Academically and professionally qualified employed well-mannered caring son is sought by retired G/B parents from Colombo suburbs for their pretty well-accomplished,only daughter. She is well-employed with postgraduate qualification from UK university. Born in May 86,height 5’8”. Kuja in 7th House but favourable. Prefer a son who can converse fluently in English and has a good personality. Please reply with horoscope to: partnerproposal@yahoo.com
Academically and professionally qualified kind caring well-mannered son sought by respectable BG dual citizen parents living in Brisbane for their daughter who is academically /professionally qualified and working as a Veterinarian in a reputed organization. She is 5’2” & born in 1994. Prefer those who are living in Brisbane or willing to relocate to Brisbane. Please reply with family details,horoscope to rd7209686@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified son from a respectable family is sought by Sinhala Buddhist business parents for their kind-hearted very fair and pretty height 5’3” daughter born in March 1992. She studied in a leading international school up to ‘A’ levels,she has completed a degree in Business Management as well as a Master’s in Business Management from reputed universities and attached to the family business. Kindly reply with family details and horoscope to: horoscope432@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified son with sober habits,employed in Sri Lanka,is sought by Colombo,BG retired professional father and housewife mother,for their well accomplished,very slim,pretty and very young-looking daughter born 08/1986,5’5” tall,brought-up with Sinhala Buddhist values. Studied at a leading girls’ school in Colombo. BSc.,MSc. (Lond) qualified. Senior professional employed in a global services organization with high remuneration. Inherits a modern upstair house in Colombo. Reply with family details,horoscope and contact information to : mechns86@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified virtuous son is sought by B/G mother for daughter from Colombo 1990 fair and pretty,employed as an Assistant Manager in one of the biggest private firms in SL reading for the final level of Chartered Accountancy. Please email with full details and HC to : proposalmkw@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified virtuous son is sought by B/G mother for daughter Nov. 1993,5’3” slim fair and pretty,employed as a Relationship Manager at a private bank in Colombo holding a degree in International Business Management from Northumbria University. Please email with full details and HC to : mk.proposal01@gmail.com
Academically and professionally well qualified,Bodu,Govi,hailing from a respectable family background,well mannered,slim,tall,and very fair,1990/3,5’5” daughter,educated in a reputed Girls School in Colombo,holds LLB,LLM with postgraduate qualifications,high official in state sector,owns a modern car with house in Colombo and other landed properties. Parents invite an educated,respectable,well mannered son to join the family. Please reply with the horoscope. Email : proposalsimalka@gmail.com
Academically or professionally qualified son is sought by Sinhalese Buddhist parents,for their well accomplished daughter an Australian qualified Doctor (MD) currently employed and practicing as a Doctor in Australia. She is an Australian citizen,1990/07 born,slim,5’3” in height,fair,very pretty,young looking,and with an impeccable character. Interested parents please send your full family details with a copy of son’s horoscope to dinuprop10@gmail.com
Academically professional qualified well mannered son from a respectable family is sought by B/G professional parents for their well accomplished Doctor daughter,MBBS & MRCP. British citizen. Very fair 1986 born 5’9”. She has substantial assets in UK and Sri Lanka. Please respond with family details and a copy of the horoscope. Tel. 0332285032,Email : gunasekara5725@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified well-mannered son is sought by B/G retired Government servant parents living in Kurunegala for their daughter who is willing to persue higher studies. Currently she is employed as an academic coordinator in a University after graduating from a state University with a BSc (Hons) degree. She was born in 1994/2 and 5’2” in height. Reply with family details and horoscope. [email protected] 0372243244
Academically qualified well mannered employed son is sought by B/G parents from Colombo for very pretty,fair,decent,BSc.,MSc. qualified 1988/12,kind hearted daughter 5’4” works as Senior Head Chemist in a Multinational Company. Reply with horoscope. (proposalluckz@gmail.com)
