AA Academically and professionally qualified well-mannered son from respectable Govi/Buddhist or Catholic family is sought by Govi/Buddhist family for their daughter born in 1990,5’5” and she holds a Bachelor’s degree & reading MBA. She holds a Managerial position in a leading multinational organization. Consider both local & foreign proposals. Kindly reply with family details & horoscope to: marriageproposalst@gmail.comor Contact via 0714424324 /0112773576.
AA beautiful University Senior Lecturer PhD,1987 born 5’ 4”,Colombo Sinhala Christian. Email: pinky872023@gmail.com
AA CO/district Govi /Catholic parents seek an academically qualified permanently employed partner for their daughter,separated as an innocent party with no encumbrances,1985-Sep/5’2”,permanently employed IT company,academic qualifications: BSc /PGD/MBA. Overseas living people are also welcome & willing to migrate. Inherits assets including houses and plantations & a vehicle in Colombo district. Please forward your son’s horoscope or birth time & full family details. marriage.proposals.2024@gmail.com
AA Muslim parents from Dehiwala seek professionally qualified partner for their daughter 27 plus 5’3”,CIMA qualified and employed. sirtthy05@gmail.com
Able above 5’ 7’ tall,smart,well built partner,40-50,a well qualified professional or a businessman,financially well established,TT/NS,fluent in English from a respectable professional or business family is sought by G/B well educated,professional affluent family,for only daughter,very fair,slim 5’ 3” tall,considered very beautiful and charming. Foreign qualified well employed with an excellent command in English. Substantial assets. A partner who is planning to live in Sri Lanka preferred. Caste religion differences immaterial. Divorced,innocent party considered. Email: serendib44@gmail.com
About daughter 1986 born,5’4” fair pretty educated at a leading school in Colombo 7,MBA,BBA,LLB qualified,Attorney-at-Law,Lawyer by profession,G/B mother seeks a suitable partner. Divorced after a short marriage with no encumbrances. Inherits assets. Reply to: mpropsw19@gmail.com
Academically and professionally accomplished,handsome son preferably living in Australia or overseas is sought by affluent,respectable,BG parents living in Australia,son has to be 5’8” tall or above,proposed daughter is slim,fair and beautiful,5’5” tall,born 1993,undergraduate,MBA and well employed in a global organization. Reply with family details to wedprop77@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified caring son from a respectable family is sought by B/G retired teacher mother for her pretty slim daughter 5’2” born in 1994. She is a National School English Teacher. Inherits substantial assets. Email: vivahamh@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified caring son from respectable family sought by G/B respectable parents from Colombo suburb for their 1990 born 5’ 8” tall well accomplished kind MBBS qualified doctor daughter attached to Govt. Hospital in Colombo. Please reply with details and a copy of the horoscope to: mproposalp90@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified son sought by Bodu/Govi professional parents residing in Western Province. Proposed daughter is employed in a multinational company in Sri Lanka in the finance field. Graduated from a UK University and currently reading for an MBA (UK),she is 28 years,5’ 4” in height. Reply with horoscope and family details. Email: 1994mpropjul@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified well mannered NS/TT son from a respectable family is sought by Sinhala,Buddhist,Govi professional parents residing in Colombo for their daughter,born in 1996 slim,fair,pretty,5’ 4”. Educated in a leading Buddhist school in Colombo,employed in a reputed international firm. She has completed BA (Hons) degree in Business Management,CIM and is currently reading for MBA. She inherits substantial assets. Only sister is an undergraduate in a state university. If interested,please respond with family details and horoscope. Email: ngp8293@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified well-mannered son is sought by G/B mother for their pretty,religious and decent well-mannered daughter who is a postgraduate from UK university employed in a leading international financial organisation. Born 1985 height 5’3”. Please reply with horoscope to: p.pitiya@yahoo.com
