Machinery/ Tools For Sale
KordHeidleberg offset printing machine laminating machine imported from Italy for sale. 077 020 7516.
Arms & Ammunition
Thomas& Sons Kadawatha - We strive hard to give preference to the rifle,bullet and gun industry and save sizeable amount of much needed dollars to the country that flowed overseas. Our current Chairman,Deshamanya Roysten Anton Thomas Esq. was awarded the best entrepreneur for the year 2021. We offer locally made Air Rifles at reasonable prices. Repairs,spare parts,servicing undertaken. 0777079250 /WhatsApp 0777319250 /0112972608 /0115737777.
WThomas and Sons importers and manufacturers of Air Rifles. Professionals for firearm repairs. We manufacture guns according to the customer’s requirements with a 5 year warranty from Rs. 42500/- upwards. Guns can be purchased only from Kadawatha. 0114361961 /0115737777 /0777319250 /0777079250.
Furniture For Sale
Nearlynew dining table glass top on black iron frame with 6 cushioned chairs to match the table for sale. Pl. call 0718673132 or 2822674 for further details.
Samsungtwo door refrigerator CFL in good condition. 0772400442.