About my son: professionally qualified, BSc (Moratuwa), MSc (UK) Engineer son, born August 1983, 5’7” handsome working as an Electronics & Telecommunication Engineer in Europe (just came to Sri Lanka for holidays). Academically and professionally qualified caring, pretty daughter from a respectable family is sought by B/G/K respectable retired teacher mother (Colombo suburb). All family members are university graduates. Please reply with family details and horoscope. mproposalr1983@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified caring and well mannered daughter is sought by Sinhala Buddhist parents for their son born in 1992 May, 5’11” tall with a smart and pleasant personality, Electronic & Telecommunication Engineer completed Masters, residing in Australia, past student of a leading school in Colombo. Reply with family details and horoscope to : 224proposal@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified, fair, slim, kind hearted, well mannered daughter is sought by Sinhala B/G respectable parents for their son who was born in January 1989, 5’6”, height, N/S, T/T, Senior Engineer professional in a reputed Software Company. Please reply with family details, a Facebook link, and a horoscope strictly compatible with B/G and Shani at the 7th House. mproposal646@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified, kind and pretty daughter is sought by respectable Sinhalese Buddhist parents living in USA for their only son, born October 1995 in Hawaii, 5’9”, fair, handsome graduated reputed University in Hawaii, Master’s degree for business and marketing currently working as a Financial Analyst, parents are business owners caste is immaterial. Reply only those who are willing to migrate to USA. slking62@gmail.com 0018087281624 / 011-2721745, 0702817934.
Academically professionally qualified well mannered pretty kind hearted below 37 Christian partner sought by sister for her brother Govi / Christian Consultant Doctor residing in Colombo, 74 December born, 5’6” in height, very handsome young looking (divorcee, innocent party no encumbrances). Very respectable family, parents were Government Teachers (deceased) siblings all are Doctors and Lawyers. Please email relevant details which will be treated as confidential to alphazero92@yahoo.com
Academically qualified well mannered pretty bride, close to Kandy & Colombo sought by parents from Kandy for their son 38 yrs., 5’11” tall, very smart Senior Engineer in global company UK. Studied at leading Schools in Kandy and Colombo. Inherits substantial assets. (House in UK), those who are living in UK and planning to move to UK are preferred. Reply with family details and horoscope copy. proposaluk2020@gmail.com or by post.
Academically qualified well-mannered kind caring pretty daughter below 38 is sought by respectable Sinhala Buddhist mother for her youngest son 47 years, 6’ tall, fair, handsome, kind-hearted, NS/TT. Legally divorced. Working abroad for a reputed multinational company at a Senior Management position. Well established. Graduated in Business Administration and holder of MBA. He owns substantial assets in Sri Lanka. Caste immaterial & Catholic will be considered. He is expecting to come back to Sri Lanka for a vacation by mid of December. Reply with family details & horoscope to ckw318644@gmail.com
Academically qualified, kind-hearted and well-mannnered daughter, preferably below 28 years of age, is sought by a Roman Catholic family from Nugegoda for the only handsome son, born in 1991 - 5’8” in height. He has a BSc (Honors) in IT from SLIIT and has studied in International Schools. Currently, he is working as a Network and Systems Engineer (Level 2) in an Australian Telecommunications Company. He will inherit substantial assets. Please provide with full family details & a copy of the horoscope. Willing to live in Canada for short period will be an added advantage. Email: proposal3731@gmail.com
Academically qualified, pleasant and well-mannered B/G daughter sought for 1991 born, BG, 5’5” son by teacher mother from Gampaha - Mirigama. He is MSc qualified, N/S, T/T and employed as an Airline Manager. Only child and inherits substantial assets. Reply with horoscope to: prop91m@gmail.com
America - An educated and pretty daughter is sought by the retired Government servant mother for her son who was educated at one of the most leading schools in Colombo and a state University in Sri lanka (BSc, MSc) and now reading for the PhD in Computer Engineering in USA, Buddhist Govi, born in 1985, 5’4” in height, non smoker teetotaller. Only brother who married a medical doctor is an Engineer. 038-2232212, 0382296058 / +94775854683 (Whatsapp only). proposals4tpa@gmail.com
An academically & professionally qualified, well mannered, loving, pretty, slim daughter sought by Sinhala, Buddhist parents living in New Zealand for our son, born 1994, 5’11’’ tall, handsome with an excellent character. He is currently working in leading company in NZ. Please reach us at proposalnz94@gmail.com with your daughter’s horoscope and family details.
