The LTTE were terrorists well known for their terror tactics. The remnants of the LTTE International Network in the UK have made the British Parliament sponsor a Resolution at the 46th UN Human Rights Council to create an International Independent Investigative Mechanism relating to Sri Lanka to investigate and prosecute for serious international crimes committed in Sri Lanka, including the crime of genocide of Tamils.
The British Tamils Forum (BTF) was designated in 2006 to mobilise the diaspora in support of the Tamil Community in the UK. This is the largest LTTE International Network which closely communicates with the Tamil community in the UK. The end state of the BTF’s strategy seems to be a move to falsely accuse Sri Lanka, maintaining the claim of human rights violations and advocating punishment to the Sri Lankan military for the alleged genocide of the Tamils.
Unprecedented challenge
The world’s top human rights body UNHRC is facing an unprecedented challenge. Since its 46th session it has been infiltrated and influenced by a notorious terrorist entity, the LTTE’s influential power of BTF. The worst repercussions happened when the UNHRC the largest global platform to discuss matters related to human rights was hijacked by the LTTE. This proscribed Organisation with the support of BTF and GTF have fabricated false accusations and claims against Sri Lanka and influenced the British Parliament to sponsor the resolution at the UNHRC to voice their disapproval of Sri Lanka.
The LTTE is a proscribed organisation who have committed atrocities like recruiting child soldiers and training minors as suicide cadres. According to Article 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms, without distinction of any crime such as race, religion, colour, sex, language, political or other opinions.
According to Amnesty International 2002 ‘Children are entitled to all the rights guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the various treaties that have developed from it. Children are also guaranteed additional rights, notably under the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child because they need special protection and care. However, this brutal organisation trained 12- and 13-year old children as child soldiers. The 17 and 18 years-old were given special training as suicide cadres. 200 suicide bombings were carried out by the LTTE during the separatist war in Sri Lanka where at least 60 of the attacks involved female cadres.
The BTF and GTF have covered up the bitter truth about the LTTE to the international community. The LTTE has committed atrocities against innocent civilians not only against the Sinhalese but also against the Muslims in their own villages. That is the mass killings and genocide happened during the battle by this vicious organisation. The pictures draw a clear image on how this vicious terrorist group has contributed to the gross violations of Child Rights by recruiting minors to their mission.
Understanding the remnants of LTTE International Network: The pattern, influences and matters. The LTTE International Network is a highly influential community. It plays a major role in both their host countries and Sri Lanka. The role of the Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora in battle and peace in Sri Lanka is critical for the future of Sri Lanka and Sri Lankan Tamils in Sri Lanka and aboard.
These LTTE International Network carry out propaganda Campaigns such as a. Raising funds b. Organising various anti-SL Government protests. c. Leveling allegations against top military brass. d. Influencing UN Human rights organisations and thereby discrediting the Government e. Appointing Tamil intellectuals for top international positions.
Building a close network with Tamil political parties in Sri Lanka and via them contribute to the LTTE cause Funds were generated through other activities, such as passport forgery, narcotics, and human trafficking. The overseas Tamil Diaspora has contributed to terrorism by supporting Tamil events such as Thaipongal when held in Sri Lanka. They sponsor these events to influence Tamils.
The LTTE International Network has organised various anti-Sri Lankan Government protests and influenced international organisations such as the UNHRC and other Commonwealth Organisations. In 2013, the Canadian Prime Minister said, “Canada remains deeply concerned about the absence of accountability for alleged serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian standards in Sri Lanka”.
The Tamil Diaspora oversees have strongly influenced these international organizations to stand against the Government. The Tamil Diaspora has attempted to appoint Tamil intellectuals to top international positions since it is the direct way to influence the Government. The Diaspora community has hired well-known highly paid solicitors, lawyers from the UK for legal perspectives. The LTTE International Network commemorated Mahaveer Day (hero’s day) around the world recently.
Mahaviru (Great Heroes) celebration is supported by Tamil National Alliance (TNA) and the Tamil National People’s Front (TNPF) Commemorations were held in the UK, Germany, Switzerland, Canada and the US. Small gatherings were held in parts of some countries especially in the UK and Switzerland, where lamps were lit in memory of the fighters and Tamil civilians killed during the final stages of the battle against terrorism.
In the British Parliament there were some parliamentarians who were interested in this event in UK. Sri Lankan Tamil activists in Britain on Friday paid homage to the victims of the Sri Lanka’s battle against terrorism by projecting the Karthigai flower, the national flower of Tamil Eelam, on the walls of the Houses of Parliament in London to mark Mahaveerar Naal.
Along with the image of the Karthigai flower, the words ‘We Remember’ were highlighted on the walls and also the line ‘We Remember the Heroes, Who Fought for Freedom from Sri Lankan State Genocide’. (Tamil Express) LTTE activists in UK, influence the UK Government to move a resolution against Sri Lanka. LTTE UK organised a protest in Kenton, England on 14 March carrying LTTE flags. The LTTE activists confronted the Police when the Police attempted to disperse the activists.
Likewise terrorist front organisations in the UK are using consistent pressure to influence the British Government to lobby the global Human rights body. Promoting the “genocide” narrative are the LTTE fronts Canadian Tamil Congress (CTC), Australian Tamil Federation (ATF), British Tamil Forum (BTF) and the Global Tamil Forum (GTF). BTF especially pressures UK parliament members to voice against Sri Lanka about genocide and Human Rights violations.