Academically qualified well-mannered son with Sri Lankan values is sought by BG respectable parents living in Melbourne for their 5ft 4 inches tall daughter,born in Dec 1999 (23 yrs old). She is charmingly beautiful,pleasant,kind hearted,and brought up with Sinhala Buddhist values. Currently working as a civil engineer for a global consultancy firm in Melbourne after graduation. The parents are both professionals and well settled in Melbourne. We are a family of four,younger daughter is currently studying Medicine. Please reply with family details and a copy of your son’s horoscope to melproposal.hs@gmail.com
Academically /professionally qualified in IT,unmarried daughter,born in 1975,Govi/Buddhist retired parents from Colmbo suburb seek a qualified unmarried son. Prefers non-smoker,teetotaller. wije77@yahoo.com
Academically /professionally qualified,unmarried daughter,born in 82/09,5’ Govi /Buddhist retired parents from Colombo seek a qualified unmarried son,malefic H/C. No divorcees. Please send family details and horoscope to : happymgpro@gmail.com
Academically,professionally qualified son from a respectable family sought by R/C parents,for their daughter born in 1988/5’4”. She holds BCom Degree (1st Class Honours),MBA - UK member of IBSL and following Chartered Accountancy final stage. Currently she is a Deputy Manager in reputed Government bank. sagirathnayaka10@gmail.com
Academically,professionally qualified well-mannered son is sought by B/G retired Government Servant parents staying in Melbourne for their only daughter who is employed as a Critical Care Nurse in an ICU in a public hospital in Melbourne after graduating from Victoria University. She was born in 1990/4 and 5’ height. She is a citizen of Australia and living in her own house. Reply with family details and the horoscope. Australian residents preferred. marriageproposal49@gmail.com
A professional /business son sought by retired BG parents for daughter,BSc/MSc,1981,pretty,young looking,5’5”,employed in reputed company. Divorced (innocent party,no kids). Owns /Inherits assets. redlotus927@gmail.com
A respectable G/B professional parent in a Colombo suburb seeks an academically and professionally qualified well mannered employed son for their 1990 born 5’7.5” height accomplished MBBS Doctor daughter working in Colombo Government Hospital. She inherits millions worth of assets. Please send family details including a copy of the horoscope. mproposalplr1990@gmail.com
A Specialist doctor MBBS /MD 1975 well mannered fair slim young looking 5’4” with valuable assets,looking for academically and professionally qualified well mannered partner. Reply with family details,horoscope and contact numbers. eranjith237@gmail.com
A suitable partner is sought by respectable middle class retired Executive parents (GB & SRC) from Colombo suburb for younger daughter (LLB,MBA & CIMA) Buddhist,born 1987 height 5’7”,slim,fair & pleasing personality (never married) working in a managerial capacity abroad. Willing to migrate. Differences immaterial. Please reply with full details. Email: proposal1942@gmail.com
A We are British citizens,Sinhala Buddhist looking for a suitable educated English speaking son,below 27,for our daughter,22 years 5’5”,slim & beautiful graduated,Government radiographer who bought up with Sri Lankan values. Please contact with the horoscope. hwpc90@gmail.com
Bodu/Govi parents living in Gampaha suburbs seek well mannered,educated son for their daughter born in March 1992,attractive pleasant looking 5’7 1/2” tall,(B.Eng.) working as a Senior Executive in a reputed establishment. She is willing to migrate. Kindly respond with family details and a copy of horoscope. Specially those who are having Kuja in 1,4,7,12 and Shani/Mangala,to : alprop92@gmail.com
Born and raised in Australia with Sri Lankan Buddhist values. She is the eldest of 2 girls and born in 1996. Working as an Audiologist. Looking for a son with similar values preferably who lives in Australia. More information can be obtained by emailing proposalsbw23@gmail.com
Buddhist Deva parents seek educated partner for their,pretty,slim daughter born in 1981 November,5’3” tall and residing in Melbourne Australia. Reply with horoscope. proposaljay@gmail.com
Buddhist Karawa/Govigama wealthy and respectable parents seek an academically and professionally qualified son employed or having well established business below 32 years from a respectable professional or business family for daughter 1996 January born 5’6” tall fair pretty studied in English medium at a leading Buddhist School in Colombo graduated in Int. Business Management an MBA Holder. Employed in a well-established company. Inherits valuable commercial and residential assets. No intention of migrating. Non-malefic horoscope. Please send family details horoscope and contact number. E-Mail : marriagepro1996@gmail.com
