Able G/B,respectable parents Maharagama seek NS/TT educated son for young looking fair,pretty daughter 1980 Dec. 5’5’’ Scientist holding managerial position in well reputed company in Melbourne,Australia. Reply with full family details,HC,Contact number to: wijaya3275@gmail.comTelephone: 0112-848624.
About our daughter,she is brought up with Buddhist cultural values. A smart 5’6’’,slim,well accomplished born in 1989/Oct. educated at a leading school in Colombo BSA Statistics (Special) University of Colombo CIMA,ACMA,MSc,Business Analytics (UK) working at a leading company in Colombo in the field of Data Analytics (Managerial Level) planning to migrate to Australia professional parents. The only younger brother is working in Sydney Australia. Reply with family details contact numbers and horoscope. E-mail: proposal.ksak@gmail.com011-2955255 (weekdays after 7.30 p.m.).
Academically and professionally accomplished son is sought by G/B parents for 35-year-old pretty daughter,academically qualified and employed in a highly recognized profession. Legally separated after a very brief,deceitful incompatible marriage with no encumbrances. Reply with family details,horoscope to: proposalsrilanka2019@gmail.com
Academically and professionally accomplished son,only living in US/UK/Canada,is sought by S/G/B mother from Colombo residing in New York,for her daughter 34,5’3”,brought up with Sri Lankan values,qualified with a Master’s Degree and working at a well-established company in a higher position. Please email with family details,horoscope. mproposal202020@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified caring son is sought by Sinhalese,Buddhist/Govi professional parents for their fair pretty daughter 5’4’’,31+years,graduated from prestigious university and employed in healthcare field in Canada. Please reply with family details and horoscope. E-mail: prop01866@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified employed well mannered caring son is sought by retired G/B parents from Colombo suburbs for their pretty well accomplished only daughter. She is well employed with post graduate qualification from UK University. Also a qualified UK solicitor. Born in May 86. Height 5’8”. Kuja in 7th House but favourable. Prefer a son who can converse fluently in English and has a good personality. Please reply with horoscope to manidee.proposal@yahoo.com
Academically and professionally qualified fair,pretty daughter 89/05 born 5’2’’ in height PR and CIMA holder postgraduated pursuing CPA working as a Finance Associate in Toronto S/B/G parents seek a suitable educated partner residing in Canada only. Reply with horoscope and contact numbers. E-mail: dansulak7@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified partner for IT graduate and government employed daughter (1987,June/5’3’’) sought by Kandyan B/G retired principal parents. hmsenevirathna@gmail.com081-2573206.
Academically and professionally qualified permanently employed well mannered kind hearted honest caring NS/TT age 28 - 31 handsome son from a respectable family is South by S/B well connected respectable parents from Colombo for their only daughter pleasant and slim 27 years 5’ 4 1/2” holding an LLB Degree from London University taking Oaths in few months father and only brother professionals,no barriers. Reply with all family details horoscope and contact no. to smproposal2020@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified son is sought by respectable Buddhist parents from Colombo for their youngest daughter born in 1992 March. She is 5’2” pretty fair studied in an International School Colombo,at present she is holding a managerial position in our family business. Reply with horoscope and family details to email: horoscopes7890@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified son is sought for G/B pretty lawyer 29 years old from a respectable family businessman considered Kuja in 7. proposal393@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified well mannered caring son is sought by B/G parents for our daughter 33 years,5’1’’ fair and pretty. She is a graduate English teacher. Rahu 7,Kuja 7. Please reply only malefic horoscopes. E-mail - horoscopesam87@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified well mannered son for our daughter B/G Chartered Architect working in Colombo. Own properties in Kandy KMC limits. Reply with family details and horoscope. mrp.wa500@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified well mannered son is sought by B/G respectable parents from Galle for their daughter born 1986,4’ height 5’’ working in the academic staff at state university. Please send horoscope and family details with contact No.: (Kuja in seventh house).
