Able G/B family,1989 September born,father Lawyer is seeking for a smart,tan in complexion,professionally qualified,healthy son with a respectable family background for our pleasant young daughter who had her education in a reputed Buddhist School in Colombo 07,obtained BBM from Bangalore,MBA from Colombo University and employed as an Executive in a private company. She inherits substantial assets including a bungalow and vehicles. Rahu at 7th house,non-malefic horoscope. Horoscope and religion are not much considered. Email: amara6868@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified Chrisitian son is sought by Sinhala Christian parents for their daughter,36 years old 5’2’’ in height. Email: gunawardana198194@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified caring son is sought by B/G parents from Colombo suburbs for their elder daughter born 12/1995,presently working as an Assistant Lecturer in Jayawardhanapura University and willing to move to UK or Australia for following the Phd. Please reply with family details and horoscope to: hdrrohana@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified caring well-mannered professional/businessman son from a respectable family background sought by Govigama Buddhist mother from Colombo suburbs for well accomplished daughter 1979,slim and smart,brought up with Buddhist values,MBA qualified,holding a top management position in a leading organization. Inherits substantial wealth including property. Please reply with full family details,horoscope to: mproposale@hotmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified divorced or widow partner (age between 44 and 55) is sought by B/G mom for her daughter. She is divorced,no kids 44 years 5’2’’ worked as a Secretary. Willing to migrate. Email: alanranatunga@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified employed well mannered caring son is sought by retired G/B parents from Colombo suburbs for their pretty well accomplished only daughter. She is well employed with postgraduate qualification from UK University. Also a qualified UK Solicitor. Born in May 86. Height 5’8’’. Kuja in 7th house but favourable. Prefer a son who can converse fluently in English and has a good personality. Please reply with horoscope to: manidee.proposal@yahoo.com
Academically and professionally qualified employed well mannered Radala or Govi Buddhist son is sought by respectable Radala Sinhala Buddhist parents for their educated daughter born in November 1998 (22 years) height 4’9” and educated at Lyceum International Gampaha and Kegalle St. Joseph’s College,she is currently completing her Degree in Accounts and is in the 3rd Year at the University of Sri Jayawardanapura,while working as an Intern at John Keells Company. By the end of 2021,she will be completing her external Account Degree (at ACCA). She is the eldest daughter and inherits valuable assets,prefers someone in the same field (Accounts). Please reply with family details and a copy of the horoscope to nirupamarapana1971@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified groom below 40 years sought by Sinhala Buddhist parents for their daughter born in October 1983,she is M.Eng. Degree Holder and works as an Engineering Project Manager in Canada. She is 5’5”,fair,pretty and well mannered,prefer those overseas educated and willing to relocate. trat89@hotmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified kind and caring suitable partner is sought by Bodu highly respectable retired parents from Colombo for their slim pretty daughter born 1989 5’3’’ BSc (Moratuwa) 1st Class PhD Computer Science and Engineering (Singapore),hope to be a Lecturer in Sri Lankan University. Engineer,Doctor Lecuterer or similar profession preferred. Please reply with family details and horoscope. 011-5817650 anonymousbee@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified partner between 30-36 with values,preferably living abroad is sought by elder sister (residing in Dubai) for sister born in 1992,5’0” very fair and pretty,slim with a pleasing personality. She is presently reading for her Masters. Please email details : ruv.mb2021@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified son from a respectable family is sought by B/G professional parents living in Colombo suburb for their younger daughter 1998 born,5’6’’,fair,educated from a leading private school in Colombo and completed her Bachelor’s from a private university specialized in Management field. She is currently working for a reputed private company in Colombo. Please contact with the family details. E-mail: proposalsena84@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified son from a respectable family is sought by B/K parents from Colombo suburb for their daughter born 1979 5’3’’ holds BBA ACMA MBA working in a private bank holding a senior position. Email: lakshimefdo@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified son is sought by Buddhist Govi parents for their 1992 December born,5’6’’ tall,kind,pleasant MBBS qualified daughter. Father is a Medical Specialist in Colombo. Please reply with details and copy of the horoscope. Call after 8.00 p.m. on 011-2862025. saumyaw2@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified son is sought by Sinhala parents living in USA for their pretty daughter brought up according to Sinhala Buddhist values. 5’8” born in July 1990,Graduate BSc (IT) currently working as a senior VP in worldwide bank. Please reply with full family details and contact numbers. Willing to migrate to USA. Email: pjay2017@yahoo.com
