BRIDES | Sunday Observer


26 September, 2021

About daughter 1992 July height 5’2’’ pretty qualified in BA in Interior Architecture,​ and MBA and now working as the Director of family owned company,​ father Deputy Director looking for Buddhist or Christian academically and professionally qualified well mannered son. Kuja 08. Email: n​i​l​m​i​n​i​2​1​k​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Academically and professionally qualified and well mannered son is sought by B/​K retired parents for their daughter 1989,​ 5’ 3.5”,​ IT graduate,​ MBA working as a Senior Software Engineer in a well reputed multinational company in Colombo. Inherits substantial amount of assets including a land from Colombo. Flexible for a migration if necessary. Please reply with horoscope and contact details. Email: m​p​r​o​p​8​9​0​2​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Academically and professionally qualified caring,​well-mannered son sought by Christian mother,​ for her second daughter. She is 5’6’’ tall,​caring and well-mannered,​ qualified,​ pretty,​ employed. She was born in 1990. Reply with family details: p​r​o​p​2​0​2​1​o​c​t​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

Academically and professionally qualified caring,​ well mannered,​ NS/​TT Sinhala Buddhist son sought for 1989 August born daughter of mixed parents. Brought up with Sinhala Buddhist values. She is a slim attractive,​ caring and well mannered,​ Doctor in Government Medical Service. Studied in leading schools in Colombo. Reply with copy of photograph horoscope,​ photograph and family details by email to: p​r​o​p​o​s​j​a​y​a​@​y​a​h​o​o​.​c​o​m​

Academically and professionally qualified employed well-mannered caring son is sought by retired G/​B parents from Colombo suburbs for their pretty well accomplished only daughter. She is well employed with postgraduate qualification from UK University. Also a qualified UK Solicitor. Born in May 86. Height 5’ 8”. Kuja in 7th house but favourable. Prefer a son who can converse fluently in English and has a good personality. Please reply with horoscope to: m​a​n​i​d​e​e​.​p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​@​y​a​h​o​o​.​c​o​m

Academically and professionally qualified son sought by Govi/​ Buddhist/​ Catholic parents from Colombo for their academcially and professionally qualified,​ well occupied only daughter born in 1986. Willing to migrate. Please reply with family and contact details and horoscope (s​r​i​l​a​n​k​a​m​p​r​o​p​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​).

Academically and professionally qualified wellmannered son sought by B/​K parents for their youngest daughter (1999),​ 5’2’’,​ fair,​ pretty,​ studied in Colombo School. Undergraduate (IT). Reply with horoscope and details. m​a​r​r​i​a​g​e​p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​0​0​0​9​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Academically and professionally qualified well mannered son from a respectable family below 31 years; residing in Sri Lanka or abroad is sought by rsepectable G/​B wealthy parents living in Colombo,​ having business here and abroad for their well mannered and educated 25 years old,​ 5’3’’ tall daughter brought up with Buddhist values,​ having studied in a leading Colombo School and in the UK and presently a Directress of a family owned company,​ only brother is studying in the UK,​ reply with copy of horoscope and family details to email: g​r​o​o​m​p​r​o​p​2​0​2​1​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

Academically and professionally qualified well-mannered kind son living in a Western Society minimum 7 years (preferably Australia) is sought by GB family in Melbourne for Australian born 1991,​ 5’6’’ slim fair daughter possessing a Medical Degree. Respond with details and horoscope. h​a​p​p​y​p​r​o​p​o​@​p​r​o​t​o​n​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Academically and professionally qualified,​ a well mannered and kind hearted son from a respectable family is sought by Govi Buddhist retired parents from Galle,​ for their daughter born in 1991,​ fair 5’4” tall,​ following PhD in USA. Reply with family details,​ horoscope and direct contact details. Email: n​g​m​j​6​0​6​2​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Academically and professionally qualified,​ caring,​ employed son between 27 and 33 from a respectable family is sought by middle-class Sinhala,​ Buddhist parents living (Rikillagaskada - Central Province) for their qualified,​ charming daughter. She is 26+ years of age,​ born in 1995,​ and has a BBM (Special) Degree,​ Currently reading her Masters at University of Colombo,​ working as a Lecturer (Temporary) in a state university and a permanent tutor in a UK based Education service provider. Reply with family details,​ horoscope. Contact details: p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​s​i​m​0​9​5​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Academically and professionally qualified,​ good looking,​ caring employed son from a respectable family is sought by Sinhala,​ Bodu,​ Govi parents for 27,​ 5’4’’ pretty,​ Rathnavalian,​ BA (Hons) English USJP,​ State sector permanent. Colombo/​ Gampaha/​ Western Province. Family details,​ name,​ horoscope p​r​o​p​s​l​w​9​4​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​ of son to:

Academically and professionally qualified,​ well mannered,​ caring son is sought by G/​B professional parents,​ father Doctor,​ for their 37 yrs. old 5’3” tall,​ 1983 Dec. born,​ kind,​ pretty graduate daughter,​ employed in a legal firm in London,​ inherits substantial assets in UK and SL,​ willing to settle either in London or Sri Lanka. Please reply with horoscope and family details to - d​i​n​a​l​i​5​6​7​@​o​u​t​l​o​o​k​.​c​o​m​

Academically and professionally qualified,​ well-mannered son from a respectable family is sought by B/​G parents from Maharagama,​ for their daughter born in November,​ 1992,​ fair 5’2’’ tall,​ educated at a leading girls school in Colombo. She holds a BSc. Degree,​ MBA & CIMA and is currently working in a reputed company in Colombo as an Assistant Manager. Reply with family details,​ horoscope,​ direct contact Nos. Email: n​e​i​l​q​s​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Academically qualified partner sought by R/​C Sinhala parents (dual citizen,​ father is a businessman in Sri Lanka) living in Australia. Born in 1989 May,​ an Australian qualified Doctor (MBBS,​ FRACGP) working in Australia. Only child in the family,​ bears an impeccable character,​ height 5’ very fair,​ slim and pretty. Substantial assets in Australia and Sri Lanka. Please reply with details,​ contact email: s​f​n​t​2​0​2​0​@​y​a​h​o​o​.​c​o​m

Academically /​ professionally qualified son is sought by Govi Buddhist parents (Homagama) for their daughter,​ 1993 September born,​ 5’4”,​ CIM,​ BSc and MBA qualified working at an executive grade post in a reputed semi government institution. Please reply with horoscope and family details. (Specially Rahu 7 horoscopes). c​h​a​t​h​w​e​e​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

Academically,​ professionally qualified son,​ sought by Colombo Sinhalese Christian parents for pretty Lawyer daugther,​ 1987 born,​ 5’4’’,​ University Academician. Email: r​u​v​a​n​2​2​3​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

Age 32,​ height 5’3’’ BSc Eng. PhD qualified daughter fair complexion employed as a Senior Lecturer in Govt University,​ eldest in family. Buddhist Karawa parents seek a son employed in Sri Lanka with similar educational background Engineer Lecturer or Senior Executive. Non malefic horoscope. Sinha Vruschika Lagna preferable. Send family details,​ contact numbers with horoscope. p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​d​a​u​g​h​t​e​r​8​9​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

Australian citizen 1986/​10 Govi Buddhist 5’6’’ divorce after short period “Sani 7” IT Graduated daughter,​ looking for someone living in Australia. (Specially for Australia PR) i​n​f​o​r​p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​8​6​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

Australian citizen,​ GB mother seeks professionally qualified partner for her very attractive daughter (only child) 1984 Nov,​ 5’6”. Having completed Engineering Degrees and Masters in Australian Universities,​ currently working as a Senior Project Manager in a reputed organization in Australia. She inherits substantial assets in Australia. Caste,​ Religion immaterial. Please reply with full details to - Email: r​s​j​a​y​@​o​p​t​u​s​n​e​t​.​c​o​m​.​a​u

A compatible partner is sought by B/​K parents for daughter aged 43 years well educated and employed in Australia. Caste,​ religion immaterial. Reply with family details to: m​g​p​r​o​p​2​0​2​2​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

A suitable partner is sought by Sinhala/​ Buddhist middle-class business parents from Kandy for their youngest daughter who studied abroad born in 1992,​ 5’5’’ in height. Currently working in a leading company in Colombo with 6 figure salary. t​h​i​l​a​k​a​r​a​t​h​n​a​t​4​9​5​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Bodu Dewa,​ retired Director of Education,​ Sinhala Buddhist mother in Homagama seeks academically and professionally qualified well-mannered,​ understanding,​ benevolent,​ religious partner her daughter hold BMS Degree and Master’s in HRM. 1983 August born,​ 5’ in height smart,​ pretty,​ fair who prefers ascetic,​ righteous life,​ occupied in Government Sector. Please reply with family details and horoscope match to: “Kalasarpa Yoga” email: a​n​u​l​a​p​r​e​m​a​t​h​i​l​a​k​e​5​0​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​ 0112750087

Bodu Govi parents from Kurunegala seek a professionally qualified partner below 39 for their 1986 born divorced 5 feet tall,​ beautiful daughter who has a PhD with a 5 year old son and currently employed as a lecturer in A​u​s​t​r​a​l​i​a​.​p​r​o​p​a​b​c​1​1​1​1​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Bodu Govi parents seek well mannered educated son with pleasing qualities for our daughter,​ teacher in a leading private school in Bangkok,​ after graduation in Thailand of 5’3’’ born in 1995 Oct. Contact details with horoscope please to: t​i​s​s​a​s​e​n​v​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