Academically and professionally qualified well mannered son is sought by B/K parents (father retired Engineer) for their 32,5’4”,BSc. (Hons) pretty,decent daughter recently migrated and working as a Senior IT professional in New Zealand. Please reply with horoscope and family details. mprops20@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified well mannered,pleasant son sought by S/B professional family for daughter,born in 1987,She is pretty,5’6”,smart,well mannered and educated from leading schools in Colombo and graduated from reputed Universities with professional qualifications (BSc,MBA CIM) employed in a senior role at a leading multinational organization,will inherit assets seeking comparative status in a partner. Horoscope and caste not important. Please reply with family details. Email: lkproposal1987@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified well-mannered son is sought by Kandyan,Govi/Buddhist parents living in Canada,for their daughter,born 1996 and 5’0” height. She is an active,honest,kind-hearted,caring,pretty daughter who was brought up with Sri Lankan Buddhist values. Preferred those who live in Canada. Please reply with horoscope and family details to: propothinkpad7@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified well-mannered son is sought by respectable Buddhist parents from Colombo for their eldest daughter born in 1988. She is 5’4” pretty fair slim qualified and well-occupied daughter. Please reply with family details and the horoscope to: hscope783@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified well-mannered son (Catholic Buddhist) from a respectable family is sought by retired bank manager parents from Colombo for their daughter Govi /Catholic born 1991 Jan,5’3” pretty BA/MA in French language presently employed as a Teacher at a reputed school in Colombo. Reply with full family details,contact No. and horoscope to vinrun850@gmail.com
Academically professionally qualified son from a good family background is sought by mother from a Bodu-Govi respectable family for her educated well accomplished daughter 41 years 5’5” holder of BA (Hons) Sri Lanka MBA (UK) and a government department executive much younger looking and owns properties in Colombo. Willing to migrate if necessary. Please reply with family details to: milinahetti@gmail.com
Academically professionally qualified well-mannered son from Sri Lanka or Australia sought by respectable G/B parents from Colombo for their slim pretty attractive 5’2” daughter born in 1991 studied at leading girls’ school Colombo graduated with BSc (Hons) Software Engineering employed as an Executive in reputed firm currently pursuing her Masters Degree in Australian University,Sydney. She inherits substantial assets and a car only brother is working as a Optics Engineer Sydney,Australia. Kuja 1247812. Reply with horoscope and family details. propdhammi@gmail.com
Academically qualified well mannered kind son in (Sri Lanka) or overseas is sought by B/G parents for their only daughter fair and pretty 85/09,5’3” studied at leading Buddhist Girls’ School in Colombo and graduated from University of Colombo with BSc.,CIMA partly qualified willing to migrate. Kuja in 1,2,4,7,8,12 horoscopes are preferred. Reply with family details & horoscope. Email : proposal12342019@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified son is sought by B/G parents living in Canada for their daughter,5’0” slim,kind,attractive daughter born in 1991 Sep. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree and She is financially well established. She lives a very healthy lifestyle and prefers someone with similar interests. Please send family details of your son. Email - canadaproposal25@yahoo.com
Academically & professionally qualified locally employed son below 35 is sought by BK parents for elder daughter 1989 Sept. 5’3’’ holding BSc Engineering and PhD qualified Lecturer. Mesha Lagna,Deta Nekatha,non malefic HC Sikuru 7,Sandu 8. Karawa and Govi only. Reply with family details horoscope,contact numbers. m1989proposal@gmail.com
Accademically & professionally qualified,Sinhala B/G Kandyan parents living in Colombo seek well educated,religious,fair,handsome,engineering /entrepreneur,below 28 years son for their 24 years old,5’ 3” height,pretty. fair,slim,charming & well educated eldest daughter brought up with Sinhala buddhist religious values,sober habits & excellent character. Educated at a leading Convent in Colombo. Graduated from Plymouth University,UK & Post Graduate,Diploma from CA SL. Works as a Director in the family business. She inherits substantial assets & other valuable things. Respond with family details & horoscope (non-malefic). E-mail : khp59581@gmail.com