Academically and professionally qualified son with Sinhala Buddhist values is sought by GB parents for their Law Graduate daughter,employed,living with parents in London. Dual National,37 years,5’2”,fair,pretty. Father Doctor. Properties in Sri Lanka and London. Reply with family details and horoscope. snow2021drop@outlook.com
Academically and professionally qualified well mannered caring partner is sought by B/G parents for their elder daugher 34,5’2’’,pretty,holds MBA,Chartered Accountant and employed as a finance manager in a leading company in Colombo. Legally separated after a brief marriage as the plaintiff,no encumbrances. Send horoscope copy,contact information and family details to: mmwproposal@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified well mannered caring son is sought by B/G parents residing in Colombo suburbs for 26,5’5”,pretty,well accomplished Attorney-at-Law daughter employed in a leading Law Firm. She inherits substantial assets. Reply with family details to lakuproposal@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified well mannered partner sought by B/C Govi parents for only child born 1980. She is medium complexioned attractive accomplished down to earth lover of nature and animals and a wide range of other interests. Wildly traveled educated mostly abroad while living with parents. Graduated and postgraduated from highly prestigious university abroad. Partly qualified CIMA. Licentiate Piano forte Trinity College,London was employed in Sri Lanka and abroad,presently employed in Senior position abroad will inherit substantial assets. Please reply giving family details,copy of horoscope and telephone No. E-mail: tityvone@hotmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified well mannered son is sought by Buddhist G/D parents for their 5’5’’ tall,beautiful,1991 Dec born,graduated and professionally well-accomplished eldest daughter working in a reputed private company. She is brought up with good family values. Reply with horoscope. Email: s1991proposal@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified well-mannered son is sought by Govi Buddhist parents for their daughter 1982 and 5’3’’ tall is studying for PHD in USA. Please send family details and copy of the horoscope to: pss3311@yahoo.com
Academically and professionally qualified,caring son from a respectable family sought by the father. She is 36 yrs MBA qualified inherits substantial assets. Reply with family details and contact No. dul_sami@hotmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified,well mannered son with religious values is sought by Christian parents for their daughter born 1992 March,5’,fair,IT Graduate Teacher. Contact No. 035-2264286.
Academically and professionally well qualified,caring,well mannered,above 5’9’’,son is sought by B/G Battaramulla father for his only daughter,pretty lawyer 30,5’6’’ at a blue chip. She is well qualified and inherits substantial assets over 90Mn. Please forward details of family,horoscope,FB profile to: mproposal361@gmail.com
Academically professionally qualified well-mannered partner is sought by B/G parents for their daughter pretty,29,5’3”,holds BSc. in Accounting and employed as a Chartered Accountant in private sector. Reply with family details and the horoscope. Email : amaproposal91@gmail.com
Academically /Professionally qualified partner is sought by B/G professional parents from Colombo suburbs for their daughter 1985 born 5’3” fair slim (younger looking) studied at Colombo Buddhist School,holding a Managerial Post in Singapore (citizen) BSc. owns an apartment,assets in Sri Lanka. sarathwim53@gmail.com
Academically /professionally qualified,teetotaller son sought by BG parents for daughter (37 years old-born 1983/8). She is currently working in the UK and prefers someone willing to settle in the UK. A non-malefic horoscope with no Kuja defeats. No divorcees or anyone over 38 years please. Kindly email FB link with details of the groom to proposalgroom2021@gmail.com
Academically,professionally qualified well-employed non-smoking caring son (TT/NS) sought by G/B Kandyan parent residing in Colombo for their beautiful fair daughter 5’4” born in 1987 well-employed as a Senior Project Manager drawing a handsome salary. She holds MBA,BSc (IT) and many professional qualifications. Divorced from an unsuccessful short marriage (6 months) as an innocent party father Senior Banker (retired) mother retired teacher only brother Australian citizen. Please reply with family details and copy of horoscope to: tikirib@sltnet.lk
Affluent Buddhist business parents looking for their daughter well established very fair pretty slim 5’3” 1978 Dec. born educated Colombo Girls School working as a Senior Manager in private company with six figure salary,assets lands house vehicle etc. 2578prop@gmail.comTP. 0115762030.
