Ask with horoscope. thilan198020@gmail.com
Buddhist Karawa/Govigama wealthy and respectable parents seek an academically and professionally qualified son employed or having well established business below 32 years from a respectable professional or business family for daughter 1996 January born 5’6” tall fair pretty studied in English medium at a leading Buddhist School in Colombo graduated in Int. Business Management an MBA Holder. Employed in a well-established company. Inherits valuable commercial and residential assets. No intention of migrating. Non-malefic horoscope. Please send family details horoscope and contact number. E-Mail : marriagepro1996@gmail.com
Business parents from Colombo suburbs seek an academically and professionally qualified son preferably living in Australia for daughter 29,5’5” schooled at International Schools,Bachelor in Business and MBA Graduate. Currently employed ICT Business Analyst. Only sibling in Melbourne. 0112934935. marriageproposal9310@gmail.com
B/G affluent parents seek a son for their daughter,27 yrs. qualified MBBS passed out in September,pretty,5’3” studied at Museaus College,Colombo. email : jchampika14@gmail.com
B/G mother seeks an educated son for our well-accomplished charming daughter,born in 84 November,5’5”,educated at a leading school in Colombo and working in a managerial position drawing an attractive salary and other perks. Inherits substantial assets. Please respond to: snyj2021@gmail.com
B/G professional parents from Colombo seek an educated well-mannered suitable partner for their 29 years,5’4”,fair,thin,pretty,educated in a leading Colombo school,MBBS qualified Doctor daughter presently serving in the Government Sector. Reply with family details and horoscope to: kumlak2603@gmail.com
B/G respectable parents from Kandy seek handsome well educated son preferably Doctor/Engineer for their beautiful fair daughter 5 feet,born 1995 August. She is a Pre-Intern Doctor and father is a Consultant Doctor. Willing to migrate. Please respond with family details,contact number and horoscope. Email - dissa1995abcd@gmail.com
B/G/S parents from Colombo suburb seeks a professionally qualified well mannered caring son from a respectable family for their pleasant and caring daughter,currently reading for her PhD in Europe. She is 5’1” height 34 years old and inherits valuable assets. Non-malefic horoscope (Thula Lagna,Sa Nekatha). No divorcees please. Please Email - mal.thiruni@gmail.comTel. : 0112578592 /0777423384.
Colombo B/G respectable business parents seek academically and professionally qualified son below 30 years from a decent family for their youngest daughter born 1998,5’4” height,slim,fair,very pretty,she bears a humble personality,brought up with Sinhala,Buddhist values. Academically qualified with BSc Accounting & Finance (Hons) employed at a Senior position in a financial services company. Brother Engineer,sister Doctor. Looking for a well matching - well-mannered,kind and caring partner. Migration considered. Reply with family details to mproposal1998@gmail.com
Colombo GB parents seek a qualified,employed son for their daughter. Born 1987 and 5 ft height. Self employed,MBA graduate and qualified Accountant (CIMA/ACMA). She will inherit substantial assets in cash/property. She owns a vehicle. Please reply with family details and horoscope. Email: mgprop234@gmail.com
Colombo suburb Bodu Karawa parents seek a kind,never married son employed in Executive Grade from a respectable Bodu Karawa,Govi or Durawa family for Graduate Bank Executive daughter 5’3”,1992/12,slim,pleasant. Owns house and other valuable assets. pfordaughter@gmail.com
Friend is looking for a suitable partner for a Roman Catholic 5’4” born in the 70’s fair,well mannered,attractive,younger looking lady,Graduate,well employed. Caste religion is immaterial. Widows divorcees are also considered. Email : prop456srilanka@gmail.com
Gampaha Bodu-Govi parents seek a age less than 29 years same caste smart,kind son devoid of vices employed in a similar profession in state or private sector close to Gampaha,Kalutara,Kegalle,Kandy,Kurunegala Districts for their height 5’4” Kuja 1 daughter born in 1997,well-employed as a Software Engineer in the Civil Aviation Authority. She is not willing to migrate. (Only horoscope with Kuja Dosha may reply). jmgjayasekara@gmail.com
Govi,Buddhist parents from Colombo suburbs seek fair & tall son with sober habits for their pretty and kind daughter qualified and employed at a reputed Organization. Born in 1990,height 5’6”,she intends to migrate hence overseas proposals are also considered. Please reply to emproposal2023@gmail.com
G/B parents seek a suitable educated partner for their daughter born in 1975 Executive lives in Colombo. hproposal15@gmail.com
Kegalle B/K family seeks a well brought up kind-hearted son preferably living in Japan/New Zealand /Australia or willing to migrate,for their pretty daughter born in 1994/01,5’4” studied in a School in Kegalle,graduated from a Government University,employed in a Government School as a Teacher. Respond with details and horoscope to contact.mnu@gmail.comT.P. : 035-2227607 (after 6 p.m.)