Affluent respectable Buddhist Karawa /Govi parents from South living in Colombo suburbs seek an academically and professionally qualified son below 30 years from a respectable family for their elder daughter 5’6” tall born in 1996 Jan. Pretty fair studied in leading Buddhist School in Colombo,Hon. Graduate in International Business Management. Works in a leading Group of Companies as an Executive. She inherits substantial assets. Non-malefic horoscope. No intention of migrating. Please reply with full family details and horoscope,contact numbers in first letter. E-mail : marriagepro1996@gmail.com
A Buddhist Govi /Deva parents from a respectable family of Colombo suburbs seek a professionally qualified,kind hearted son for their only daughter of two children. She is 1991 born,5’2”,very fair,pretty,educated at a leading girls’ school in Colombo,holds Graduate Diploma in Accounting (UK),works at a leading institution while studying for CIMA (Management level) and MBA (finish in November),inherits Colombo suburb land,a house and other substantial assets. Email: propose581@gmail.com
A kind caring well-mannered son with either MBBS/BSc Eng. preferably living abroad is sought by Sinhala Buddhist retired parents residing in Colombo suburbs for their fair pretty well-mannered daughter 5’4” 1991 born. Dental Surgeon working in a government hospital. Reply with details and horoscope. marriageproposal248@gmail.com
A suitable well employed partner is sought by mother for her daughter,Sinhala Buddhist Durawa/Govi 46 years,5’5’’ Accountant/Manager in a leading company drawing six figure salary. Owns a house and a new car. Reply with family details. hwgproposals@gmail.com
A well mannered,educated and caring son is sought by respectable Buddhist parents from down south for their elder daughter aged 25 5’3’’. Who is fair and pretty and brought up with cultural values. Currently living in Australia pursuing her higher studies. Castes not considered. Respond with family details and a horoscope copy to: dssam1966m@gmail.com
Buddhist Govi mixed parents seek educated partner for their 27 years,5’3’’,pretty,slim,employed daughter with dowry. Holds First Class BA from State University and completed Masters. dprop4572@gmail.com
Buddhist parents living in Colombo suburbs looking for a smart,qualified son preferably below 28 years with a very good family background for marriage with their younger daughter,26 years,5’3’’,working as an Accountant in Australia,Academically/professionally qualified,smart well disciplined girl with a very pleasing personality. Please send details of your son/family to: mpr1994sl@gmail.com
Buddhist parents residing in Canada seek academically/professionally qualified son living in Canada or willing to migrate preferably from USA or UK for their daughter born in February 1988,5’4”,pretty,fair,professionally qualified and well-employed. Please reply with family details and horoscope to: canpro1988@gmail.com
Buddhist Sinhala V/K respectable family living in the UK seeks academically and professionally qualified son for their daughter born 1992/4,5’2”,pretty,fair,slim brought up with Sri Lankan values studied in Sri Lanka,graduated from a foreign country and currently reading Masters in UK. Only brother reading Engineering degree in UK. Inherits assets. Migration to UK can be considered. Reply with family details,horoscope,contact number to mprop9220@gmail.com
B/Govigama Colombo professional parents seek well-mannered qualified son age between 34-38 years for 5’7” slim fair pretty daughter 33 years working in the US University. Kethu in seven house. proposalkandyan@gmail.com
B/G business parents from Colombo seek an academically & professionally qualified son for their eldest daughter born in 1990/08 5’ currently she is following a Masters in a leading university in Melbourne (Australia) she owns a valuable luxury house in Colombo and inherits income from family business or assets. Kindly reply with family details with a copy of horoscope. Email: proposal.19908@gmail.com
B/G Kandy 1993/10 daughter,5’,fair,Bio-Science (Special) Degree University of Colombo. Government Service parents seek educated son Sri Lanka /Abroad (Shani 7). Reply with horoscope. Email - welig0929@gmail.com
B/G parents seek educated partner between 37 & 45 for their daughter born 1982,graduate. Educated SL & UK. Employed SL with assets. Email: marriageproposals9@outlook.com
B/G parents seek partner for their pleasant daughter born 1982,graduate studied SL & UK. Worked in Colombo. With assets. Email: the2017proposal@gmail.com
