The whole world is haunted by the COVID-19 spectre. With the number of COVID infections and that of the deaths being reported daily It can not be said that we are out of danger. Be that as it may , we can not let the COVID-19 spectre swallow up the whole world.
At present there prevails another social problem growing gradually. That is domestic violence. Needless to say that we all are homebound and undergo an unbearable burden these days. We can find many factors that contribute to the sudden increase of domestic violences. For example in the prevailing situation we can not even go on a trip with our loved ones in order to relax our minds like before. To ensure the safety of our society we are requested to adhere to the health mandate which does not allow anyone to travel en-mass to distant areas.
As pointed out by many, domestic violence has increased by 30% worldwide. Had this trend continued further, deaths caused by domestic violence would have been another topic for society. The other reason is the economic difficulties that the daily wage earners undergo. One can say that we all fell from the frying pan to the fire.
Be that as it may, we cannot stay in the fire forever. We all know that the daily wage earners whose livelihoods dried up overnight are not in the position to bear these burdens. As a result many have engaged themselves even in moonshine businesses. It is evident that due to these difficulties there is a tendency for domestic violence to increase. If so, there must be a solution to these issues. Considering all the facts we can say that we have to bring about harmony and reconciliation in our family by doing cooperative activities with our family members to ensure safety.
01. Contributing to home gardening.
02. Writing poems and novels.
03. Meditating.
04. Physical exercises.
05. Engaging in games.
It is significant that we can, by engaging ourselves in such activities, bring about peace and harmony in our families in such a way that our home becomes the most comfortable place in the world. Considering the benefits of home gardening we can draw your attention towards another direction.
Home gardening
In this COVID-19 pandemic many have been left alone and lost their livelihoods. Most of them are daily wage earners including trishaw drivers and lottery sellers whose livelihoods dried up overnight. As a solution to this problem we all can contribute to home gardening. It is observable that many of us make a mint of money by selling home grown vegetables to the market. In addition to the economic benefits we can gain health benefits as well through home gardening.
01. Protect our memory:
Researchers in Korea have given 20-minute gardening activities to some people being treated for dementia in an inpatient facility. After the residents have raked and planted in vegetable gardens, researchers have discovered increased amounts of some brain nerve growth factors associated with memory in both males and females.
In 2014, research analysts found that horticultural therapy — using gardening to improve mental health — may be an effective treatment for people with dementia. In the Netherlands and Norway, people with dementia often participate in groundbreaking Green-care programs in which they have to spend a large part of the day working on farms and in gardens. These facts prove that memory capacity can be boosted by gardening.
02. Gardening is a mood booster:
Researchers in the United States have found that gardening improves our mood and increases your self-esteem. When people spend time in a garden, their anxiety levels drop and they feel less depressed.
03.Gardening can calm our minds:
Back in 2011 researchers conducted a study by engaging volunteers. The volunteers were divided into two groups. Then one group was requested to spend time reading and the other half was requested to spend time gardening. Later the researchers tested the levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their bodies and found that the gardening group had recovered from the stress better than the reading group.
The gardening group also reported that their moods had returned to a positive state — while fewer of the readers had. The available evidence proves that gardening can calm our minds.
04. Recovering from addictions:
We all know that many daily wage earners have been addicted to moonshine and Cigarettes. Home-gardening will be a key for them to get rid of bad habits. Researchers noted that plants can provoke positive feelings in people recovering from alcohol addiction.
In another study, people who have been involved in an addiction rehabilitation program were given an opportunity to participate in natural recovery in which they were allowed to choose either art or gardening as their natural therapy. People who chose gardening completed the rehab program at a higher rate and reported a more satisfying experience than those who chose art.
We all can contribute to home gardening as a way to get out of this abyss. We all know that many daily wage earners have lost their livelihoods and even started to commit crimes. Such a trend can move the whole country towards a sea of troubles.
That is why we, as a country, should work hard to uplift our lives.