HelpAge greeting cards for a worthy cause | Sunday Observer

HelpAge greeting cards for a worthy cause

26 March, 2017
Shammi Karunaratne, Director/Chief Executive Officer – Plenty Foods handing over the provisions to a farmer in the presence of Vasantha Chandrapala, General Manager and Preethiviraj, Agriculture Manager of Plenty Foods.
Shammi Karunaratne, Director/Chief Executive Officer – Plenty Foods handing over the provisions to a farmer in the presence of Vasantha Chandrapala, General Manager and Preethiviraj, Agriculture Manager of Plenty Foods.

Exchanging greeting cards during the festive season is a courtesy among the young and the old. And the very name, ‘HelpAge Sri Lanka’ clicks in your mind at the same time. Like in previous years, this year too HelpAge has put out over 500,000 greeting cards.

The proceeds of the sales will be utilised for free cataract surgeries to underprivileged elderly citizens of over 55 years of age.

A part of it will be utilized to conduct free mobile medical camps throughout the country for the elderly.

The cards are sold at a very reasonable price at leading bookshops and supermarket outlets including Keells, Cargills and Arpico.

The cards could also be purchased from the Sri Lanka Exhibition and Convention Centre (SLECC) from April 2.

“The cards could also be personalized, free of charge with company names and logos,”.

HASL, Executive Director, Samantha Liyanawaduge said HelpAge is a charity organisation and elderly citizen from low-income groups who wish to get his/her cataract surgery done free could call at the HelpAge Eye Hospital, Sinsapa Road, Wellawatta (Opposite Savoy Cinema).

HelpAge requests all well-wishers to extend their support to this worthy cause like in previous years.

Greeting cards are also available at the HASL Head Office, No. 102, Pemananda Mawatha, Raththanapitiya, Boralesgamuwa (adjoining the University of Sri Jayawardanapura).

For details contact: 0112803752/53,54.

- Ananda Kannangara

