About our academically,professionally well settled daughter BSc IT Professional studied at leading girls’ school in Colombo and overseas 5’8’’ tall slim 1983 born dual citizen Australia. Presently on vacation in Sri Lanka. Professional and educated G/B parents seek professionally qualified well employed partner. Daughter inherits substantial assets. Reply with family details and horoscope. Email: theproposal123@gmail.com
About 1970 born,Bodu Govi,5’4’’,pleasant looking lady English Lecturer (Private). Owns a house,seeks a suitable partner. 0112 173670.
Academically and professionally compatible well mannered (teetotaller/non-smoker),well established Christian son from a respectable family is sought by a Sinhala Christian parents for their academically and professionally qualified,born in 1996,height 5’5’’ pretty fair daughter. Methodist,Aglicon and any other Christian background considered. 0112255512.
Academically and professionally qualified Doctor son from a respectable family is sought by Govi/Buddhist,respectable parents living in Australia for their very attractive daughter,Australian born and well qualified Medical Doctor,working in a leading hospital in Australia. She is pretty fair,slim,5’6” tall,34 years old,with excellent character and inherits substantial assets in Australia and Sri Lanka. Those living in Australia and the U.K. preferred. Reply with family details and horoscope to : proposalsep2020@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified employed well mannered caring son is sought by retired G/B parents from Colombo suburbs for their pretty well accomplished only daughter. She is well employed with Post Graduate qualification from UK University. Also a qualified UK Solicitor. Born in May 86. Height 5’8”. Kuja in 7th house but favourable. Prefer a son who can converse fluently in English and has a good personality. Please reply with horoscope to manidee.proposal@yahoo.com
Academically and professionally qualified well mannered NS/TT son is sought by Sinhala Buddhist mother for her fair,pretty daughter educated in English medium Lawyer born in 1993,5’8”. She inherits substantial assets in Kandy. Differences immaterial. Reply with family details to gscproposal@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified well mannered son is sought by Bodu G/D parents from Colombo for their slim pleasant daughter born in 1992 February height 5’7” studied at a leading Buddhist School in Colombo. BSc. Degree CIMA passed finalist and MBA,she is holding a Managerial position in a reputed Company inherits substantial assets. Kindly reply with family details and horoscope and contact number. d92proposal@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified well-mannered partner sought by B/C Govi parents for only child. Born 1980. She is medium complexioned attractive accomplished down to earth,lover of nature and animals and a wide range of interests. Educated mostly abroad whilst living with parents. Graduated and postgraduated from highly prestigious university abroad. Partly qualified CIMA Licentiate Pianoforte Trinity College London. Was employed in Sri Lanka and abroad. Presently employed in senior position abroad. Will inherit substantial assets non-malefic horoscope. Please reply giving family details copy of horoscope and telephone Nos. Email: tityvone@hotmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified well-mannered son is sought by respectable Buddhist parents from Colombo for their only daughter born in 1982 Sep. She is 5’0” pretty daughter with a pleasing personality,MBA (UK) qualified and well-occupied. Please reply with family details and the horoscope to: happymgpro@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified,caring son is sought by B/K mother for her daughter studying MBA in Australia. She is 33,5’4”,studied at Devi Balika,graduated from University of Colombo and has done Master’s degree from Delhi. Son living in Australia or abroad preferred. Reply with details to sasirimarriageproposal2020@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified,well-mannered,non-smoker,teetotaller,caring,family-oriented son is sought by respectable G/K parents from Colombo suburbs for their beautiful elder daughter,5’ 8.5” tall,1985 born (young looking),curvy figure,smart,great personality,kind hearted,BSc Computer Science,divorced,no encumbrances. Email: tt.proposal@yahoo.com
Academically qualified partner sought by Roman Catholic parents for their daughter born in 1983 October,height 5’1”,pretty,completed her Masters Degree in HR and working as an Assistant Manager HR in reputed Company,willing to migrate. Please reply with details. Email : proposalbridetobe1983@gmail.com
Academically qualified (preferably BSc. Engineer /MBBS Doctor) handsome,TT/NS son from a respectable Govi,Buddhist family is sought by Govi,Buddhist,professional parents (Engineer /Architect) for their pretty daughter born in June 1990,5’3”,MBBS Doctor. Inherits substantial assets including a house in Colombo suburb. Elder brother BSc/MSc Software Engineer married to a PhD student and employed in UK. Elder sister MBBS Doctor married to a MBBS/MD Doctor. Full particulars with horoscope in first letter please. E-Mail : tndproposal@yahoo.com