Malay,35 years old,5’2” in height,very fair and pretty,MBA Holder,working at a US BPO Company,divorced with 2 kids living with ex-husband. Looking for a kind hearted,educated,established,social and fun loving gentleman for marriage. Religion,race are immaterial. Email : lightpurple87@gmail.com
Moor family seeking academically & professionally qualified,kind hearted,religious,partner from a good family background,who is less than 31 years of age for their Degree holding daughter working remotely from home,studied in a leading school in Colombo,fair n 5’5” in height residing in Mt. Lavinia. Foreign proposals too welcome. propmin@2023@gmail.com
Namo Buddhaya, Buddhist 1991/08, parents seek suitable groom for twin daughters, Doctors working in USA, graduated from University of Toronto & from University of Poznan, Poland (Double Degree). Studied in Musaeus College, looking for a Doctor or similar field (Preferably living in USA), father retired Civil Engineer, mother retired Physiotherapist. Eldest daughter & son-in-law are Software Engineers, living in Australia. Youngest son is a Doctor. Contact us for more information along family details, we are living in Colombo. Contact us : [email protected]
Parents seek an educated son for very attractive,unmarried daughter 49 yrs,4’9” AAT educated business owner. Dowry available. propm4777@gmail.com
Professionally qualified Buddhist parents from Colombo district,seek an academically professionally qualified well-mannered son from a respectable family for their only child beautiful daughter born in 1996 June,5’3” tall,brought-up with good values,educated at leading girls’ school in Colombo. Completed her London LLB degree and completed her Attorney-at-Law final examination recently. Currently doing her internship with a senior lawyer in Colombo. Those interested please contact with family details via e-mail: sakkp1960@gmail.com
Professionally qualified well mannered partner who is studying /working abroad is sought for a daughter of GB retired Govt. Executives 1993 born 5’1” tall fair simple pleasant young looking and kind-hearted,returned after completing a Medical Degree from Europe. Reply arnanc2023@gmail.com
Respectable B/G SL parents now dual citizens in New Zealand seek a qualified well broughtup kind hearted son preferably living in NZ/Australia or willing to migrate for their professionally qualified,pleasant well broughtup daughter with Sinhalese Buddhist values,living and employed in NZ. Born in May 1994,5’ height. Her preliminary education in a leading Buddhist School in Colombo. Please respond with full family details together with a copy of the horoscope (Prefers Shani,Kethu or Budha in the 7th House) to Email : nanpriya56@yahoo.com
Respectable, GB professional family having daughter and son living in Colombo suburbs daughter born in 1983, 5'3", dual citizen (Australia and Sri Lanka), studied in a leading girls school in Colombo IT graduate. She is outgoing, pleasant and inherits substantial assets. Divorced due to an incompatible proposed short marriage without encumbrances. Presently in Sri Lanka for a short time. Parents seek an understanding, caring and educated son with a decent job who cares to lead a good family life. Consider non malefic horoscopes. email : [email protected]
Retired Catholic parents seek a partner for their daughter 88 born pretty academically qualified from a private University,working as a Chartered Architect,(no divorcees please). Reply family details to countryproposal@gmail.com
Roman Catholic Sinhala parents seek an academically and professionally qualified son for their daughter 1996 October born,5’2”,who studied at a leading Catholic school in Negombo. Graduated from a reputed university in Colombo with a degree in Software Engineering and employed at the moment. We live in Bolawatta. She inherits substantial assets. Please reply with family details to: telesperfdo123@gmail.com
SBG parents Colombo seek for an educated caring son with good values for their only daughter 5’3” height 1994 born reading for Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering 2024 in Singapore. Reply weeracolombosl@gmail.com
Sinhalese & RC parents living in the Colombo district,seek a Sinhalese & RC educated partner for their only daughter who is a medical doctor working in a Govt. Hospital in Colombo. She has also completed other foreign medical registration exams. Daughter was born in Y 1987 and is approx. 5’6” H and is of a very pleasing personality. Was educated in a leading Catholic School in Colombo. Please reply with details to Email : mproposals457@gmail.com
Suitable honest intelligent partner is sought for Ratnapura Bodu-Govi age 35,pretty sister legally separated from first marriage with 12 yrs. child. She is the youngest in the family and inherits dowry. Migration even considered. Email - proposalsam2023@outlook.com
Tamil Christian parents seek a born again committed Christian son for their daughter who is professionally qualified and working overseas. She is a born again Christian,31 and currently visiting Sri Lanka. Future partner should be a teetotaller and non-smoker. Should be professionally qualified,fluent in English,kind hearted with Christian family values and willing to live overseas. Applicants living overseas are preferred. Kindly reply with church affiliation and with other details to proposals5962@gmail.com
Well-established Bodu Govi parents from Canada seek an academically and professionally qualified Bodu Govi son for their daughter who is a Senior Product Manager in Software Development with a Master’s Degree in Engineering. She is pretty,29 (born 1994),5’2” in height and was brought up well mannered and respecting Sinhala Buddhist culture. Please send family details,photos and horoscope to : wijayakeerthi2018@gmail.com
Western Province parents seek suitable son for their pretty daughter B/G Lecturer,34,5’. TP : 0113494078. Email : daughterprop90@gmail.com
We are from Brisbane,Australia looking for partners for our twin daughters aged 22 years. They are Undergraduates at the University of Queensland following degrees,in Architecture and Fashion Design. They are well brought up with Sri Lankan values and looking for sons with University education and similar values,for association leading to marriage and settle down in Australia. Email your details to liongala1111@gmail.comwith horoscope.
1997 born postgraduate degree holder daughter with professional qualifications,plans to migrate abroad after marriage early next year,a suitable partner is sought by her mother. proposal2023gmm@gmail.com