The most evident fact is that the ancient Chinese Culture better known for the cultural diversity and multiplicity is believed to be older than 5,000 years. Moreover, the most sophisticated Chinese civilisation can be considered to be rich in the arts and sciences, elaborate painting ,printing techniques, delicate pottery and sculpture. The surprising fact is that the most painful tradition also existed in this same ancient culture. It is none other than the foot binding tradition of China that began in the 10th century and persisted well up to the 20th century.
Undoubtedly, the foot binding tradition was wide-spread among the upper class Chinese women in the Tang Dynasty. According to the recent studies carried out by tspecialists , the main objective of this tradition is to distinguish the upper class families and attract males. However it is believed that another objective of this tradition was to keep the women engrossed in handicrafts at home.
Origin and evolution
Many years back in the Tang dynasty known as the ‘Golden Era of the Chinese literature , the craze for the foot binding tradition is believed to have originated. It was one of the Chinese dancers named Yao niang who pioneered this tradition. She had wrapped her feet with a piece of white silk in order to take a crescent-like shape. Afterwards this tradition had wide-spread among the upper class women during the Song- dynasty ( 960-1279) .
The process
It is clear that the foot binding process is more complex. Generally the old women in the Chinese families were expected to take the responsibility for foot binding. By choosing an auspicious day , praying and giving offerings to the ‘ Tiny - Footed Maiden’ in hopes of having perfectly bound feet, the old Chinese women began to bind the feet with long strips of cloth. The big toes were left facing forwards and the four small toes were bent under the foot in this process. Furthermore, until the girls reach their teens , the bindings should be loosened and re-tightened once a month.
Health consequences
According to t evidence , the Chinese women had to undergo unimaginable difficulties and pains in walking and standing. Not only was the development of the bones limited but also the toes curled inwards and their nails grew into the soles. It can be pointed out that the foot binding tradition was at the expense of their health.
Elimination of the foot binding tradition
Though it is well known that the Chinese culture is resistent to the influence from the foreign countries and uphold its own values and customs, the failure of the Qing Dynasty caused many changes even in the governmental structure of China. As a result ,the ban on this tradition was first imposed by the Qing government and later was enforced by the Communist government.