Canadian dual citizen professional Sinhala parents seek an academically qualified professional son below 35 for their pretty daughter 5’ academically qualified healthcare professional enjoying a permanent position in a government hospital in Ontario. She has a non-malefic horoscope. Those living in Canada USA or willing to relocate preferred. Please forward details with horoscope to: caslbride@gmail.com
Christian parents seek teetotaller partner from same faith for professionally qualified and employed daughter 31. Write full details and requirements to: ecdchris960@gmail.com
Christian Sinhala parents living in Toronto Canada seek academically/professionally qualified son for their daughter pretty 27 years 5’4” holds a B.Com degree and working as a Project Analyst in Government Institute. She has done her primary education at christian school in Colombo. Reply with family details with contact numbers. Horoscopes not needed. Email: proposal.ca93@gmail.com
Colombo Bodu Govi respectable business parents seek professionally qualified,kind and caring son with sober habits from a respectable family for their elder daughter born in 1993/12. 5’4’’,very pretty,fair,slim,caring,an excellent character. She obtained her MBBS degree from Monash University. Currently she is working at a Government hospital in the Colombo District. Please send your family details horoscope. proposalfinder3@gmail.com
Colombo B/G mother seeks kind caring partner for daughter 5’3” 38 yrs Visakian MBA qualified holds substantial assets including a house & car. quickprop2015@gmail.comDivorced from a nulity marriage
Colombo B/G parents hailing from an affluent family seeks a suitable partner for their professionally qualified daughter employed in the medical sector. (Born in 1985,height 5’8”. Reply with horoscope. ruwi1720@gmail.com
Colombo B/G parents hailing from an affluent family seeks a suitable partner for their professionally qualified daughter LLB (London) (Attorney-at-Law) currently reading for LLM (U.K.) (Age 32,height 5’5”). Reply with horoscope. ruwi1720@gmail.com
Colombo B/V parents seek a suitable educated son for their pretty daughter born in 1986 5’1” MBA Graduate employed as a head of a department in hospital sector. Legally divorced with no children as the complained party Kala Sarpa Yoga included. chandrawad58@gmail.com0112796179.
Educated and kind-hearted partner working in Australia or willing to migrate is sought by respectable Catholic parents for their slim,tall,pretty daughter,born in 1985,height 5’8”,working in a leading firm in Australia. Height,caste and religion immaterial. Email: jazzy2791@icloud.com
Educated moderate Muslim family in Polonnaruwa District seeks a well-educated son from a moderate Malay or Muslim family for their 27 yrs. (5’6”) Graduate younger daughter Teacher by profession. Father BA,MA qualified Teacher,School text book author Educational Publication Department,Sworn Language Translator. Elder daughter Graduate Teacher. Elder son Graduate Project Officer reading for MA University of Colombo. Email : yusrinsf@gmail.comContact Number : 0272056756 (after 8 p.m.)
Father seeks academically and professionally qualified partner for B/G Lady Doctor,age 39,height 5’4’’. Reply with horoscope. pkwijayananda@gmail.com
For a very attractive young looking unmarried daughter received higher degrees from foreign Universities and well employed overseas with citizenship,B/G parents invite suitable groom (44 - 49) especially from abroad,divorcees without encumbrances also considered. gunawa1942@gmail.com
Govi Buddhist parents with a good education background look for a suitable partner for their daughter 28 years 5 ft 2 inch MBBS,expecting internship appointments,educated in a Colombo school,grown up with Buddhist values,well-mannered,friendly and fair. Tel: 0714441235 (from Sat. 8 p.m. onwards). Email: 123proposal2020@gmail.com
G/B parents are seeking a well-educated,professional son for their 30-year-old,5’2” attractive daughter,a medical student in USA. Please reply with all the details to email: marriageproposal033@gmail.com
G/B parents Colombo seek son for daughter 41 (looks 30),very young looking fair slim pretty 5’1” CIMA part qualified inherits house. Reply with full details and horoscope. E-Mail : marriage2233@yahoo.com
I’m looking for a kind and understanding gentleman for my friend who is a divorcee with two grown up children and living in USA. She’s pleasant,65 years old,a Montessori teacher in USA. Looking for a respectable gentleman who lives in USA or in a foreign country for marriage. Please reply to: (piedmont2020@hotmail.com).