A caring daughter who is academically and professionally qualified is sought by Christian parents for their son born in 1988, 5’8”, handsome, non smoker and teetotaller. He is professionally qualified in Marketing and currently working as an Asst. Marketing Manager in a leading Private Company in Colombo, only sister is working as a Financial Controller. The proposed son inherits substantial assets. Please email / call (after 6.30 p.m.) with details to TP: 0114046190. prop.groom21@gmail.com
A caring daughter who is academically and professionally qualified is sought by Christian parents for their son born in 1988, 5’8’’, handsome, non-smoker and teetotaller. He is professionally qualified in Marketing and currently working as an Asst. Marketing Manager in a leading private company in Colombo. Only sister is working as a Financial Controller. The proposed son inherits substantial assets. Please email/call (after 6.30 p.m.) with details to TP: 011-4046190 prop.groom21@gmail.com
A friend seeks a kind hearted educated pleasant girl for 1982 height 5’10” Sinhala Roman Catholic dual citizen of Australia and Sri Lanka divorced, professionally qualified working as Cook in Sri Lanka, interested parties may contact. hilw4475@gmail.com
A Great Britain an European resident, up country, Bodu, Govi, Business family 38 yrs. old, 5’8’’ height, handsome and having business in Europe is looking for a suitable bride, who’s slim and tall, English speaking, educated and willing to relocate. Email: zxtito01@gmail.com
A kind hearted intellectual daughter is sought for B/G, 1980, 5’8”, Australian citizen, IT Engineer, handsome, kindhearted son with impeccable character. (isand1946@gmail.com) 0342261036.
A pleasant tall daughter is sought by G/B mother for PhD qualified, healthy son, 6ft tall, born in 1973 with sober habits. Employed in USA. Legally separated after very brief marriage with no encumbrances. Reply with horoscope and details. usaproposal333@gmail.com
A pretty looking suitable partner who lives in USA is sought by B/G parents for our son, 34 years, works in USA. Kuja in 1, 2, 4, 7, 8 12 is compatible. ccj10960@gmail.com
A pretty well mannered daughter is sought by B/G parents in Nugegoda for their son 40 years, 5’7” height, Director of his own Company. Write or email to proposall888@gmail.com
A suitable partner, preferably living in the USA is sought by Sinhala parents from Colombo for their son who is a very qualified and a well accomplished professional holding a Senior Managerial Position in a prestigious company in Colombo. He frequently travels to the USA on work and is well acquainted with life and culture in the USA. A teetotaller, non-smoker. He is 47 years old but looks much younger than that. Divorcees are also considered. Please send us your daughter’s details to : sudafer@gmail.com
BG retired parents seek a pretty well-mannered caring daughter for their professionally qualified well-mannered son 5’7”, 32y working as a Financial Analyst in a global Company based in Melbourne. Respond with family details and photos. Prefer someone living in Australia or willing to migrate. melproposal89@gmail.com
BG Western Province well established parents seek academically or professionally qualified fair, pretty, well mannered daughter from same caste between 23-29 for their very smart, T/T, N/S son 30 yrs, 5’5’’ educated at a leading school in Colombo with B Eng. and MSc Engineering UK a consultant at prestigious company in Colombo. Please reply with horoscope and family details. nlmw357@gmail.com
Brides are sought by parents for their sons, 1984 Government Bank Manager, 1987 USA PhD following son, 1995 Electrical engineer, 1994 divorced son Graphic Designer PR in Canada. 0113423322. wedgatelanka@gmail.com
Buddhist Govi parents from Colombo suburbs seek a fair slim well-mannered employed daughter below 33 years for their 36 years very handsome 5’8” IT Consultant son youngest of 3 boys. Very caring and family oriented. Caste religion immaterial. Foreign Nationals also considered. Divorced from very short incompatible marriage. No encumbrances reply with horoscope and family details. Email : mprop4579@gmail.com