Suren Surendran who took over GTF from Father S. J. Emmanuel is leading the campaign. The GTF took over the premier LTTE International Federation of Tamils led by Arunachalam Chrishanthakumar alias Shanthan. (The BTF and GTF are now handling another British entity - the AllParty Parliamentary Group for Tamils (APPGT).
The LTTE of All Part Parliamentary Group for Tamils (APPGT) influenced the British Foreign Secretary to pressurise the UNHRC. This LTTE front organisation was created by Sen Kandiah of LTTE UK who was able pay GBP 100,000 to former labour MP and Minister Keith Vaz, a corrupt British politician of Indian origin. The APPGT was run by the British TamilForum (BTF) and Global Tamil Forum (GTF), the LTTE front in the UK.
Sri Lankan politicians under the ‘Yahapalana regime indirectly connected with these fronts to get TNA votes. The Sri Lankans should discourage ethnic and religious-based party politics. If Sri Lanka is to remain united, Sri Lankans should support national political parties where all communities are represented. Sri Lanka should unite the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress, the Bodu Bala Sena and Tamil National Alliance. If not, such parties will disrupt Sri Lanka as a region and by community, harmony, and peace.
As a result of the front organisations of LTTE in UK, Sri Lanka is subjected to unprecedented propaganda campaign which influence UNHRC to move against Sri Lanka. In its resolution A/ HRC/25/1 adopted in March 2014 on Promoting reconciliation, accountability and human rights in Sri Lanka, the UNHRC requested the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to “undertake a comprehensive investigation into alleged serious violations and abuses of human rights and related crimes by both parties in Sri Lanka during the period covered by the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC), and to establish the facts and circumstances of such alleged violations and of the crimes perpetrated with a view to avoiding impunity and ensuring accountability, with assistance from relevant experts and special procedures mandate holders”.
The Council requested the High Commissioner to present an oral update at its twenty-seventh session and a comprehensive report on the investigations at its twenty-eighth session. In accordance with this mandate, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights established the OHCHR Investigation on Sri Lanka (OISL), based in Geneva.
(OHCHR Investigation on Sri Lanka) Likewise, UN rights chief Michelle Bachelet called for an International Criminal Court investigation into Sri Lanka’s Tamil separatist conflict and sanctions against top generals and others accused of war crimes. And move on a resolution against Sri Lanka mentioning that Sri Lanka has violating rights in the country by genocide over the period of the battle against terrorism.
Both BTF and GTF partners raised millions of dollars for terrorism in Sri Lanka. In 2008, BTF has sent a team of delegation to Human Rights Commission for further rights violation activities. But LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran the one who used minors as Suicide Cardres in the war period. He is the leader who forcibly recruited child soldiers and abducted minors from their parent.
Most brutal and suicide attacks have taken place in Sri Lanka and this organisation has influence school children and youngsters to join the LTTE army and hereafter they will forcibly recruit them as Black Tigers. International law prohibits the recruitment of children under the age of 18 by non-state armed forces and
The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam use intimidation and threats to pressure Tamil families in the North and East of Sri Lanka to provide sons and daughters for military service and when a family refuses they will adduct those children from their homes at night or forcibly recruited while walking to school.
The recruitment of children under the age of 15 is now considered a war crime. But this law has been violated several times by this brutal organisation. Once the cadre wears the jacket he or she must die, leader offers to have the last supper and take a photograph with him before the attack and this is a brainwashing methods that this vicious organisation gives them.
All these children are suffering from trauma due to these forceful actions by them but now many children are lives under the shelter of the Sri Lankan Army and they now live a peaceful life and dreaming to achieve their future dreams. This is the violation of Human rights and abusing child rights. Now Sri Lanka is the defendant to be criticise. But what happen to the atrocities and allegations committed by LTTE?
Who will raise voices against this brutal, rigid terrorist organisation? The above BTF, GTF and APGT fronts have influence the UK Parliament Members. They are under pressure to get their votes and finally this will end up in a “unprecedented resolution on Sri Lanka without any investigation.
And the atrocities committed by LTTE for child soldiers and the repercussions, not only that allegations conducted by LTTE carders should also criticised in the UNHRC sessions except criticising war crimes committed by Sri Lanka.
Since Sri Lanka has started various rehabilitation and reintegration process after the battle against terrorism. The former LTTE cadres were provided with vocational training, while school children were facilitated an opportunity to complete their secondary education. Some 594 child soldiers have been reunited with their families. They are now into higher education, permanent employment and contributing to National Economy, whilst enjoying and living in peaceful environment in their original habitats with kith and kin.
Best for the country
The rehabilitation program in Sri Lanka was not only for the children but also for the young adults. It commenced with the Sri Lankan Security Forces laying down their arms to take up a different role to right the wrong and do what was for the best for the country.
The surrendered children had a choice of following vocational training courses and were provided with formal education. The children were provided with psycho-social support and provide to follow even extracurricular activities such as scouting, guiding and cricket. The ex-combatants became beneficiaries of the rehabilitation and all child soldiers became our children as special presidential pardon was given to them with an unconditional amnesty for all their past doings as the Government wanted to restore love, care and kindness into their hearts.
“We want to live, we do not want to fight a losing battle, we are afraid of war” flashed back thoughts by a young girl who was a Tamil Tigress in this guerrilla battle during her rehabilitation under the Military.
The writer is a researcher on conflicts and human rights