An educated well employed/businessman son from a respectable family is sought by Govi Buddhist mother from Colombo suburbs for her graduate,accomplished daughter working for a leading organization in Colombo. Born in 1982 smart,well-mannered and educated in a Colombo School. She owns a vehicle and property. Please reply with full family details,horoscope to: mproposal.ba@gmail.com
Australian citizen 1991,pretty,kind,academically qualified daughter,parents seek suitable life partner with same qualities. Please send details,abeysekaresumithra@gmail.com
Australian resident Sinhalese Buddhist parents (G/K) seek an educated and professionally qualified son from a decent family for their daughter an Australian qualified Doctor (MD) currently employed in Australia. She is 30+ (1990/07),slim 5’3’’ in height,fair,pretty and bears an impeccable character with a simple life style. Interested parents please send their family details either in English or Sinhala along with a copy of the son’s horoscope to: dinuprop10@gmail.com(emails replies only).
A qualified well employed son sought by B/G respectable retired parents from Colombo suburbs for fair,1981/08,5’5”,well mannered,IT professional elder daughter well employed,owns assets. Divorced as innocent party without kids. 0112912105. mproposals552@gmail.com
A suitable partner is sought by Burgher Catholic/Sinhala Buddhist parents in Western Province for their fair pleasant educated daughter born in 1982 5’6’’ in height educated in a leading Catholic school in Colombo. Divorced,has a 10 years old daughter. Please reply with full details. Email: rolianta114@gmail.com
A suitable partner sought by a B/G family for their Software Engineer daughter born on 1985 5’6’’ slim,fair,pretty,well mannered daughter with assets. Pls reply with family details,horoscope & contact details. proposals.dds@gmail.com
BG/Buddhist parents,both are qualified professionals living in Maharagama,seek a suitable son for their daughter,23 years old,5’4”,Software Engineering Graduate working permanently in an International IT Company in Colombo. Please e.mail the reply with the horoscope copy to kproposal98@gmail.com
BG/K parents seek an academically qualified well-mannered partner below 31 years for their professionally qualified daughter born in 1993 July,5’2” height,slim and pretty looking. She is currently working as an Accountant in Australia. Please reply with family details and horoscope. proposaldaughter107@gmail.com
Bodu Govi Kandyan parents living in Colombo seek an academically professionally qualified partner and living in Sri Lanka with a similar background (Kandyan) for their only daughter who is 29 and 5’6”,qualified in L.L.B. and working as a Senior Lawyer in a reputed Multinational Company. Please reply with family details and horoscope to thirang@icloud.com
Bodu Govi professional parents from Colombo suburbs seek a well-mannered qualified kind-hearted son for a stable relationship leading to marriage for their daughter 24,5’4” slim fair. Presently continuing her Civil Engineering Final years in Sri Lanka due to Covid issue Please respond with family details and horoscope. anb608@gmail.com0112890994.
Bodu/Govi parents seek professionally & academically qualified partner for fair,5’3’’,graduate (BSc & MSc) daughter,born in 1988 Sep,employed in well-reputed company near Colombo as a Senior Executive. Kindly reply with family details and horoscope to: amproposal2020@gmail.com
Bodu/Govi parents seek professionally & academically qualified partner for fair,5’3’’,graduate (BSc & MSc) daughter,born in 1988 (Sep),employed in well-reputed company near Colombo as a Senior Executive. Kindly reply with family details and horoscope to: amproposal2020@gmail.com
Born 1995/12,5’3’’,Musaeus educated Bodu fair,pretty daughter currently reading for PhD in Australia. Leading business parents in Sri Lanka seek a son studying or qualified residing in Australia for relationship leading to marriage. Reply with horoscope. Caste immaterial. macnalini@gmail.com
Buddhist Govi educated parents Government pensioners owning reputed company in main town in Western Province seek respectable well mannered educated son of same caste employed or businessman for their genuinely pretty fair daughter aged 30+ height 5’5” served as a Computer Engineer in well established firm,left the job and working as a Director in own company possessing considerable assets. Send details in first letter with horoscope or email to weddingproposal707@gmail.com
Buddhist,professional parents in Colombo seek professionally qualified well-mannered and handsome son to build a relationship leading to marriage for their 26 year old daughter. She has completed her studies in a leading Girls’ School in Colombo and graduated from BSc. and Master of Information Systems Degree in Melbourne. She is currently working casually on a work visa in Melbourne. Please reply with a copy of the horoscope along with family details. Email : prop.18d@gmail.com