Buddhist parents seek an educated daughter born or brought up in UK for their UK born son, fair, handsome, 36, 5’10”, Global Director in one of the world’s largest ICT Companies (Technology). Owns property. Assets in UK, Sri Lanka. Only those living in UK. email: to ranj585@hotmail.com
Buddhist Salagama, NSTT Colombo educated son, IT Engineer, 33, 5’5” handsome, dual national, currently in Sri Lanka, inherits house, caste irrespective, qualified bride Kuja 7, Desire UK settlement. marrproposalmj@yahoo.co.uk
Buddhist / Karawa parents from a respectable family from Kalutara District seek employed, academically qualified, pretty, well-mannered daughter, brought up with Buddhist values, from a respectable family for their son, born in 1991. Graduated from University of Moratuwa, employed as a Software Engineer at a reputed software company in Colombo, N/S, T/T. Father retired Engineer, mother retired school administrator, sister and brother are both Engineers. Kindly reply with horoscope of daughter, giving particulars of her and family and contact details to: prop.response2021@gmail.com
Buddhist, Govi respectable parents from Colombo seek a beautiful and educated daughter from a respectable family for their only son, 27 yrs. (12/1993), 5’9’’, handsome, Colombo Royalist, Business Management graduate, working as an Executive in a reputed firm, inherits properties and assets exceeding a large amount. Father, university professor and mother, teacher in a leading girls’ school in Colombo. Please send full family details and contact number to; proposals1612@gmail.com
Buddhist, Govi, respectable parents from Colombo seek a pretty daughter from a respectable family for their elder son, 46 years, 5’10”, handsome, working as a Manager in an IT company, divorced or widowed, even with a child also could consider. Please send family details along with the horoscope to: slproposals26@gmail.com
B/G respectable parents seek to introduce a suitable partner from a similar background for their academically and professionally qualified handsome son, 29 yrs., 5’10”, permanent resident and well employed in Australia. If not already resident in Australia, must be willing to migrate long term. View friendship leading to marriage if all goes well. Please respond to: proposal0992@gmail.com with all details and horoscope.
B/V never married Technical Officer in Piliyandala working in Civil Construction field with NCT and with good family background is in search for a bride, preferably with permanent job. Age 52, willing to perform merits whenever possible. Non-smoker almost TT and possess some extent of assets. Kindly reply with family details and horoscope. Persons living abroad and divorcees innocent party are considered. Email : caluthwala@gmail.com
Christian fair beautiful bride is sought by Govi parents for their only son, holding a PhD in Engineering field. 34 yrs, 5’9”. Please reply with full details. Non-RC Christians only. Email: mestj2021@gmail.com
Christian parents seek an academically and professionally qualified pretty daughter for their son. Born in 1973, height 5’4”, fair, professionally qualified BSc in IT, PR holding in Singapore, working as an IT professional. Please reply with details to: mproposal125@gmail.com
Colombo Bodu Govi parents seek a fair pretty well-educated daughter for their son 1986 height 5’9” working in a leading bank managerial level studied at leading school in Colombo [CMA Australia MBA UK DBF CIMA] qualified. Pl. reply with the family details, Contact No. & horoscope. Contact: 0117322455. Email: dug2020prop@gmail.com
Colombo Bodu G/D parents seek a suitable daughter for their son with exemplary character N/S, T/T born in February 1987, height 6’5” educated at a leading Buddhist School in Colombo. BSc. Special Degree from University of Colombo, CMA - ACMA and CFA. Employed at an Investment Bank. A non-malefic horoscope. Please forward the relevant details, contact number and the copy of the horoscope. dulshimp@gmail.com
Colombo suburb Buddhist educated business parents seek a well-mannered pretty daughter from a respectable family for our younger son 1995, 5’9” pleasant handsome educated in a leading school in Colombo. Graduated from Uni. of Colombo (Mgt) working for a reputed company. NS/TT. He will inherit income generating 4 storeyed commercial building, a house and more. wida2141@gmail.com 0112-545526.