Academically and professionally qualified (IT professionals /Engineers are preferred) handsome son from a respectable family is sought by B/G parents for their well mannered daughter. She is an Associate Technical Lead,working in a well reputed IT company in Sri Lanka. She is holding a BSc (Hons) Computer Engineering degree (Engineer) and MSc from state universities. She is slim,kind,caring,born in 1993,5’2”. Please respond with contact details and horoscope. Email : proposal.kawi@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified,caring and well-mannered son sought by Buddhist parents living in Canada,for their daughter. She is slim,pretty,smart and kind. She was born in April 1994. She completed her undergraduate degree and Masters in leading universities in North America and currently working in Canada. Please send family details and horoscope to: sproposal38@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified,well-mannered,tall,handsome doctor son born and living in Australia,or in a Western country willing to settle down in Australia with similar age group and equal family backgrounds is sought by Govi,Buddhist professional parents from Australia for their Australian born and raised,Australian qualified Medical doctor daughter. She is very pretty,slim,fair and well accomplished,36,5’6” tall and employed in a major hospital in Australia. Please reply with family details,a horoscope,contact information email only. proposal4auz@gmail.com
Academically professionally qualified son sought by respectable G/B parents from Colombo suburb for their MBBS doctor daughter 37 yrs. 5’ 4” pretty,fair with pleasing personality. Reply family details email: malanigunawardena@gmail.com
Academically qualified partner (prefer IT) willing to relocate (Europe),sought by G/B parents for fair daughter 36,5’ 4”,BSc Engineer (Software),MBA,well employed. Reply with details and horoscope. luckypropose@gamil.com
Academically,professionally qualified son sought by S/B/D parents for their daughter educated leading school Colombo,graduated,employed in Australia and inherits substantial assets. Born 1996,5’1” height and slim fair in complexion. Reply with horoscope. srilankanproposal77@gmail.com
An educated,well mannered son from a similar background sought by B/G affluent business parents from Kurunegala district for their daughter 1997 born,5’2”,pretty and slim BBA (Hons) graduate. Inherits substantial wealth. Businessman,engineer,doctor preferred. Those who are willing to migrate also preferred. Email: marriageprop97@gmail.com
Australian,Catholic,Sinhala parents seek a well educated professionally qualified son for their only daughter. Born in 1989,pretty,slim unblemished character. Height 5’. Australian qualified medical doctor (MBBS,FRACGP). Please send full family details to: cbn2022@yahoo.com
A caring and loving sister is seeking a suitable partner for her younger sister currently residing in Melbourne Australia. She is a dual citizen, born in 1970, divorced and has two grown up children. She is educated, vivacious and has an outgoing personality, She is kind, loving and has a generous heart. She is looking for a Catholic/Christian companion who is age between 47-55, financially independent, non-smoking, open minded, keen on health and fitness and who loves to travel and explore the world. Please email to [email protected].
A loving sister is seeking a suitable partner for her younger sister currently residing in Melbourne,Australia. Born in 1970,divorced and has two grown up children. She is educated,vivacious and has an outgoing personality,she is kind,loving and has a generous heart and is looking for a Catholic/Christian,non- smoking partner age between 47-55. She is currently in Sri Lanka,please email to flwurhrt70@gmail.com
A suitable son is sought by G/B retired parents in Colombo suburbs for daughter fair,slim,younger looking,1981/08,5’ 5”. She is well-employed with BSc,MSc,owns/inherits assets. Divorced as innocent party without kids after a short marriage. mproposals552@gmail.com011 2910869
BG parents seek an academically and professionally qualified son for their daughter 1988 September,fair,slim,5’7” BSc,MBA,Senior QA Engineer. marriagepr2023@gmail.com
Bodu Deva mother seeks an educated professionally qualified son for a national school English medium teacher,5’ 5”,1992,slim. Preferably residing in US,Canada or Australia or willing to migrate. proposalcan92@gmail.com
Bodu Govi respectable parents from Western Province seek academically and professionally qualified caring son for their Australian citizen daughter 1992 January 5’ 6” with BSc MSc IT professional with permanent employment at Perth. She is beautiful and well mannered with wealth. Email: asinghe1992@yahoo.com
Brother seeks a suitable groom for his youngest sister born in 1992,height 5’ 2” and parents are deceased. She is employed as an Accounts Executive Sales and Marketing in MAS Holding,graduated from University of Wayamba,BSc in Business Management,CIM qualified and MBA qualified (recently). She’s in the process of migrating to Australia. Please contact: shivanmpd87@gmail.comfor further details.
Buddhist parents living in the USA seek professionally qualified,well-accomplished son in the USA preferred. For educated a very pretty smart 1992 - 5’3” daughter who qualified to beauty design criteria. Please reply with the details T2023proposal@gmail.com
B/G father (business) mother (teacher) seeking an educated son for their well educated only daughter 20+,5’4”,fair beautiful studied at leading school Colombo,following IT degree in private university. sandun68gunawardena@gmail.com0112182690.