B/G parents living in Australia seek an MBBS Doctor from Australia for daughter MBBS Doctor working in Australia born 1993,5’6’’. Reply with family details. Email: anooshades@yahoo.com.au
B/G parents of a respectable family in Colombo suburbs seek a professionally qualified well-mannered son (preferably living in Australia) for their daughter 1994 July 5’2”,pretty & fair. She had acquired Master’s in Accounting & Finance from a leading Australian university and is currently residing in Australia. Please reply with family details & FB link & copy of horoscope to; proposal2020ks@gmail.com
B/G professional parents living in New Zealand,seek a professionally and academically qualified,handsome son for their 26 years old,5’4’’,pretty,academically qualified Scientist (PhD) daughter. Please reply with family details,horsocope of the proposed son to: nzprop2020@gmail.com
B/G respectable wealthy business parents from Colombo suburbs seek a son who is kind hearted,NS/TT,well established professionally qualified or businessman from a respectable family for their very pretty daughter age 26,5’1’’,slim,fair,kind hearted and moral charactered. Holds a degree from a prestigious university. Inherits valuable assets. Email: proposal121@yahoo.com
B/K parents from Colombo seek a suitable employed,NS/TT,tall handsome son,for their only daughter 5’5” born in 1990. She studied at Musaeus College Colombo & holds an MSc. in CS. Presently working as a Software Engineer in a reputed Company. Engineers (SW /Electrical /Electronics /Civil) preferred. Caste immaterial. Reply with a horoscope to : proposalemail1990@gmail.com
Catholic mother seeks a professionally qualified,English speaking groom who is well-mannered,mature and independent,kind-hearted for their pretty slim medium complexion well-mannered kind-hearted soft-spoken daughter (28 years). Height 5’3”. She is an Executive in one of the leading companies in Sri Lanka,completed Masters and who studied in a leading Catholic Convent in Colombo. Please send all personal details and contact Telephone No. of the bridegroom in first response. Email : proposal2021165@gmail.com
Catholic professionally qualified mixed parents seek a professionally qualified TT/NS caring partner for an attractive and professionally qualified only daughter 28 years 5’ inherits substantial assets including house and car. Currently employed in a well reputed company. Pls respond with details including phone,email to: djnavaratnam@gmail.com
Catholic Sinhala parents seek son for their pretty daughter born 1993,height 5’4’’ holding a degree (first class),MBA,CIM. She inherits valuable assets. Email: waprop2022@gmail.com
Catholic Sinhalese parents seek a suitable partner for their slim,fair,pretty and 5’7” tall daughter born in December 1993. Studied at a leading Catholic Convent in Colombo,holding a BSc. Degree from Jayawardenapura University,CIMA Finalist and completed MSc. at a British Affiliated Campus in Colombo. Attached to a leading Company in Colombo. Inherits a substantial amount of cash,jewellery and 18P land. A partner with 5’10” and above is preferred. Write in detail to Mproposals1957@gmail.com
Christian parents seek a devoted Christian partner who is a non-smoker and teetotaller for our fair and pretty,5’2’’,1993 born daughter. Educated in Hillwood College,Kandy and has a BSc (Hons) Degree in Agricultural Technology and Management from University of Peradeniya. Currently employed at the University of Peradeniya as a Demonstrator and planning to do a PhD in Australia. Email: propose8536@gmail.com
Christian parents seek a devoted Christian partner who is a non-smoker and teetotaller for our fair and pretty,5’2’’,1993 born daughter. Educated in Hillwood College,Kandy and has a BSc (Hons) degree in Agriculture Technology and Management from university of Peradeniya. Currently employed at the university of Peradeniya as a Demonstrator and planning to do a PhD in Australia. E-mail: propose8536@gmail.com
Colombo Bodu Govi parents seek a suitable son living in Sri Lanka or abroad for their pretty daughter born in 1996,5’1” tall Chemistry graduate who is currently working as an executive in a leading private company. She owns substantial assets,respond with family details,copy of horoscope,and contact details. email - dproposals1963@gmail.com
Colombo B/G parents seek a smart professionally qualified partner for daughter studied and worked in the UK born 1985,5’4” smart and attractive currently in Sri Lanka. Reply to proposalmag@yahoo.comTelephone: 0112077558,0761663723.