Kandyan,Sinhala,Govi Buddhist,Medical Specialists parents seek for their only daughter,1994 born,fair,attractive Medical student,attending a local Medical Faculty,a professionally qualified partner from a similar respectable background. She has only one sibling a brother who is an Engineering undergraduate attending the Moratuwa University. Please reply with family details and a copy of the horoscope.
Moor parents from Moratuwa seek a professionally qualified partner preferably a Doctor or an Engineer,living in Australia as a permanent resident for their fair complexioned daughter age 26,who has completed BSc Civil Engineering at Victoria University in Australia. Presently in Australia. Please reply with full details and contact information to E-mail: sjmnizam@gmail.comor C/o Sunday Observer.
Moor parents from respectable and well connected family seek for their daughter,23+,fair,slim,5’3” height,religious,educated in English medium upto O/L and has completed useful courses for a house wife and presently teaching in a recognized montessori,wants a religious,kind hearted,educated or established businessman from good family background,between 25 - 30,bride inherits the fully furnished house,good match will be given a vehicle,groom preferred from Western Province. Please do not apply those who are employed abroad or willing to go abroad for employment in future. Please send full details to: email: fathimaht96@gmail.com
Muslim parents from Rathmalana looking for a groom for their 28 years old daughter,who is a graduate from Colombo medical faculty. Please send family details to nikahproposal992@gmail.com
Muslim very respectable family from Colombo District seeks well qualified partner for our English educated beautiful daughter 27 years. fatherf528@gmail.com
Parents are seeking an academically and professionally qualified single or divorced son for their absolutely beautiful daughter,34 years old,separated as the plaintiff due to incompatibility,academically & professionally qualified director in a reputed MNC in Colombo. Reply with all details & recent photos. ntcinquiry@gmail.com
Pleasant,attractive and compassionate Tamil lady from educated background mid-forties,looking for a compatible life-partner to settle in life,SL or overseas. Decent,moral and cultured gentlemen aged 41-49,with soft positive attitude are welcomed (self-proposals) to write to: partnerforlife082020@gmail.com
Professionally qualified handsome son from Sri Lanka or overseas sought for MBBS Doctor specialist trainee Colombo 1983 September,5’4’’,slim,beautiful caring,younger looking daughter of BG parents. hemalthiru@gmail.com011-2413685.
Professionally qualified parents (B/G/K) seek a suitable partner for their 24 year old 5’2” pretty,kind-hearted and well-mannered daughter,a final year undergraduate student at a popular state university in Sri Lanka for a stable relationship leading to marriage. Please respond with a copy of the horoscope. marriageproposals404@gmail.com
Professional parents S/B in Colombo suburb seek a professionally qualified partner for their pleasant/fair cheerful daughter MBBS Doctor (Kuja in 8th house) studied in a leading Buddhist Girls’ School in Colombo,born in mid 1985 & employed in Colombo suburb as a Medical Officer. Please forward all details with copy of horoscope to “familysl2020@outlook.com“.