B/G parents in Colombo district seek a son living in Australia for their attractive,highly qualified daughter permanent resident and employed as Digital Manager in a reputed organization in Australia,35 years,5’ 3”,divorced as innocent party; no kids. Reply with details. sanathb1962@gmail.com
B/G parents looking for an educated good partner for their daughter. 88 born,5’7”,International School Teacher... Done with CIMA,Masters and Degree (First Class),having her own institute. Flexible for migration also on partner’s consent. Reply with details. marriagep339@gmail.com
B/G respectable parents in up country seek educated,smart son with good character from a good family background for their daughter born in 1995,5’3”,very pretty Engineer,doing her Masters in Canada. Only brother is an Engineer in UK. marprop782@gmail.com
B/G Sinhala father and Filipino mother from Colombo seek a kind and established son with good family background for their only daughter. Born in 1987,5’2”,never married,raised in Europe and living in Sri Lanka since 2015. She is fair in complexion and currently employed as a Manager in a British company. Preference is a son below 40 years of age with open minded attitude and personality. Please e-mail to: proposal8708@gmail.comwith your family details.
B/G,Colombo Engineer/Doctor parents seek a suitable son for their elder daughter,born in 1998,who is a fourth year medical student in a State University. She is pretty,smart and studied in a leading girls’ school in Colombo. Her younger sister is studying Medicine in a foreign university. Please reply with horoscope and other details. asokahewa@gamil.com
B/K,5’ 4” born 1967,IT graduate fair,pleasant looking employed in government school in Colombo and inherits house and other assets. Sister seeks an educated partner. chakaru31@gmail.com
Canadian Catholic parents seek a caring son for their only daughter. She is fair,slim,5’2” tall,attractive,brought up with Sri Lankan values and inherits substantial assets. She was born in 1997 February. She graduated with Hons. Bachelor of Fine Arts,and Bachelor of Education and OCT (Ontario College of Teachers) qualifications in reputed universities in Canada. She is currently working as an elementary school teacher with the district school board,Ontario. She is also a professional artist and working as an art instructor at the local Art Gallery. Her passion and interests are painting,photography,music,etc. We are looking for an academically qualified son preferably living in Canada,USA or willing to migrate to Canada. Email: profordaughter1997@gmail.com
Catholic Sinhala parents seek son for daughter born 1993,height 5’4” holding professional qualifications living and working in the UK. Inherits valuable assets. Email: mprop933@gmail.comTel. 0112732682
Christian parents seek a kind hearted,understanding educated partner for their pretty,smart daughter,brought up to treasure Sinhala Christian values. She is Australian born (1992) & has a degree in Health Science. She was diagnosed recently with trauma,but it is under control and she is employed. It is not by birth. She will inherit substantial assets in OZ. If you are able to look beyond these minor shortcomings please reply with full details. mprop2020au@gmail.com
Christian parents seek a son for their academically qualified daughter working at a government school as an English teacher. Age 35 height 5’ 2”. Reply with family details 045 2287741 ashersharon476@gmail.com
Colombo B/V parents seek a suitably educated son for their pretty daughter born in 1986,5’ 2”,MBA graduate. Employed as a Head of a Department in Hospital Sector. Legally divorced with no children as the complained party. (chndrawad58@gmail.com)
Colombo District partner is sought for a graduate IT Engineer with respectable family background. She is beautiful and had her school education at a leading Buddhist girls’ school. Parents and only sister are Senior Executives. B.Eng. (Electronics),Masters/IT (Colombo). 1989/3,Bodu/Govi,5’ 3”. Opportunities available to settle in Canada. Inherits very valuable assets. Parents seek a suitable partner with good qualities and healthy family background. Contact: 077 2849850 hgama2015@gmail.com
Colombo G/B 16.10.1966 5’6” Chartered Accountant divorced. No encumbrances,professionals preferred. Age 56-58 yrs preferred. 0773277515 /0112823185. marriageproposal_2023@yahoo.com
Colombo graduate parents,father convert senior retired public officer and mother,Moor seek a professionally qualified son for their daughter 31,Software Engineer and Canadian PR holder,employed in an international firm. She is 5’,fair complexioned and well- mannered. Moderate Muslims with similar background preferred. Email: marriageproposals195@gmail.com
Doctor parents B/G seeking a groom preferably a medical doctor for their daughter 27 yrs,5’ 2” pleasant broad minded engaged in postgraduate studies. Please reply with horoscope. Email: 1957sensith@gmail.com
Engineer brother from USA seeks a partner for sister unmarried born in 1977 looks 30 years. She is BSc and MSc holder with assets including a house from Colombo. Prefer a partner around 45-50 Engineer/Doctor/Banker. 011 2871436 gunarathnaindrani45@gmail.com
For our daughter BG,35,5”,fair,pretty,international school teacher,divorced with a child. Parents seeking an educated,kind hearted son. Please email details with horoscope. Email: mprop1111@gmail.com
Govi Buddhist parents are seeking an educated,well-mannered partner for their only daughter who is a Physician in the United States. She is 5’ 2”,attractive and 32 years of age. Please reply with details to: marriageproposal033@gmail.comor write to this advertisement.
