About our daughter: Academically and professionally qualified,1993,5’2’’. BSc Mgt. holder,slim,fair,and pretty. Inherits substantial assets. Kurunegala Govi B/C parents seek NS/TT academically and professionally qulaified well-mannered,kind-hearted son. Email: propdebella@gmail.com
About 1985 Bodu Govi LLB Solicitor in Australia Manager in Bank 1990 MBA Holder in Australia malefic horoscope. Email: anurap1977@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified well-mannered kindhearted son from a respectable family is sought by B/G professional parents for their daughter UK qualified GP Doctor,she is fair,pretty,slim,34 years,5’9” with an excellent character. She has substantial assets including a house. Please reply with family details and horoscope. E-mail: ven27@live.com
Academically & professionally qualified caring,well mannered brother is sought by G/B sisters in Kotte for their unmarried younger sister who born in 1968. She is a Lecturer in a famous University in Sri Lanka. Please reply with horoscope & contact details. Tel: 0112776221. Email: menike.alwis@gmail.com
A S/G/B Bachelor of 40-50 years decent,scrupulous,of respected heredity,above 5’10’’ sturdy,with a simlar status sought for a spinster from a well respected distinguished family. Quality is essential.
Bodu Govi estate owner family from North Western province looking for a partner for their younger daughter born in 1991 September,5’4’’ height studied in an International School has a Diploma in Psychology. We are looking for an educated partner from a business family. She owns valuable assets. proposal_1991@yahoo.com
Buddhist Govi parents in Australia seek a well mannered son for their daughter,a very beautiful 26,MBBS,presently reading for MSc and working at the prime government hospital in Sydney. She bears an impeccable character brought up with our cultural values. Prefer a Medical Doctor living in Sri Lanka,willing to migrate,or overseas. Assets in both countries. Please reply with family details and horoscope to: tiara.rpah@gmail.com
B/G parents seek an academically qualified well-mannered son in Sri Lanka or overseas for their only daughter fair and pretty,1985,5’3”,studied at leading Buddhist Girls’ School in Colombo,graduated from University of Colombo with BSc. Willing to migrate. Reply with family details,horoscope,T/N. proposaln21@gmail.com
I’m looking for the right man-race religion caste and creed matter but to make the perfect fit you should be a bachelor at least 5’10”,smart,handsome,decent,kind,intelligent and born with high quality. So if you are S/G,B in your 40 ‘s,and wondering why you are still single it could be because of me.
Parents seek suitable decent life partner for their 1991 born pretty,kind,academically qualified daughter living in Australia. abeysekaresumithra@gmail.com
Recently qualified Medical Doctor or a final year Medical Student with a good personality,of excellent character 5’9’’ or taller aged 25 to 28 years,a non-smoker sought by G/B parents from Australia to their daughter 24 years,5’8’’ tall,grew up in Australia,bright & personable daughter studying post graduate Medicine in a well reputed University in Australia. Those living in Australia,New Zealand,UK,Canada or Colombo are welcome. Please respond to: marriage.cbr@gmail.comwith all details,copy of the horoscope and an image or social media links in the first reply if available.
Roman Catholic parents living in the United States seek a professionally qualified,well-mannered son aged 28 yrs or lower,to build a relationship leading to marriage for their well brought up 23 yrs old,fair and pretty daughter,recently completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Biology. She is currently employed as a Research Scientist in the United States and is planning to complete her higher studies in the near future. Religion immaterial. Please respond to: pmarriage29@gmail.comwith family details and an image or social media links and contact number in the first reply.
Sinhalese B/G born in July,1995,5’6” height pretty daughter with BSc degree from a university in Ontario,Canada. She is working in a leading company in Toronto,Ontario. University educated parents are seeking academically and professionally qualified son below 32 years,living in Canada. Preferred in Ontario. Reply with family details with all H/C and contact number to: apmp4nnm@yahoo.com
Sinhalese Christian mother seeking a suitable groom for her daughter,born in 1978 residing Sri Lanka. She is working in a leading organization,academically qualified. She is slim,pretty with good family values. Please send details to proposalm725@gmail.com
1982 R/C fair 5’6” convent & foreign educated leading to BSc substantial assets,monthly income owns an apartment,car. Colombo based respectable family. johnterrence2015@gmail.com
1984 Buddhist Govi close Colombo,born 1984,height 5’6’’,fair,slim,BSc,BCS - Colombo,MSc - USA passed,having PR in USA and employed there,only daughter,parents seek suitable son,specially those living in USA. 0112859062 withanage1949@gmail.com