Educated Buddhist parents from Colombo seek well-mannered pretty daughter for their son. He is 30 years, 5’8”. Software Engineer, BSc. (Special) and MSc. Holder. Inherits a big wealth. (Assets over 30 million). Caste differences are immaterial. Executives, Doctors, Accountants, Software Engineers preferred. Kindly reply with family details and horoscope to : ppcc25@yahoo.com
Govigama Buddhist respectable Kandyan parents looking for their 26 yrs. old Engineer son a pretty educated girl from a respectable family.
Honest, well mannered, virtuous daughter with dowry is sought for Western Province Govi, Buddhist, born in 1983, height 5’5”, tall, handsome younger son employed in permanent cadre in Govt. Banking service possessing house and property. 077 2061030. 077@gmail.com
I am a British citizen and an Engineer employed in UK, age 45, height 5’6”, fair, good looking and slim, I hold a bachelor degree BEng (Hons.). I am currently looking for a pretty and educated girl to get married who is willing to immigrate to the UK. I have never been married before. I am only interested in the person therefore your wealth, caste or dowry will not be considered. When you reply, please include as much details as possible such as age, height, education and employment details etc. You should be willing to exchange pictures. Horoscope can be matched if required. If interested, send your reply to: ukproposal55@gmail.com
K/B respectable parents seek a kind and educated daughter for their MBA qualified son who is engaged in family business. 31 yrs 5’11’’ in height, smart looks much younger. He inherits valuable assets. humblebride61@gmail.com
Mother seeks professionally qualified daughter living in the USA for son 5’8’’ born in 1984. He has Masters in Management, Marketing and Accountancy and holds a Senior Managerial post at P.W.C. Caste, race, religion immaterial. E-mail: indrani49@hotmail.com
Muslim Colombo-5 educated religious family seeks a family oriented educated graceful religious Bride from a religious respectable family for their well-accomplished son 25 years old, 6 feet tall, pleasant, smart and religious B.Eng. Civil (Honors) Australia currently pursuing M.Eng. holding managerial position in a reputed Engineering Company in Malaysia. Our email: nikah786@zohomail.com
Parents seek a bride with unblemished character only below 30 yrs. for their son, born 1981, Dr. in England, soon to be a medical specialist, 5'7'' teetotaller & into filming industry. [email protected] email replies only. G170812
Professionally qualified daughter preferably in the USA or willing to migrate is sought by B/G respectable Medical professional parents from Colombo for their Medical Doctor son born in 1993/6 and 5’9” tall following Masters in Healthcare Administration while working, Green Card Holder in the USA. Dhanu Lagna no Kuja no Rahu Dosha non-malefic horoscope, reply with family details horoscope. mplanka329@gmail.com +94112080641.
Professionally qualified kind daughter who loves spirituality is sought by Sinhala BG parents from Gampaha for their 40 years old 5’11” handsome son, qualified Senior Software Engineer, currently working in Colombo with six figure good salary. Owns two storeyed house and a luxury car. Australian PR holder. Legally separated after brief incompatible marriage. No encumbrances. Kuja 2, Kalasarpa. Reply with horoscope to : wijayaproposal655@gmail.com
RC, Banker has worked abroad well qualified, educated in Colombo private school, 58 years height 5’8” J/Tamil studied in Sinhala medium, not married before, looking for a suitable partner. Email - nimeshp5@yahoo.com
Respectable B/G business family seeking partner for 93/12 born son, smart well mannered educated in leading Colombo school and studied in UK. Presently director of our well established family business. We are looking for caring, pretty daughter from respectable business family with similar background. Email: mprop274@gmail.com horoscope and details.