Born 1990/​11 our daughter Roman Catholic living in UK employed as Post Doctoral (PhD Chemistry) fair good looking 5’6” interested in groom living in UK a qualified professional essentially from Roman Catholic family. We are mixed parents (Burgher and Tamil) Please reply. p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​s​p​h​i​l​i​p​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Buddhist B/​G mother from Gampaha suburbs seeks to introduce a suitable partner with similar background for their daughter,​ 32 yrs,​ 5’2” tall,​ very fair and pleasant,​ holding a BSc. and MSc. Degrees and working in a reputable company as an Assistant Manager. Educated from a highly prestigious overseas university and will inherit substantial assets including a modern house. Must be professionally well qualified with a good personality and excellent character,​ a non smoker and at most a social drinker only. She is willing to migrate and foreign proposals are considered. Email: k​u​m​a​r​i​u​d​a​n​j​a​l​e​e​@​o​u​t​l​o​o​k​.​c​o​m

Buddhist Vishwa Colombo South parents living in Europe seek compatible partner for the youngest daughter pretty fair aged 27. She is kind friendly and holds Diploma of Children Care and now in Sri Lanka. Race is immaterial. Please reply with full details. s​h​i​r​o​d​a​y​a​2​0​2​1​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

B/​G family seeks a son for daughter,​ 38,​ 5’4’’,​ slim,​ pleasant,​ never married,​ BSc,​ MSc qualified. Willing to migrate. Email: m​p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​s​9​2​7​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

B/​G mother seeks an educated son for our well accomplished charming daughter,​ BSc MBA born in 84 November,​ 5’5’’. Educated at a leading school in Colombo,​ employed at a reputed company as a General Manager drawing an attractive salary and other perks. Inherits substantial assets including two luxury houses and two cars. Please respond to

B/​G parents seek an academically and professionally qualified well mannered son for their daughter. She is 5’2’’,​ born in 1986 and holds a Master’s Degree in Engineering. Currently employed in an International Organization. Planning to migrate. Please reply with family details,​ copy of horoscope and contact details to: g​2​b​m​p​a​r​t​n​e​r​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

B/​S wealthy family living in Colombo seeks a Buddhist,​ well mannered,​ professional,​ or educated Businessman,​ working in Colombo,​ for professionally qualified,​ 5’3’’,​ slim,​ fair,​ pretty daughter,​ born in 1984. Has her own house,​ modern car & other assets. Please reply with family details & horoscope. Email: m​p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​3​2​2​@​o​u​t​l​o​o​k​.​c​o​m

Colombo G/​B mother seeks a professional gentleman with sober habits for daughter 39 divorced with one child well employed educated fair slim attractive. Reply with genuine details with horoscope. m​p​2​1​m​a​n​e​l​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

Colombo suburbs B/​G respectable mother seeks academically and professionally qualified well-mannered caring son below 44 for her fair pleasant attractive daughter born 81,​ July (looks much younger) 5’1’’ IT Graduate (SLIIT),​ Master Degree Holder and works as Lead IT Engineer in a reputed bank in Colombo. (Kuja 12). Please reply with horoscope and family details. Email: i​m​p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​@​y​a​h​o​o​.​c​o​m​

Colombo suburb Bodu D/​K,​ born in 1989/​10,​ 5’2” slim,​ fair,​ pretty daughter,​ inherits assets,​ completed professional qualifications in HR,​ MBA and presently working for a Private Bank. Elder brother a Banker and younger brother IT Engineer. Parents (Retired Bankers) looking for educated suitable son. Height preferably above 5’6”. Reply with full details,​ T.No.,​ F/​B and a copy of horoscope. E-mail: d​e​s​i​l​v​a​h​s​p​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

GB parents seek a Doctor or an Engineer between 32 and 37 years for professionally qualified,​ employed,​ tall,​ fair and pretty daughter living in England.j​a​y​a​s​e​n​a​p​r​o​p​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Govi Bodu parents seek a suitable partner with a good profession for their daughter Executive Officer in the Government Sector height 5 feet 6 inches and born in 1978 April. (Rahu 7). Please send the horoscope with full details to: s​u​p​u​l​2​0​0​7​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

G/​B parents seek a suitable son from G/​B family with sober habits for their daughter age 34. Inherits assets. n​i​l​m​i​n​i​.​k​1​9​6​1​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

G/​B professional parents seek an academically and professionally qualified son for their pretty 32 year old daughter. She is a solicitor working for an international firm in U.K. Please email p​r​o​p​6​3​3​0​0​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