Colombo suburb Buddhist Govi/Karawa 5’3’’ 1991 slim tan daughter MBBS Doctor with reasonable assets seeks an academically and professionally qualified son. Reply with horoscope and family details to: 91mpropo@gmail.com
Colombo suburb Govi /Bodu educated parents seek an academically & professionally qualified partner for their daughter who is MBBS doctor educated leading girls’ school Colombo 89/Dec. 5’2” height pretty and smart. Write with full details with horoscope (Caste not material). email. c.ruba58@gmail.comPhone: 0112652533.
Educated son sought by mother for Kandyan G/B 1990 January,4’10” tall fair daughter,graduate,employed in private sector Colombo. Inherits assets. Please contact with horoscope email: proposalslm125@gmail.com
Gampaha,Sinhala Bodu Govi professional parents seek a qualified,kind and caring partner for their only daughter,born in August 1993,5’2’’,very slim,very fair,pleasant and nice looking,English graduate,holding a permanent graduate employment in a semi-government institution in Colombo. Inherits assets. Only general compatibility of horoscope expected. Mutual understanding is more respected. (If interested in horoscope compatibility 2.8.1993 at 16.05 hrs.) Please reply with all relevant details and telephone number. E-mail: crana6153@gmail.com
GB parents seek a well mannered N/S suitable professionally qualified partner for their daughter born in 1987 pretty 5’4” educated at a leading school in Colombo with and LLB and LLM and practicing Legal Counsel in Colombo. Reply with family details and H.cope. anuradhiwelikala@gmail.com
G/B affluent established business parents seek a suitable son for their only daughter educated,pretty accomplished,qualified interior designer,height 5’11’’,born in 1987. Email: nilmini.k1961@gmail.com
I am 42 yrs old Buddhist,divorced with a growm up son who is looking for a family man. I am well mannered,good looking and simple. Looking for a decent groom with similar qualities who can respect family values and be supportive,between the ages of 45-55 yrs. Communication is a must to build a relationship. Please respond with genuine details with contact number: +61424578399 Email: proposalaustralia123@gmail.com
Loving,honest,kind,well established,caring gentleman over 42 from a similar background is sought by a foreign educated at a prestigious University professional from an affluent well connected G/B family,very fair,beautiful,charismatic,looking and behaving very young,bubbly,kind,enjoys socializing travelling,interested in charity work and Buddhism,divorcees and widowers considered,self replies encouraged. No time wasters. chuladhnko36@gmail.com
Moor parents from Colombo looking for a good natured,practicing Muslim groom,who is academically and professionally qualified,who is either based in Singapore or is open to relocating there (if the latter preferably working in the IT/field) or from the US and Australia,below 35 years for our daughter 30 years very fair and pretty 5’2’’ and teaching at a leading university in Singapore. Please reply with full details to: fraihazel@gmail.com
Moor parents from Colombo seek a suitable partner for their English speaking 32 years old daughter presently working as a Teacher in a reputed International School in Colombo. Preferred an English speaking groom below 36 years. Please apply to: farook0711@gmail.com
Moor parents from Uva Province seeking for 30 year Science Graduate slim pretty religious outgoing family oriented daughter a suitable well educated groom from a respectable moor family. Reply: mnmohn@gmail.com
Moor well connected Sri Lankan parents living in Australia are looking for a well qualified Muslim partner (preference to Muslims settled overseas) for their Civil Engineer daughter. She holds BSc. (Civil Engineering) and BSc. (Commerce) from one of the Top Universities in Australia. She is employed at a leading Engineering Company in Australia. She is beautiful,kind and well mannered,5’2” tall and born in 1994. Please email with full details and contact Phone Number to : Moorbride@outlook.com
Moratuwa Catholic 32 years 5ft fair and pretty. She has a hearing loss but communicates with others with the help of hearing aides and lip reading. She makes cakes and likes cooking and able to make handcraft. Only brother is married and lives in New Zealand. Retired parents are seeking a partner below 40 years who has a steady income. Please give calls after 3 p.m. on weekdays and Saturdays,Sundays available. TP: 0112655279. Email: cadcrjs@hotmail.com
Muslim parents looking for a groom who is a Practicing Muslim and professionally educated for their daughter who is 24 years old,5ft height and obtained her Bachelor’s Degree. Preferably a groom looking to settle or settled overseas. Contact details: moorbride2020@gmail.com