G/B retired parents seek an academically /professionally qualified caring partner with sober habits for 37+,5’4”,slim,fair,pretty,caring,accomplished young looking daughter employed as a Consultant (Doctor) who divorced from a brief marriage as the plaintiff. No encumbrances. She owns substantial assets and motor car. Reply with all true details,contact number and horoscope. proposalm453@gmail.com
Kandyan Sinhala educated R.C mother and non Christian father in Colombo suburb seek a Catholic/Christian qualified son from a respectable family preferably a practicing lawyer age 26-30 years from Colombo/Gampaha districts,for their fair and pretty daughter a practicing lawyer studied at a Colombo leading school,born in 1996,height 5’ 3”. Other professions could be considered. Priority would be same profession. Email full details to: slproposal078@gmail.com
Kandy Bodu Govi upcountry respectable family seeks a suitable,educated kind hearted same caste partner for their daughter. May 1990 born,height 5’ 2”,only child fair and pretty,well mannered,pleasant and caring. Brought up according to traditional Buddhist values. She studied at a leading girls’ college in Kandy. She obtained her first degree and master’s degree (MSc in Microbiology) from Sri Lankan national universities. Currently she is reading for PhD in the USA. Write details with horoscope Kuja/Shani in 1,2,4,7,8 preferable. kandypropo90@gmail.com
Moor parents from Rajagiriya looking for a professionally qualified moderate religious teetotaller partner for their daughter foreign qualified Dental Surgeon Doctor completed her Sri Lanka medical council exam and waiting for her internship in Sri Lanka. Presently working Sri Lanka Army Hospital,Colombo,born in 1995,27+,5’3” studied at a leading girls’ school in Colombo. Looking from Colombo /suburbs. Phone No. 011-2884222 /0777740429. Email : akm.rezvi@gmail.com
Moor parents seek a partner for their daughter 35 years,unmarried,Business Management and Master’s Degree holder,employed as a teacher in a leading school,preferable if groom is below 42 years. noormufliha786@gmail.com
Moor parents seek Muslim groom for their daughter government banker,born in 1990 fair,slim,5’ 6” height. Divorced after very brief marriage. Contact No. 2534396
Muslim decent family from Colombo District seeks qualified with good qualities bride groom for our well educated young look 29 years old beautiful daughter. abdulsma1950@gmail.com
Parents are looking for a simple,honest,educated,Buddhist son with a steady income for our 1994 born beautiful 5’4” daughter studied in English medium and now working in the private sector. Call: 045-3134934 with horoscope details.
Parents hailing from a respectable Roman Catholic Down South family with assets for their good looking daughter a Lawyer,36 years,5’ 5”,practicing in Colombo,seek a partner of equal social status with a steady income. mproposal1015@gmail.com
Parents seek an educated partner for 22 years old,height 5’3” graduated (Business Management) daughter a permanent resident in England. For further details contact sarath12@live.com081-2210256.