Roman Catholic father seeks a fair, kind & pretty Catholic bride for their divorced son - no encumbrances born in 1969 height 5’2”, fair, pleasant, kind, working overseas. Please reply with your family details to : maapro69@gmail.com Contact on 0112246780. Those living Overseas are welcome.
Sinhala Buddhist Canadian parents seek an academically and professionally qualified, beautiful daughter fluent in English, age between 26 and 29 years from a respectable family, willing to migrate to Canada for their handsome caring son with an exciting personality born in October 1989, 5’4”, Aerospace Engineer (MSc.), broughtup in Europe and currently working in Canada for a leading Aircraft Company. Kuja 7th house. Please reply with family details and a copy of the horoscope to : hema.ana.8953@gmail.com
Sinhala Buddhist parents living in Brisbane seek an educated daughter currently working or studying in Australia for their 26 yrs., 5’7”, non-smoker and teetotaller son. He is an Engineer in a Consulting Firm in Brisbane. Reply with full details to Email : proposal9598@hotmail.com
Sinhala Buddhist professional parents seek a suitable daughter for their son from a respectable family. Engineering student in a foreign university 21 years old height 5’10’’ very handsome and disciplined. Forward complete details to: dk2021aus@yahoo.com
Sinhala Roman Catholic father, retired banker, seeks an educated daughter for his fair and handsome son born in 1983 November, 5’5”, working as a Senior Software Engineer in a reputed company with 6 figure salary, holding Degree and Masters in IT (BCS-IT-UK, MSc in Software Engineering - SLIIT). Inherits valuable assets. Religion immaterial. Please email: marprops3@gmail.com
Sri Lankan Buddhist professional family living in Colombo suburbs seeks a New Zealand resident, pretty, slim, fair, well mannered daughter for our only son. He is handsome, fair, 5’6’’, born in 1990, permanent resident working as a Data Analyst at a bank in New Zealand. Reply with your family details, copy of horoscope by email: props990@gmail.com Tel. No. 011-2918198.
Well educated daughter in mid 30’s attractive fair suitably tall modest with genuine human values and Catholic family background down-to-earth, obedient, experienced with household management is sought by Govi Catholic parents in Colombo suburbs for their only son T/T, N/S 1980 born, 5’1” understanding Josephian qualified Chartered Accountant Executive Officer formerly attached to a well known multi national company presently managing father’s family business in Wattala. He inherits a modern house valuable assets, parents both deceased. His uncles foster him. Please contact 0112908698 / lahiruantonsl@gmail.com
Well educated, SBG, 64 years, 5’6”, handsome, employed, divorced (no encumbrances) individual possesses MSc. (Engineering) and MBA Degree from US seeks an educated, kind, slim medium lady from English speaking country or Sri Lanka, held CEO, Director positions in Sri Lanka, dual citizen of Australia, if required willing to relocate. Differences immaterial. newproposal755@gmail.com
Well mannered, pretty daughter is sought by Buddhist mother who is in Kandy for her son who is 5’11” tall born in 1984 and owns Assets currently employed as a Manager at a reputed company in Colombo. Please reply with family details to getday4@gmail.com 0814997509.
1990, 6’2” Engineer son currently lives in Australia following his higher studies and willing to settle in Australia. Only sister Ayurvedic Medical student, fair pretty educated daughter sought by G/B mother for her son, preferred from Australia. Please reply with details contact number and horoscope. marriagepro90@gmail.com
45 years, unmarried, Christian / Catholic coming from a respectable family background, employed in a leading commercial bank in Colombo, completed diploma in international trade, is seeking a kind Christian / Catholic partner (wife) who has a house to settle down. Please reply only through Email: mudaligepriyankara@gmail.com. Please do not send by post.
“A suitable partner is sought by Sinhalese Buddhist parents living in the UK (British Citizens) for their Son who was born in the UK. He is 30yrs old and 5’7”. He has a UK university degree, also CIMA qualified and currently working as a Senior Financial Analyst in London. We are looking for academically and professionally qualified daughter, born and living in the UK with caring, well brought-up family and Buddhist values. Please send horoscope and family details if you are residing in UK to prop199123@gmail.com“