Academically & professionally qualified locally employed son below 35 is sought by BK parents for elder daughter 1989 Sept.,5’3” holding BSc. Engineering and PhD qualified Lecturer. Mesha Lagna,Deta Nekatha,non-malefic HC Sikuru 7 Sandhu 8. Karawa and Govi only. Reply with family details horoscope,contact numbers. m1989proposal@gmail.com
Academically,professionally qualified,well mannered son is sought by respectable retired Bodu Govi parents living in Galle for their daughter born 1989,5’3” holds Degree at University of Moratuwa and currently following MSc. (UK) and working as a Manager (Tech IT) in reputed foreign bank at Colombo. Please reply with family details and horoscope. (proposal.sub@gmail.com)
Affluent,well connected,Sinhala,Buddhist,Govigama,business parents from an English speaking background in Colombo,seek for their pretty,accomplished daughter (self employed) of 37 years divorced amicably due to incompatibility with a daughter of 4 years,an accomplished,qualified or an entrepreneur living in Sri Lanka from a similar,English speaking affluent social family background. Please reply furnishing the groom’s personal and other relevant details,as well as of his family,along with a copy of his horoscope,including his place of birth,to email address: ramitha259@gmail.com
Australian resident Sinhalese Buddhist parents (G/K) seek a professionally accomplished son from a decent family for their daughter employed as a Senior House Doctor in a leading government hospital in Brisbane. She is 30 years (1990/07),slim,fair,pretty,5’3” and bears an unblemished character. Interested parents,please send a brief note of their family and sons horoscope to: dinuprop10@gmail.com(email replies only).
A Buddhist educated businesses parents seek educated established business partner with moral values for USA degree holder 33 years very pretty 5.6” height doing her own Marine field business in Colombo. She inherits commercial property in Colombo city and two storied house in Colombo suburbs. Only brother is doing his PhD program in USA. Please reply pali12342004@yahoo.com
A qualified well-established caring partner from a respectable G/B family is sought by Govi Buddhist parent for slim pretty fair accomplished daughter 5’5” born 82 Nov. Masters Degree holder working in Executive capacity in reputed organization. She is fluent in English. Substantial assets. manthri.804@gmail.com
A suitable well settled partner either in Sri Lanka or abroad is sought by Bodu Govi parents living in Colombo for their very pretty daughter born 1988 Accounting graduate from Australia. 5’2”. Reply - samaneth@gmail.com
BG Mathale 48 yrs.,5’3”,never married Government Officer with two Master Degrees searching genuine educated working partners below 53 yrs. She owns house,car. anushachandani1@gmail.com
Bodu Govi parents. She is brought up with Buddhist cultural values,smart,5’6’’,slim,well accomplished born in 1989 October,educated at a leading school in Colombo. BSc Statistics (Special) University of Colombo. CIMA,ACMA,MSc Business Analytics (UK). Working at a leading company in Colombo in the field of Data Analytics. Planning to migrate to Australia. The only younger brother is working in Sydney,Australia. Suitable partner sought under 34 years. Reply with family details,contact numbers and horoscope. E-mail: proposal.ksak@gmail.com011-2955255 weekdays after 7.30 p.m.
Bodu Govi Sinhalese seek a suitable bridegroom for daughter who is slim 5’8” and pleasant. She was born in 1992 and works as a doctor in Australia,Please reply with family details horoscope and contact information to harinsam@aol.com
Bodu Karawa/Govi affluent parents from South living in Nugegoda,father Director of a well-established company,seek an educated handsome son from a respectable family background below 30 years living in Sri Lanka for their elder daughter Int. Management (Hon) graduate,fair,pretty,well-mannered religious 5’6’’ tall born 1996 January working as an Executive in a reputed organzation inherits substantial assets. Please send family details with non-malefic horoscopes and contact details in first letter or by email: marriagepro1996@gmail.com
Born in 1992,in Australia,5’1” height,employed after a Degree in Health Science. Parents seek a kind hearted,understanding,educated partner for their beautiful,smart daughter broughtup to treasure Sinhala Christian values. She will inherit substantial assets in OZ. Pl. reply with full details to ozmproposal@gmail.com
Born 1996 - Sinhala,Buddhist,Govi Western Province,height 5’7’’,fair,pretty,final year Computer Software Engineering student daughter,parents seek educated,kind,son with sober habits,below 30 years (specially Doctor,Businessman). Non-malefic horoscope. Reply with famiy details,horoscope copy and telephone number. margprop64@gmail.com