Parents (teachers) reside in Colombo,home town Matara,B/G/K,seek educated,professionally qualified,virtuous son for their daughter,1992,5’4”,Accountancy Special graduate,MBA,CIMA,working in an international company as an Accountant. She inherits considerable properties,only brother is a Software Engineer,non malefic horoscope. weddingprop29@gmail.com
Professionally qualified parents B/G/K seek a suitably qualified partner for their 27 yrs old pretty kind hearted,5’ 2” daughter currently doing postgraduate studies overseas. Please respond with details and horoscope. Email: mwb1956apas@gmail.com
Respectable Bodu Govi family from Kandy looking for a suitable groom for MSc qualified daughter (5’3”) born in October 1990. Presently a PhD student in Ireland. Prefer grooms living in the UK or Ireland. Please reply with a copy of horoscope and family details. marriage2023in@gmail.com
Respectable Roman Catholic parents seek for their daughter from a Roman Catholic family their son a groom. She is residing in UK and working as research fellow qualified PhD (Chemistry) post doctorate born 1990/11 height 5’ 6” good looking the groom must be employed in UK and residing,for more details email: cahjp2022@gmail.com
Respectable,retired B/K parents from a Colombo suburb seek a suitable,employed,NS/TT,tall,handsome son for their only daughter (5’5”),born in 1990. She studied at Musaeus College,Colombo & holds an MSc. in Computer Science. she is presently working as a Senior Software Engineer in a reputed company. Caste immaterial. Reply with horoscope and family details to : mprop490@gmail.com
Roman Catholic respectable Sinhala Karawa parents from Colombo seek a suitable partner,professional preferably a Doctor/Engineer tall,handsome with sober habits below 29 years for future marriage to their 25 years old 5’ 4” height,fair,slim and beautiful final year Sri Lankan University Medical student daughter studied in a leading Catholic Convent in Colombo. Send family details. Email: perera4076@yahoo.com
Seeking good natured,well educated,professionally qualified partner for doctor daughter 5’5”,30y/o,Hindu Vellala,Colombo. Please contact: brightrays22@gmail.com
Sinhala Buddhist professional parents living in Australia looking for a suitable partner for the eldest daughter medical intern 5’4’’ aged 32. The future son should be kind hearted,family oriented and willing to settle down in Australia or overseas. MBBS Doctor /MD /Engineer /Lawyer /Accountant or a professional pamh6100@gmail.com
Sinhala Roman Catholic professional parents seek an educated and well employed Catholic partner,aged below 36 years,for their 1992 August born,height 5’ 3”,fair,attractive,convent educated daughter presently employed as a Junior Executive Officer in a private commercial bank. She is qualified Banker (IBSL),possesses a degree in Business Management (UK),MBA (EU). She possesses substantial assets including her own vehicle. Sri Lankans employed overseas are also considered. Reply with family details. Email: proposalsrct@gmail.com
Sinhalese,Buddhist,Karawa retired parents residing in Canada seek a professionally qualified son for their eldest daughter,born in 1985. She is an MBBS graduate and currently working in a government hospital in Sri Lanka,brought up with Sri Lankan Buddhist values. Please reply with family details,horoscope and contact numbers. marriageproposalsmd@gmail.com/034-2236132 /0777 990888.
South Bodu Govi residing in Western Province age 25,5’2” slim pleasant younger daughter educated at an international school,BSc from the University of Melbourne and MSc from the University of West London,currently engaged in the family business while working as a Medical Transcriptionist. Father who owns a well-known company in printing related industry and mother (teacher) seek an equally educated,below 30 years,non-smoking teetotaller son in the same caste. Copy of horoscope and other details to: proposals0303@gmail.comPreferred horoscopes to suit Mula 1 Nekatha,Raksha Gana.
S/B professional parents in the USA seek a suitable son for their pretty daughter with good manners and character. She is a medical doctor by profession,age 31 and 5’1” tall. She inherits substantial assets. We are looking for an educated,loving and caring person. Please reply to : kbandara1120@gmail.com
1991/December,B/G respectable family in Matara district,our daughter is graduated from Karapitiya medical /F. She is now working in Government Hospital in Colombo as a Doctor,height 5’ 5.5” She is very kind,fair,pretty and religious calm and quite character,parents seeking well mannered,mindful,qualified son or degree holding businessman also accepted,reply with full details and horoscope. 0412273271 - ckmabeyrathna@gmail.com
1993 Australian citizen 5’2” BSc graduate currently studying postgraduate medicine at reputed university in Western Australia. B/G parents from Colombo seek an academically and professionally qualified well-mannered Sinhala son at the age between 30-35 citizen or PR holder and residing in Australia with good family background. Kindly reply with family details and contact details along with horoscope. Email: abeykoonsandya@gmail.comTel: 0112871187.
1995 BG respectable parents seek a suitable Doctor /Engineer partner living in UK or willing to live in UK for their pretty kind-hearted BSc Eng. Moratuwa,5’3” daughter attending PhD in UK. mprop954@gmail.com