Nissan Cars for Sale
Nissan XTrail 2015/16,Pearl White Sunroof power boot mileage 126000 Kadawatha. 8.3 M Negotiable. 0773024110.
Mazda Cars for Sale
Mazda - 3,auto 2007 /2008,black 1500CC petrol. Mob. 071-5353221.
KDH Year 2006 registered 2012. First owner : M : 253900,Pearl White,PD-XX. Tel : 0773020343,Price ; 110/= negotiable.
Jeeps & Pickups for Sale
Land Rover Freelander for sale. Good running condition with great interior and exterior. Brand: Land Rover,Model: Freelander,Year of Manufacture: 1999,Condition: Used,Transmission: Manual,Body Type: SUV /4x4,Fuel Type: Diesel,Engine Capacity: 2,000 cc,Mileage 250,000 km. Price: 3.4 Million (negotiable). Contact 0771199678,0712327740.
Mahendra Bolero Campo Gold Double Cab 2016 KM 190230 first owner Company maintenance. 0773793960.
Vehicles Wanted
Cars,vans,jeeps,cabs are required immediately without the driver to be deployed in public and private sectors. Pre payments and host of concessionary packages. Govt. registered No. WC-18880. Pannipitiya,Kandy,Matara. 011-2846026.