A new phase of reforms in the educational system of Government schools will be introduced under six phases from next year and the first phase will come into effect in the administrative sector, Education Minister Dr. Susil Premajayantha said.
The number of Educational Zones will be increased to 120 and 550 new school boards will be set up countrywide to streamline the school administrative system. At present, there are only 100 educational zones in the island, the Minister told the Sunday Observer.
Artificial Intelligence will be a subject for Grade 10 students in all Government schools from next year. A vast transformation in the educational sphere of Sri Lanka will be effected under the guidance of UNESCO. All Government school teachers will be given training in technology too, he said. The Minister said an unhealthy trend of challenging our culture and age-old customs seems to be entering the schools and we are now faced with the challenge of protecting young students from being dragged into unethical social and cultural practices by way of modern fashions and styles. “Unwholesome food items are also found in school canteens and those instant and junk food affect our students’ health.”
Free cookery equipment is being distributed among Government schools to prepare nutritious meals for students, the Minister added.