TRIBUTEs | Sunday Observer


27 August, 2017

Victoreen M Hassan:

Memories time cannot erase

It is nine years since God called Victoreen to eternal rest. Victoreen passed away peacefully on August 25 2008. Victoreen was loving, caring and was the greatest blessing in my life. She gave life to our children and when I needed hope and inspiration she was strong. We loved each other dearly and it broke my heart to lose her. You’re gone so far away and left me alone, my days and nights have turned so lonely dear since you’ve been gone. I recall your tender smile and the lovely things you say when you and I were partners in life.

I still remember what Victoreen told me when we decided to get married. She said, “Kamil marriages are made in heaven and if God wants our marriage to take place, no one can stop our marriage even if anyone tries, and that would be the day God unites us and we will be one.”

With God’s blessings we got married and spent almost forty long happy years together and then God gave her rest. What we shared together will not be forgotten, it lives in my heart. We thanked our lucky stars that we found each other. Hand in hand we faced tomorrow with no fears. Now I face each day with hope and the happy memories we shared together.

It broke my heart to walk beside you on that fateful day, the day you were laid to rest. You gave me years of happiness then came sorrow and tears. You left me with the beautiful memories we shared through the years.

Although I am sad that Victoreen is no longer here, her influence still guides me every minute, every hour, and every day. I still feel she is beside me, caring and guiding me. No words can ever say how much I think of you every day. I pray for you in silence every day and hold you close in my heart. You were my ever loving wife. Vicky, all I have are memories and your photo in a frame. For all you gave through the years, your time, love, prayers and your caring and sharing, for all this and more “I still love you.”

Till we meet again, sadly missed by your loving husband

M Kamil A Hassan


D.J. Kumarage:

Remarkable skills in administration, management

D.J. Kumarage, B.A. (Lon) took up the reins of Rahula College, Matara in the year 1937. It was a critical period in the history of the College. He courageously faced the challenges and overcame all obstacles and constraints and rebuilt Rahula.

Kumarage made Rahula the most radiant centre of learning in the South during the tenure of his service. Its present glory and fame is the result of his untiring effort and dedication. The late C.A. Ariyathilake, as the Manager of Rahula stood by him as a tower of strength, in every crisis.

Kumarage had a brilliant staff who were dedicated and devoted. Some of the outstanding teachers were, the late Justin Wijewardena (a famous writer and former MP for Matara) Nandasiri Muthukumarana (a former Director of Education), the late G.D. Dahanayake, late E.A. De L.W. Samarasinghe (a former Principal of St. Thomas’ College, Matara), Gunapala Wickramaratne (a former Commissioner General of Examination), Nanda Pandithasekera (a former ISA-English).

Principal Kumarage showed remarkable skills in administration, management and organisation.

Within a short period of his able and efficient administration, Rahula reached the zenith of its reputation among other assisted schools of the South.

In 1940, under his dynamic leadership, Rahula produced the best results in the Senior School Certificate examination, in the whole island.

Kumarage gave the correct guidance to his students in their studies, as well as in conduct and behaviour. Discipline was his keyword.

Students of all races studied as sons of one mother under the roof of Rahula because Kumarage gave an honourable and rightful place for ethnic unity and co-existence. There were Tamil teachers as well, on the teaching staff.

With the generous assistance of well-wishers, past-pupils and philanthropists, Principal Kumarage added several magnificent buildings to the College as the number of students gradually increased. The emergence of the Gunathilake Memorial Hall, Wanigasekera building, Wijesinghe building and Wijethunga building were the result of the generous and magnanimous contributions of those wealthy philanthropists.

About three decades ago, a countless number of students of Principal Kumarage occupied some of the most illustrious and prestigious positions in government and other institutions in Sri Lanka, as well as abroad. Today, most of them have retired from service, and or passed away.

Kumarage’s period was known as the ‘golden era’ of Rahula. His achievements were largely due to the cordial relationship he established with his learned staff.

Initially, he was an ardent supporter of the National Freedom Movement. He associated with national heroes in the calibre of D.S. Senanayake, S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike, Sir Ponnambalam Ramanadan, and had close contact with Ven. Palane Sri Vajirgnana Thera, Ven. Kalukondayawe Sri Prangnasekera etc. He was guided by Anagarika Dharmapala and Colonel Henry Steel Olcott.

Kumarage produced many generations of eminent and worthy citizens, some of whom are eminent physicians, surgeons, engineers, chartered accountants, university professors, ambassadors, parliamentarians, ministerial secretaries, administrators and successful businessmen.

Kumarage had a towering and dignified personality.

Being a devout Buddhist he practised what he preached. He loved his students very much. Rahula was his life-blood.

The name of Kumarage will be gratefully and affectionately remembered by all Rahulians for his great achievements.

His life was active

And the elements so elegant

In him, all Rahulians will

Bow their heads and say

To all the world

‘He was a Great Man.’

M.S.M. Dahlan 
