Vain the watch, the seal, the stone | Sunday Observer

Vain the watch, the seal, the stone

9 April, 2023

Easter begins with Jesus’ spirit leaving the tortured body and presenting Himself to dominions of darkness, named by Him the gates of hades. Powers within see His pure unblemished spirit blazing in glorious light earth has not seen. Dark cages collapse and prisoners are now free to use the password for exodus to freedom. The password is JESUS.

Having done the onerous judicial work, for which the visa to enter dark domain was His death, Jesus’ blazing spirit comes back to the tomb, to complete the work of the Divine Assize. Jesus’ spirit has to now empower the lifeless body in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea.


The Garden tomb was walking distance from the eastern gate of Jerusalem where was found Golgotha = Aramaic skull; latin – Calvarium – hence the name Calvary – place of the skull. If you visit Jerusalem, you will find Golgotha a rock face with two caves looking life eyes and one below looking like a mouth. Hence the name skull. They have dug through to 1st century soil stratum, coins and pottery being used for age assessing. Thus lays Garden tomb exposed, at least 20 feet below street level, as it was Jesus’ day. Rich men such as Joseph of Arimathea made their tomb before death. He offered that for Jesus’ body.

Process begins

The spirit of Jesus enters the bandaged body, early hours of first Easter Sunday morning. It was the same day marked in the Jewish calendar, to raise up the first sheaf od barley harvest day after the Sabbath which follows Passover Lamb. That would be Sunday. First Easter Sunday. Now the body of Jesus was ready for resurrection.

We too are ready for the resurrection, when our old life is buried with Jesus and we desire to arise into a new life. Old things pass away, all things become new. However, we must be convinced that our old self is the problem – self-centred, anti God – in fact self sabotage working against my best interest. Stained bandages are our best efforts – religious, professional, political to shore ourselves better than others. They hide the wounds we incur as we react more than our injury. But now, I am tired, amazing grace beckons me – I say enough of my bandages, no more gilded cages - I come home to my Father in Heaven.

There is a rocky tomb of old tradition, culture – resisting my liberation. There is a rock rolled by law and watch and a legal seal – wages of sin is death. No escape. Spirit of Christ breathes softly and powerfully on these. Then comes an earthquake. Rock rolls. Blinding light enacts heaven’s decree – Roman guards like demons collapse. Jesus Alive walks out of the tomb. You will remember that guards fell back even at the Garden of Gethsemane. This same Lord Jesus will come into my tomb and into me, when I invite, to enact for me my first Easter Sunday. Many carouse on Easter Day with all their chains, bandages and wounds hindering them – a sorry spectacle.

Jesus’ was a total body resurrection. Not a bone or hair left for veneration. Because He is not dead but alive.

Seven characters -Will you be a Mary Magdalene?

* Roman Guards – vain the watch, the seal sang Charles Wesley. Christ has burst the gates of hell.

* Religious hierarchy who tried to obfuscate the truth

* Three Mary’s who came early morning hoping to practise old rituals.

* Mary Magdalene undaunted waited by the tomb, until the Master spoke to her.

* Peter and John who peeped into the empty tomb but went away without seeing the Risen Lord.

* The Eleven waiting fearfully with closed doors in the upper room, though Jesus was already risen

* Doubting Thomas who had to be convinced

Which category are you?

The Lord wants to remove old info, old character pieces of blame, criticism, tit for tat, bad mouthing that have brought ill health, ruptured relationships and financial downturn.

Your mouth cannot be bitter and sweet at the same time. What has most power over your life is what you spoke. Man is filled with the fruit of his words from above – words that go to heaven producing a good harvest or from below – words that hades holds and produces an evil harvest. The Word is seed.

Watch those old files, log entries you made about yourself with court cases or others made, that keep you in detention regarding your blessing, upward and forward call. Many behave as if they are on the dock, on a deferred prison sentence, as it was with the unmerciful servant who was landed with torturers for being unforgiving towards his fellow servant. Let’s today write down incidents that act as if we are on indictment – unsettled court proceedings which hold our inheritance with a fiscal officer.

Stop going tom adversarial court about any issue or anyone. Go to the throne of mercy which absolves by the blood of Jesus. Do not confess sins of others but do IR with godly sorrow and you will be released from the generational sin of your dad or whoever.

Why be a prisoner of 4th generation iniquity and repeat your grandfather’s judgements? He whom the Son sets free is free indeed. Set others free that you may also be free. Don’t be a prisoner of your own rage and words.

This would be Easter