Professional son is sought for very pretty,well mannered daughter living in the UK,working as an Assistant Professor,PhD (UK),42 (1978),5’8’’ never been married,G/B. Please reply with contact details. Happy to get to know first and meet in Sri Lanka or UK soon. Differences immaterial. Personal or family reply to: proposaluksl78@gmail.com
RC mother seeks suitable partner for daughter working in an executive position in an private establishment age 46 height 5’4” slim J/Tamil studied in Colombo Convent in Sinhala medium not married before,possesses substantial assets. Email - augustid3@yahoo.com
Respectable affluent G/B parents seek a professionally and academically qualified son age below 40 years for their well educated and occupied pretty and accomplished daughter age 33+. E-mail: proposals1999@outlook.com
Respectable Bodu Govi parents (Rathnapura) seek a suitable partner for their pleasant looking daughter Senior Lecturer Government University Colombo suburb 5’2” born July 1978. pathirana76@yahoo.com
Retired G/B professional parents looking for a suitable,well educated,financially well established son devoid of all vices for their 1985 August born,5’6” tall,fair,slim,very pretty Postgraduate qualified (Medicine,Science) daughter inheriting valuable assets,divorced last December as Plaintiff from a proposed marriage limited only to registration. Migration considered. Please reply with true details and horoscope. 141happymarriage@gmail.com
Rev Sister (nun) is looking for a Catholic groom for her Tamil Catholic niece who is born and brought up abroad but presently living in Galgamuwa as she is 5’2” in height,30 years old with a pleasant look,for more information. Please contact us via email sujaninaravindra@gmail.com
R.C/Govi,Colombo suburbs,1990,5ft,very fair and beautiful,our well mannered daughter educated in a convent is currently employed in a shipping line as a Senior Executive. Parents looking for an educated,handsome,kind hearted son from a respectable family,permanently employed in a senior position below 40yrs legally divorced or widowed with a kid for our daughter legally divorced with 1 kid for an understanding marriage. Only sister is a catholic nun. Religion caste immaterial. chrismprops30@gmail.com
Sinhala Buddhist parents living in the USA seek an academically and professionally qualified partner grew up in the USA,UK or Canada,with a similar background,for their daughter,36 years,5’3”,slim,fair,PhD qualified,grew up in the USA. Please reply with family details,horoscope. Email: pmaproposal2020@gmail.com
Sinhala B/G parents from Colombo suburbs seek well-mannered academically/professionally qualified partner below 28 years and above 5’8” for their elder daughter. She is 23 years,5’7” slim fair attractive well brought-up currently working in consulting area of work in Colombo reputed international firm after completing her first degree and masters in UK reputed universities. Only sister is a medical student in a foreign university. She inherits valuable properties and other assets. Reply with family details and a copy of horoscope. Email: proposalm18@gmail.com
Sinhala,Buddhist respectable,wealthy & well connected parents from Sri Jayawardenepura,seek an academically qualified & well established caring son for our second daughter who is 27 years of age,5’8” height,fair & very pretty,educated & qualified in Sri Lanka & Masters from Australia. Currently working to develop on her own fashion designing business in Sri Lanka. She is a kind,caring,lovely & family oriented person who is very fluent in English. (Kuja 2,Rahu 7). She is not willing to migrate. Suitable son must be conversant well in English. Reply with family details,horoscope. mpropose1993@gmail.com
Sinhalese Buddhist /Karawa retired parents residing in Canada seek professionally qualified well mannered son for their eldest daughter born in 1985,currently studying in a State Medical Faculty Sri Lanka,completing M.B.B.S. in 2020 brought up with Sri Lankan Buddhist values. Please reply with family details,horoscope,contact numbers to proposal.can.sl@gmail.com
Sinhalese parents residing in USA seek marriage partner for pretty daughter born 1985,5’3” tall employed US citizen having own home in US. Marriage partner should be Sri Lankan living in US working or studying or immigrant due to arrive shortly. Family is Govi Catholic but caste and religion immaterial. Email: rsurawee@gmail.comor Call: 747-230-3097.
S/B respectable parents from Colombo seek academically professionally qualified handsome son with sober habits below 34 yrs. for their daughter 5’1” 31 yrs. pretty smart studied at Colombo leading school,qualified BSc special,MBA CIMA CIM holding managerial position in reputed company,inherits Colombo house,car. Father retired Ministry Secretary,mother housewife,three married elder brothers. MBBS Doctor,IT professional,Engineer U.S.A. Reply with horoscope and family details. weeraha@hotmail.com0112699591.