Buddhist Vishwa siblings from United Kingdom seeking a bride groom,below 46,for their younger sister 5’3” 1983 born,working as a graduate government officer. Differences immaterial. manipropo83@gmail.com
Buddhist/Vishwa parents seek a decent professionally qualified partner for daughter born June 1996,5’3”,studied in an international school in Colombo. Holds a bachelor degree in Business Management from a UK University. Currently working as a Snr. Finance Analyst in a leading software company. Reply with family details & horoscope. Willing to migrate. Contact: propfor3daughter@gmail.com
B/G business parents seek suitable,educated partner for daughter 1994,5’6” very fair & pretty doctor working in SL. Reply with horoscope. priyanproposal94@gmail.com
B/G Central retired parents seek academically professionally qualified well-mannered son below 41 for their daughter born 1987/4 graduated working Government Sector. She is very slim and fair with minor lip defect. 0715814106,0512242148 /missdinithi@gmail.com
B/G Gampaha parents seek a professional son for IT Manager pleasant daughter,1990/05,5’3”. Reply with horoscope and contact details. marriagepropsal1959@gmail.com
B/G parents seek partner for elder daughter 5’8” born 1986 April with 10 ml cash,vehicle and inherited land in Gampaha District. tissera.mhj@gmail.com B205161
Christian Accountant daughter,44 y.,5’5”,fair,divorced,no kids. Seeking,educated partner to settle down. surangi2727@yahoo.com
Christian Sinhalese parents of a sound social background seek a suitable partner for their academically & professionally qualified daughter - Lawyer,25,5’4”,pretty,slim,virtuous,kind hearted,religious,employed at a legal firm. Educated,employed,caring Christian son of similar social standing is expected. Write with details muthujay159@gmail.com
Colombo Catholic Tamil parents seeking son UK daughter Software Engineer born 1992 height 5’4” residing UK. Caste immaterial. jojo.proposal@gmail.com B205467
Colombo G/B retired parents and Engineer brother USA seek a professional marriage partner around 45 for pretty unmarried daughter currently following postgraduate studies in Colombo. Owns two storied home in a residential area close to Colombo 07 and General Hospital. propsamaa345@gmail.com
Colombo suburb Kandyan Govi Buddhist retired parents seek suitable partner for their daughter born August 1987,4’11”,reading for a PhD,in a British university on a fully funded scholarship now in the final year. She is from a reputed school in Colombo and had Bachelors and Masters from local Government Universities. Respond with family details and horoscope. mangalika4910@gmail.comor contact 0112-837785,0771546821.
Colombo,R/C,Sinhala,Govigama,educated parents seek,educated partner for their eldest daughter,5’6”,DB-1990 Dec,studied leading Convent,LLB (Colombo),Attorney-at-Law,LLM (Colombo),employed UN-Colombo office. nimaljw@hotmail.com0112889605,0777251479.
Dubai Resident Buddhist 1977 “Mithuna” 5’4” decent fair pretty elder daughter BSc degree qualified working Dubai parent seek qualified son from respectable family working abroad. Please reply with family details horoscope. 00971503665704,chandra366@yahoo.com
Educated,kind,honest,well-mannered,caring,affectionate,gentleman is sought by B/G parents residing in US for their well-brought up,educated,good-looking,daughter,47 yrs,a US citizen. Caste/religion immaterial. Please email details to: ferndale444@gmail.com
Govi Catholic business family in Colombo suburbs seek professionally qualified or businessman for their pretty fair 1985 born 5’ daughter educated at a leading private school professional Lawyer with LLM in the UK. She inherits substantial assets. Religion immaterial. Please respond with family and contact details. marriagepro@yahoo.com
Govi,Bodu parents in England invite a professional employed in the UK or willing and able to migrate for their only daughter,a Doctor well employed in England. She stepped into 34,5’8’’,slim,fair,very pretty and inherits substantial land and building property in Sri Lanka. Prefer Doctors,Engineers and academic professionals. spsena14@gmail.com
G/B parents are seeking well mannered educated handsome son for the only daughter who is working as a Physician in the USA. She is attractive,33 years and 5’2” tall. Please reply to email marriageproposal033@gmail.comwith a copy of the horoscope and family details if you live in the USA or are willing to migrate.