Buddhist Govi/Durawa parents from Colombbo seek an academically and professionally qualified,well mannered son from a decent family,for their only child daughter born in 1991-06,height about 5 feet with a pleasant appearance. She studied with a BBA Degree from the University of Colombo and holds the ACMA/CGMA Associate membership. Employed at a leading apparel sector establishment holding an execuive level position. Please reply with family details and copy of the sons horoscope. Email: mah_1991@yahoo.com
Buddhist Karawa respectable family very pretty teacher daughter unmarried 5’4” 43+ pretty principal daughter 47 seeks educated human. Details with horoscope. manmaleep@gmail.com
Buddhist parents from Colombo seek a suitable son for their pretty,decent daughter only child graduated in Malaysian University in Bio-Technology. Currently reading for MSc in University of Kelaniya. She is 5’,born in 1989/8,studied at a Buddhist Girls’ School in Colombo,employed at a private company in Colombo. She owns our two storeyed new house and other assets. Reply with horoscope and family details. Caste immaterial. Email: sgsproposal@gmail.com
Buddhist parents living in Colombo seek an educated son below 48 years with sober habits for their young looking,slim,pleasant,40 years old elder daughter. University academic. Inherits substantial assets around Colombo. Caste immaterial. Email : desilvaj44@gmail.com
Buddhist parents residing in Colombo suburbs seek an educated partner for fair,pleasant daughter 41,5’4’’,who possesses London LLB (Hons) and LLM degrees,who is attached to a reputed organization in Colombo. She inherits a house and willing to relocate for the right partner. Reply with horoscope. marriage767@gmail.com
Buddhist/Govi parents in UK seek an academically and professionally qualified caring,well-mannered Doctor or in similar profession,son who is residing in UK,for their elder daughter. She was born in December 1987,5’2”,pleasant,well-mannered. Please send family details with emails only. sriproposal2018@yahoo.com
B/D Lawyer parents in Colombo seek for academically or professionally qualified partner for their daughter born in May 1987 and presently employed in a private bank,she has qualified in banking and reading for a Management Degree in Open University,inherits assets including an upstair house in Colombo 06. Please contact with horoscope and family details. dayaratnew@gmail.com
B/G never married graduate administrative secretary fair slim figure early fifties seeks affluent gentleman who values Sri Lankan Buddhsit culture. Inherits substantial wealth. nacha18381@gmail.com
B/G parents currently residing in Colombo suburbs are seeking a professionally qualified partner around age of 30-35 for their smart good looking daughter born in 1991 with a height of 5’4”. She is a qualified Architect currently working in a reputed firm in Washington DC USA. Please respond with family details copy of horoscope and contact information if currently living in USA only. agswickrama@gmail.com
Catholic Govi parents seek an educated partner for their eldest daughter born in 1981,5’7” tan in complexion,educated in a leading girls school in Colombo,and has completed BSC & MSC in Information Technology,has own house and car,widowed with a five year old son,both living with parents. Please reply with full details. posal1939@gmail.com
Colombo BG/K parents seek an educated partner especially in Engineering and medical fields to their daughter born in 1988,5’5” works at a government hospital as a Doctor with MBBS qualifications. Tel: 0112726038. Email: priyanthi1208@gmail.com
Colombo Govi Buddhist height 5’2’’,1989 educated pretty daughter (BSc USJP) ACMA employed in private sector. Suitable partner is sought.
Colombo Govi Buddhist parents (retired executives) seek educated partner for their daughter born in 1986 June height 5’1” studied at a leading school in Colombo ACMA,MBA qualified and presently employed as an Accountant in a leading private company. She owns valuable assets including a house in Colombo. Please reply with family details and copy of horoscope. sam24wije@gmail.com
Colombo G/B parents seek academically and professionally qualified son for their daughter in USA. IT postgraduate born December 1990,5’4” fair and beautiful,preferably in USA. Respond with telephone number. proposalsde@gmail.com
Colombo suburbs B/K parents of a respectable family seek a professionally qualified son with sober habits preferably living in Australia for their daughter 1994,pretty,fair 5’,fully qualified in the field of Accountancy & awarded a master’s degree in Finance Management from a prestigious Australian university. Currently residing in Australia. Please reply with horoscope & family details to - mproposal947@gmail.com
Dear parents,Im seeking a smart,educated suitable partner for my attractive 5’2’’ daughter born in 1983. We are Sinhala Buddhist,caste is immaterial,looking for an open minded,culturally balanced companion from professional/business background. Her academic background is in finance & management. She was educated in a private school & obtained both the undergraduate & Masters Degrees from a foreign university and has been working in Sri Lanka since returning from abroad. Inherits substantial assets. If interested,please respond with your son’s details along with social media profile and horoscope. We maintain confidentiality in all matters & would appreciate same from you. Best wishes,father. proposalc364@gmail.com
