House & Property - Colombo District for Sale
Bambalapitiya - Bambalapitiya,Kollupitiya,Wellawatte,Thimbirigasyaya office space,houses,buildings available on rent. 500,5000,10000,30000 sq.ft. with parking. 0776306726.
Nawala Koswatta,De Melwatta Road 6.5 perches land & 2nd Lane 8.5 perch land for immediate sle. 2.9Km per perch. Contact: 0714426684/0777139056 or +61478163242.
House & Property - Gampaha District for Sale
Nittambuwa 100 perches commercial land with reputed hospital. 500 meters to Kandy Road Nittambuwa Junction entrance with 15 ft access to the land. Ideal for an expanding hospital or any other business. Viber,Whatsapp - 421904226638,0777220777.
House & Property - Colombo District to Let or Lease
Kalubowila Anderson Rd upstair tiled seperate house with parking 2 rooms ideal for/residence/office/boarding 0712854122.
House & Property Wanted
50 perches land required from Havelock Town,Kirulapone areas. 0777260853.