G/B parents seek a suitable educated partner for their daughter born in 1975 Executive lives in Colombo. hproposal15@gmail.com
Handsome,tall son with sober habits is sought for a charming & attractive featured daughter (32 years). No divorcees please . Kindly respond with full particulars to enable us to take an early decision. Differences immaterial. Please send replies to: proposaljayasooriya@gmail.com
Ja-Ela parents seek educated Christian/Catholic partner for their never married daughter born in 1982,5’6” tall working as a Manager in a reputed Organization and who holds an MBA. She has a land close to the main road and owns a vehicle. Divorcees may not reply. Email on shiranijus@gmail.com
Kandy 1997/09 born,Kandy permanently residing,Southern Bodu Govi,5’2” height,Software Engineering BSc. Degree Holder,works as Associate Software Engineer,pretty,only child daughter. Retired Chartered Engineer father and teacher mother are seeking a Bodu Govi,virtuous,well educated,high employed,tall and handsome son with a respectable family background. saprop97@gmail.com
Kegalle B/K family seeks a well brought up kind-hearted son preferably living in Japan/New Zealand /Australia or willing to migrate,for their pretty daughter born in 1994/01,5’4” studied in a School in Kegalle,graduated from a Government University,employed in a Government School as a Teacher. Respond with details and horoscope to contact : mnu@gmail.comT.P. : 035-2227607 (after 6 p.m.)
Moor parents from Colombo with a reputed well connected family seek for their modest well accomplished professionally qualified daughter,a smart professionally qualified bridegroom from a well connected respectable family,preferably an Engineer,Doctor or Accountant between 34 and 38 years. Please reply in confidence to silverline348@gmail.com. Your response will be treated with strict confidence.
Namo Buddhaya,Buddhist 1991/08,parents seek suitable groom for twin daughters,Doctors working in USA,graduated from University of Toronto & from University of Poznan,Poland (Double Degree). Studied in Musaeus College,looking for a Doctor or similar field (Preferably living in USA),father retired Civil Engineer,mother retired Physiotherapist. Eldest daughter & son-in-law are Software Engineers,living in Australia. Youngest son is a Doctor. Contact us for more information along family details,we are living in Colombo. Contact us : sdaneshwara@gmail.com
Negombo suburb Sinhala R/C parents seek an academically and professionally qualified partner for their daughter born in 1988 December,5’3” height working as Senior Lead Software Engineer in Swedish company BSc (IT) Moratuwa University,foreign proposals are considered. suriya.rowel@gmail.com031-2258700 /076-4820220.
Parents seek academically and professionally qualified partner for their pretty,slim,well brought-up daughter,1989/01,5’3” BSc Engineering (Moratuwa),working at a leading Software firm as a S. Tech lead. Email: proposal1989c@gmail.com
Parents seek an academically and professionally qualified son for 1977/12 born,5’3” in height,fair,well mannered,Convent educated,MSc,ACMA qualified daughter holding a senior executive position. Please reply with family details. Email - prop1977dec@gmail.com,Telephone 0112851555.
Parents seek a kind hearted good looking Doctor Engineer or similar standing son from B/G family for their Doctor daughter studied at leading Colombo school. MBBS (SL),5’1”,32+,fair slim with pleasing personality. Inherits substantial assets. Please reply with horoscope and details. mayprop29@gmail.com B205524
Respectable Moor parents from Kalutara District seek a qualified Sunnath Jamath Groom for their Convent educated Pre-school Diploma holder daughter 26 years,Tan,5’1”. rizmilerizmi@gmail.com
Respected Colombo business Buddhist Karawa parents with a well established reputation are seeking an academically and professionally qualified,caring son from a well reputed and respectable business family. The prospective daughter was born in 1995,stands 5’3” tall is fair,slim,pretty and has successfully graduated and acquired professional qualifications. The family prefers a son from a business family specifically matching for a malefic horoscope. Kindly provide family details and a copy of the horoscope for further consideration. marriageproposals012021@gmail.com
SBG respectable parents living in California seek a suitable partner for their only daughter born and raised in USA. She is 4’11” in height born in May 1995,fair pretty qualified with Masters in Kinisilogy. Groom should be well educated,professionally qualified preferably in medical field with good character and moral values. Please respond with full family details and WhatsApp number to gayantreta@gmail.com
Sinhala Bodu Govi well reputed and respectable business parents from Gampaha seek an academically and professionally qualified well mannered son with similar caste and from a respectable family for their eldest daughter born in 1997,5’3” in height pretty and well educated from a leading international school and did her undergraduate degree in Japan,currently working from home as a Consultant for an American based company. If interested,please reply with full family details and horoscope copy to : deekaruprop@gmail.comor call on 0332226063 for further details.