Galle Bodu Vishwa differences immaterial parents seek academically qualified or business son for their daughter 1990 January 5’3’’ BSc Government Officer. 0912222572. proposalwb@gmail.com
Govi Buddhist parents residing in a colombo suburb seek partner for 27 year old daughter 5’1” fair smart BSc MSc from prestigious overseas Universities attended leading girls’ school in Colombo. Please reply with a photograph of son and family,presently studying overseas. sevingris@yahoo.com
Govi Buddhist retired government servant parents from Colombo suburbs seek a suitable academically and professionally qualified partner for their 1988 born 5’2” tall only daughter BSc (UK) MSc (Sri Lanka) upholds Sinhala Buddhist values currently pursuing a PhD. Please reply with family details and horoscope. (Her horoscope is with Shani Mangala Dhosa). Email: proposaldg42@gmail.com
G/B mother from a respectable family in Galle,seeks a well educated,caring partner (professional/businessman) with good personality for her daughter,32,5’2’’ she is good looking and is well brought up. She has a Degree in Economics (Colombo) and MBA (PIM) with other qualifications. She works as an Assistant HR Manager at a reputed IT Company. She will inherit substantial assets. Reply with family details and horoscope. Email: marriagepropo1988@gmail.com
G/B parents in England seek a partner settled and employed in UK or willing to migrate for their only daughter,Medical Doctor (NHS),born in 1989,5’9”,slim,fair and beautiful. She will inherit substantial assets in Sri Lanka including a house in Colombo,commercial property and lands. Doctors,Engineers and Accountants are preferred. Email : piyaamara@gmail.comTel. 00447424282540/00441142763752.
G/B parent seeks academically and professionally qualified son from similar background for their MBBS Dr Duwa 1988,5’5’’,please reply with details. duwaproposal@outlook.com
G/B retired parents seek a caring loving heart educated partner for 35,5’4’’ fair slim pretty accomplished daughter MBBS MD Doctor who divorced from a brief marriage as the plaintiff due to incompatibility. No encumbrances. Reply with all details contact number and horoscope. marriagep720@gmail.com
Kandyan Bodu Govi parent seeks an educated son for pretty daughter 1982 born, 5’3”, young looking and professional, living in Australia owns a house in Kandy. [email protected]
Kandyan B/G parents from respectable families seek a professionally and academically qualified son with a good character and sober habits for their MBBS Doctor daughter,She is fair pretty slim 5’ tall,born in 84 has a good character an good qualities and inherits assets. mrrg.prpsls@gmail.com
Kandyan Govigama Buddhist highly professional dual citizen family in Australia seeks a professional well mannered son with good moral values from a similar family for their daughter a Dental Surgeon,born in 1994. She is 5’5’’,slim and well mannered. She is fluent in both Sinhala and English. Her horoscope non-malefic. E-mail: propmarriage20@gmail.com
Kegalle B/G respectable parents seek a suitable partner for daughter employed in Australia. PR holder born 1986 January,height 5’7’’,academically and professionally qualified well brought up son upholding Buddhist Sinhalese values is sought TP: 035-2222613,prop802@gmail.com
Loving protection of a S/B educated retired religious refined humorous gentleman above 65 yrs /disregards age in Sri Lanka /abroad is sought by S/B retired educated divorced without encumbrances lady for pleasant retirement. serinity2519@gmail.com
Moor parents from Colombo seek a religious and educated partner for their daughter age 27 years 5’3’’ completed B.A Degree. Contact: 2470900 shazmueid@gmail.com
Panadura Bodu Govi mother seeks an academically and professionally qualified son for pretty highly educated daughter born in 1984 and 5’4” tall. She’s a USA PR holder working as an Accountant in California. She’s been brought up with Sri Lankan Buddhist values. She completed her bachelors and masters degrees in California. She has valuable investments and properties in Sri Lanka. Sons living in USA are preferred. Please send details with horoscope to: proposl79@gmail.com
Professional parents living in USA seek an academically and professionally qualified well-mannered handsome son from a respectable Sinhala /Buddhist family for their US born youngest daughter,a medical doctor working in East Coast USA,raised with Sinhala Buddhist values. A medical doctor or a professional with similar educational background living in USA or Canada is preferred. She is 30,5’6”,beautiful,slim,fair,well-mannered,very pleasant and kind young lady with great qualities. She will inherit substantial assets. Please respond with family details. Email: lakvijaya20@gmail.com