Looking for an academically and professionally qualified son,​ preferably living in USA,​ from a respectable family is sought by Sri Lankan parents residing in California for their American citizen daughter with Catholic values. Born in 1993,​ fair,​ beautiful,​ slim,​ 5’7” tall,​ 28 year old,​ holds a Master’s Degree in International Business and works at reputed family owned business. Reply with family details by email only to: s​e​r​a​n​d​i​b​2​0​2​1​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

Muslim parents in UK are looking for an academically and professionally accomplished well mannered English speaking son. Preferable in UK or overseas,​ the proposed daughter is in the IT sector was born in 1989 height 5’ and a IT graduate from a University in UK. Currently settled and working in UK. She is divorced and legally separated after a very short incompatible marriage without encumbrances,​ please send Groom’s full professional details (LinkedIn link) and location in the first email to: m​a​r​r​i​a​g​e​2​1​3​3​@​h​o​t​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

My daughter is a British citizen living and working at UK. She studied and graduated in UK & is working as a Pharmacy Technician. She is slim attractive,​ 1983,​ 5’5”,​ olive skin. She is a legally divorced after a brief marriage (innocent party,​ no encumbrances). We are looking for a professionally qualified kind hearted well mannered partner preferably UK or Australia,​ consider any abroad to build up a relationship that leads to an early marriage. Her brother studied in one of the leading schools in Colombo and graduated from University College of Dublin in B.Sc. Hons. in Business Management from MBA live Australia. Reply to a​m​a​j​p​e​r​e​r​a​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Respectable Sinhala Roman Catholic parents living in Australia (Dual citizens) are seeking a academically and professionally qualified well mannered son from a respectable Sinhala Roman Catholic family for our only child daughter. She is professionally qualified,​ well mannered and accomplished,​ age 29,​ pretty,​ slim,​ pleasant and height 5’6”. Educated in a private Catholic school in Colombo and graduated from a leading University in Australia. She inherits substantial assets. Please reply with full family details to m​s​d​j​a​y​a​2​7​@​y​a​h​o​o​.​c​o​m​.​a​u​

Sinhala Buddhist Doctor parents living in Melbourne seek an academically and professionally qualified son,​ already living in /​ willing to migrate to Australia for their kind,​ height 5’5”,​ fair,​ pretty daughter born in 1997. She will graduate as a Medical Doctor in 2021 and has obtained internship at a major hospital in Melbourne. She is a dual citizen of Australia and has been well brought up with Sri Lankan values. Please reply with all relevant details and horoscope. Email: k​u​i​n​i​d​e​s​i​l​v​a​1​2​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Sinhala Catholic parents from Australia seek a well mannered educated son for their accomplished,​ kind hearted,​ 25 years old daughter. She is a qualified professional employed in Australia. Please reply with family details to: t​a​l​d​u​w​a​6​0​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Sinhala Govigama Catholic professional parents seek a professional partnerfor Dentist daughter 32 years,​ 5’4’’,​ fair and pretty presently working UK. Having dual citizenship SL and UK. Willing to come back to SL. Will inherit valuable assets in SL and UK. Visiting SL in October. Email: d​i​r​o​k​a​c​a​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Sri Lankan parents living abroad are seeking an educated and established son with sober habits for our beautiful and charming daughter 27 years and 5’8’’ tall. She is a graduate and working as a teacher in an international school. She is planning to migrate to Australia and awaiting response to expression of interest application. Born and bred overseas with Christian and Sri Lankan values. Prefer a son who is fluent in English. Reply to b​e​p​6​0​1​9​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

We Colombo suburbs Bodu Govi parents,​ father was a General Manager in established state corporation,​ mother is a asst. principal of government school having mphil in Mathamatics,​ seek a NS/​TT equally qualified son for only daughter educated at leading Buddhist School in Colombo. She completed Medical Degree in a Foreign University,​ expects to do higher studied in UK or Australia. She is slim,​ pretty,​ 5’3’’,​ 93/​11,​ inherits substantial valuable assets. Respond with H/​C. Email: f​u​t​u​r​e​p​r​o​p​2​0​2​3​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

1980,​ B/​S/​G State University Senior Lecturer (PhD,​ MSc,​ BSc.),​ inherits valuable assets. Email : s​u​b​a​w​k​s​m​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

1991,​ 5’7’’ B/​G - Final Year PhD in Australia. Parents seek a smart,​ virtuous,​ equally educated son for the daughter. Sri Lankans living abroad are preferred. a​u​s​i​p​r​o​p​2​0​2​1​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

1996 February born,​ daughter from a well connected family. She is employed and is currently reading for her PhD,​ She inherits assets. m​m​m​p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​s​8​5​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

39 years 5’6’’ fair RC Convent & foreign - educated leading to BScs substantial assets including property apartment car,​ savings Colombo based respectable family. j​o​h​n​t​e​r​r​e​n​c​e​2​0​1​5​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​