Our daughter is 39+ years old,divorced,has a baby of three years,graduated and is living in Australia,and has investment properties. Dual citizen. We are expecting a partner of less than 45 years of age with good education and fluent English for marriage. Please email your reply to ratnemangala@gmail.com
Professionally & academically qualified/well settled suitable son is sought for Catholic,educated,working daughter. 5’4’’,1984. Interested Catholic and from mainline Churches. Please reply to: propom2021@gmail.com
Professional B/G parents of Colombo suburbs,seek academically qualified,well mannered son for their daughter,a MBBS doctor born in 1990. Reply with family details and horoscope please. Email: capa369pro@gmail.com
Sinhala Buddhist parents in Colombo seek an educated,good looking,honest and open-minded partner for their beautiful and well-educated daughter of 27 years. She is a graduate in Economics from Durham University in UK and currently working at a leading International Bank in Sri Lanka,while reading for her MBA. Please reply with family and contact details to: ranjwann@gmail.com
Sinhala Buddhist retired parents seek partner for 1987 born Colombo educated BSc,5’4’’ fair slim pretty youngest daughter Executive (Permanent) in very famous well established leading organization Colombo drawing six figure salary plus range of fridge benefits. Inherits land and assets can stay in main house. Caste immaterial. But Govi/Karawa priority. Email: marriageprop145@gmail.com
Sinhala Govi Buddhist family seeks an academically qualified,professionally established and a really good looking son for their only daughter (1991 born),who is extremely pretty,slim and fair and also well educated and professionally well settled. Please write with family details along with a photograph /FB link of your son and a copy of the horoscope. 0112761484.
Sinhala Govi Buddhist retired parents looking for a gentleman for 49 years 5’8’’ young looking beautiful daughter who is a well educated an trained abroad Wedding and Function Organiser in Colombo. She is divorced and no encumbrances. Looking for building up a loving family. Responses from divorced,with children,from Sri Lanka,UK or Australia are welcome. Please reply to: bambaflats@gmail.com
Sinhalese Buddhist parents living in London looking for a Groom in the same profession works in the UK,for their daughter,a Doctor age 27,height 5’2”,interested in music and travelling. She was born in Sri Lanka and raised in the UK with traditional Sinhalese Buddhist values. Email: kalug6493@gmail.com
S/B parents from Colombo suburbs seek professionally qualified,kind hearted son with sober habits for their daughter 34 yrs. 5’3’’,slim,fair & pretty. LLB (UK) qualified Attorney-at-Law working in a bank as a Legal Officer. She owns valued substantial assets. Differences immaterial. Willing to migrate,if needed. 011-2736955. prop86sh@gmail.com
Udarata Bodu Govi parents seek an academically & professionally qualified well employed NS/TT well mannered handsome son for their pretty well mannered charming daughter (born in 1994) who is a BSc Graduate (1st class) CIMA qualified & currently employed (as an Executive) in a leading private sector organization in Colombo. Please reply with family details & horoscope. (viman963@gmail.com).
Well mannered and educated son is sought by B/S/G parents for their well charactered,slim,fair,pretty,Senior Lecturer (BSc,MSc,PhD) daughter 1980. Valuable assets available. Email: maproposals2020@gmail.com
Well-connected respectable parents (Govi/Buddhist,Govi /Catholic) in Colombo seek a partner for their only child daughter a Medical Consultant in UK. 1985 born,5’2” height,fair and truly pretty. Valuable assets in UK & Sri Lanka. Dual citizen. Partner should be professionally qualified,well-accomplished,smart tall and handsome. UK residents preferred. Reply with details and horoscope to: proposal022021@gmail.com
We are B/G Buddhist parents seeking a partner for our 28 year old daughter. She is well accomplished,pretty,slim,friendly,and enjoys staying fit. She is degree qualified living in London,UK and currently working as a trainee solicitor employed in a respectable firm. Ideally,we are looking for a kind-hearted and professionally qualified son who lives in the UK or abroad. Should be under the age of 35. We are looking for a partner with a horoscope that matches our daughter (Kuja 1). Please email: kithsiricmg@gmail.com
1991 born,respectable Kandyan Radala Sinhala Buddhist fair,educated,5’3” virtuous only child and inherits valuable assets,currently employed as a Lecturer in a state university and expecting to continue with her PhD. Studies. Mother seeking a decent and educated son (preferably from the same caste). Reply with family details and horoscope. kgeethika43@gmail.com