Professional parents (G/B) living in Australia seek a smart professionally qualified employed son below 40 for daughter 36 fair very pretty BSc. Graduate professionally qualified /employed in Victoria Australia widowed after a very brief marriage. Reply with horoscope and details. Prefer those who live and work in Victoria Australia. Email - arachchis1@gmail.com
Respectable affluent G/B parents seek an academically qualified well occupied or established businessman son with sober habits born after year 1980 for their pretty educated accomplished and occupied daughter born in 1987. E-mail: nilmini.k1961@gmail.com
Respectable Bodu Govi Business family seeks professionally qualified partner for their daughter Business Management Degree holder 25 years owns luxury house & vehicles,other substantial assets. Please reply family details and horoscope to Email; marriageproposal2520@gmail.com
Sinhala Buddhist Professional parents living in Australia seeking a professionally qualified son,living in Australia with similar values to be introduced to our only daughter,MBBS Doctor,age 32,currently pursuing her specialty. She is 5 ft. 5” tall,brought up with Sri Lankan values. Please reply with family details. proposal7891@outlook.com
Sinhala Buddhist parents residing in the UK looking for a well-educated and well employed son from a respectable family for their 29 years,5’3” pretty,slim,fair daughter born in the UK. She is employed in a reputed international Consulting Firm in New York,as a Management Consultant. BSc (UK) MBA (USA). Please reply with horoscope and family details to: duo242204@gmail.com
Sinhala Buddhist well respected wealthy parents from Colombo seek a partner of similar status for their 5’6’’ slim fair attractive professionally qualified (LLB,Attorney-at-Law,ACMA,CGMA) daughter of 26 years she owns valuable properties in Colombo and financial assets with stable returns. winpro1960@gmail.com
Sinhala /Govigama Christian highly respected,Public Servant father seeks a partner,who is academically qualified and from a respectable Sinhala family for his daughter,pretty and English educated,39 years old,academically and professionally qualified with substantial assets,who is divorced innocent party with no encumbrances. Works as a Manager in a private bank in Colombo. Email: victorious0166@gmail.comor call on 0112623508.
Sinhalese Buddhist/Karawa retired parents residing in Canada seek professionally qualified well-mannered son for their eldest daughter born in 1985,currently studying in a state medical faculty,Sri Lanka,completing M.B.B.S. in 2021,brought-up with Sri Lankan Buddhist values. Please reply with family details,horoscope,contact numbers to: proposal.can.sl@gmail.com
Sinhalese Buddhsit parents seek a suitable partner for their daughter 27 y.,professionally qualified Software Engineer working in a leading company in Colombo. Please reply with family details and the horoscope. Email : ravidramendis@yahoo.com
Sinhalese G/B parents residing in the UK,seek an educated,well built,handsome,well mannered son with good values for our only daughter. Born in 1985,5’9” in height. She is academically,professionally qualified,kind and caring daughter brought up with Buddhist values. Reply with family details and horoscope. Email : mthusintha@gmail.com
Sri Lankan Moor parents from Australia are looking for a suitable professionally qualified,moderately religious,teetotaller and kind partner for their daughter BSc Civil Engineer,Australian citizen,26 years old,5’2” tall,slim,beautiful and well mannered. Only those who are willing to migrate or who are in Australia should email to fam17@outlook.com.au
Well connected Moor parents from Kandy,father a professional seek a religious qualified partner for their only daughter aged 35 working as an executive in a leading company in Colombo. contact - moorproposal2506@gmail.com
Western Province Govi Buddhist respectable family parents seek a suitable partner for the only daughter 1992/08 slim,5’3”,fair/pretty,excellent character,graduate (English),with assets. We seek a well-mannered,non-smoker,teetotaller,well-employed or well-established business son,from a respectable ,Govi Buddhist family. propose7788@gmail.com
1982 height 5’3” G/B parents seek suitable partner for MA qualified daughter holding higher post. Reply with horoscope and Telephone Numbers. dulhari@hotmail.com
1985 B/G/RC 5’3” graduate,teacher in private school,only brother is a Doctor,she inherits assets Buddhists welcome. Email: mapropos2017@gmail.com
1987 height 5’2”,G/B parents seek suitable partner for HR qualified daughter holding Executive post. Reply with horoscope and Telephone Numbers. ashtrimandra@yahoo.com
1995 born Roman Catholic Govigama daughter 5’,Colombo suburbs. Same caste educated gentleman is sought. swarnapala61@gmail.com
1997 June,Gampaha District Bodu Govi 5’3’’ eldest pretty daughter,studied in a Colombo girls’ school. Doing a management degree at a government university. Private bank. Permanent employee. Parents seek good looking educated son from a decent family. Please reply with horoscope and family details.