Sinhala Catholic parents from Western Province seek a qualified partner below 33 from an esteemed professional and respectable family background for their fair,pretty and qualified daughter 26,5ft 3,an Attorney-at-Law with LLM (UK),LLB (UOC),educated at a leading Christian girls’ school in Colombo. Details : slproposal078@gmail.com
Sinhala Govi Buddhist /Catholic professional parents seek a well educated son Catholic /Christian /Buddhist,height 5’9” and above,below 43 y,from a respectable family for Catholic daughter 37y,5’4”. She is fair,pretty having a good personality and inherits substantial assets. Highly educated,holds BSc MSc & PhD in Science. Resides in Germany and currently in Sri Lanka on a holiday. She is prepared to join the partner in another country after the marriage. Please write with full details and horoscope or with date of birth,time & place. 2-933350 /071 9551848. email : sdk1986mp@gmail.com
Sinhalese Govigama parents,dual citizens living in the UK seek a suitable professionally or academically qualified partner below 35 years for their daughter born in 1994 preferably living in the UK. Our daughter is a UK citizen with dual citizenship,who is professionally qualified and employed. Please send all details to: responseuk2023@gmail.com
Sinhalese,Buddhist parents,living in New Zealand,looking for a partner for their daughter. She is a doctor working in a New Zealand Hospital at present. She is 37 years old pretty and fair. And a New Zealand citizen. Father is a doctor and only sister is married to a doctor. We are looking for a suitable son,professional Sinhalese Buddhist and who lives in New Zealand or Australia or like to join us in New Zealand. Reply with horoscope to sirikalan@gmail.com
Sinhalese,Buddhist,Karawa retired parents residing in Canada seek a professionally qualified son for their eldest daughter,born in 1985. She is an MBBS Graduate and currently working in Government Hospital in Sri Lnaka. Brought up with Sri Lankan Buddhist values. Please reply with family details,horoscope and contact numbers. marriageproposalsmd@gmail.com/034-2236132 /0777990888.
Staff Grade employed,entrepreneur brother living abroad is sought for Nugegoda Bodu Govi sister born in 1977,height 5’3”,MA graduated,employed in state sector. She owns lands. Contact after 6.30 p.m. Email: weththasinghechandi1977@gmail.com
V/B mother seeks a suitable partner for well mannered daughter,academically and professionally qualified,born in 1983,5’4”,employed at a state bank,owns a land and a car. Has substantial savings and inherits a house. Reply with horoscope or email to: marriageproposals979@gmail.comRahu in the 7th House,caste immaterial.
We are Govi Buddhist family. I am Mechanical Engineer and my wife is a retired Teacher. We are currently the two Directors of a leading Engineering firm in Colombo. My son is a Mechanical Engineer living in Australia. Proposed elder daughter is a Doctor,26 years,5’1” in height,pretty,fair,kind hearted and well brought up. She enjoys music and art. She is planning to practice in Australia. We are looking for a well-mannered,well brought up son preferably a Doctor,Engineer or a suitable professional from a respectable family and is living in Australia or willing to migrate to Australia. Please reply with family and son’s details,contact details to nwpsl123@gmail.com
We are Sinhalese Govi Bodu family residing in U.S.A. California. My daughter 1996 March born 5’3” in height. She is Physician Assistant in U.S.A. wishma22@gmail.com