Circle A, B, C or D that most accurately fits the meaning and check your answers with the key.
1. Incarnate
A. embodied in flesh
B. seemingly correct
C. covered with spots
D. crowned in glory
2. Postulate
Something claimed as a
A. justification
B. fact
C. temporary condition
D. worthy objective
3. Reciprocal
A. supportive
B. enhancing
C. mutual
D. acceptable
4. Supposition
A. rejection
B. acceptance
C. notice
D. assumption
5. Nexus
A. connection
B. outer covering
C. centre
D. root
6. Sceptic
One inclined to
A. contradict
B. express doubt
C. accept
D. reject
7. Premise
A statement regarded as
A. a truism
B. a request
C. an underlying
D. an insult
8. Microcosm
A. simplified version
B. prolonged explanation
C. essential item
D. miniature
9. Paradox
Statement that is
A. seemingly contradictory
B. hard to believe
C. altered in a hurry
D. unbelievable
10. Syllogism
Conclusion based on
A. faith
B. assertions
C. evidence
D. hearsay
11. Transcend
A. to replace
B. to exterminate
C. to rise beyond
D. to interfere with
12. Ascetic
A. self-confident
B. selfish
C. unselfish
D. self-denying
13. Discourse
A. long talk
B. examination
C. revelation
D. analysis
14. Extrinsic
A. essential
B. not belonging to
C. closely related
D. uncertain
15. Surrealism
Movement that explores
A. irrationality
B. reality
C. illusion
D. the expression of the subconscious
16. Apt
A. suitable
B. unsuitable
C. official
D. unofficial
17. Unheralded
A. expected
B. unexpected
C. imagined
D. careless
18. Faze
A. to challenge
B. to submit
C. to disturb
D. to reject
19. Enrapture
A. to encircle
B. fall in love
C. to take over
D. delight
20. Dog
A. to follow persistently
B. watch over
C. be faithful
D. to show off
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. A
6. B
7. C
8. D
9. A
10. B
11. C
12. D
13. A
14. B
15. D
16. A
17. B
18. C
19. D
20. A
10 – 14 Correct: Good
15 – 17 Correct: Excellent
18 – 20 Correct: Exceptional