Business Premises for Sale
Wattala,facing Negombo Road,business premises with 2 air-conditioned offices on 10 perches with 07 CCTV cameras and water,3 phase electricity facilities,for sale. 0777 421699.
Business Premises to Let or Lease
Adjoining Narahenpita Divisional Secretariat,1400 sq.ft. ground floor with CCTV Camera,A/C available for an office. Inquire : Rupasingha - Tel. 0718379720.
Bambalapitiya,Kollupitiya,Wellawatta 1000 sq.ft.,5000 sq.ft.,10,000 sq.ft.,30,000 sq.ft.,available. 0776306726.
Colombo 8 opposite Castle Street maternity hospital 4000 sq.ft. office space for rent with parking facility for 8 vehicles 0761559828.
Board & Lodging Available
Nugegoda,Delkanda,room facilities for 09 university students. 0777802747.
Board & Lodging Wanted
Working lady required spacious unfurnished room with attached bathroom in a peaceful residential area in or around Nugegoda,Mirihana. Call: 0719431602.
Luxury Apartments / Houses / Condominiums for Sale
Nawala Temple Road,two storey house with 4 bedrooms,3 B/room,rooftop 12.9 p for sale. 077 4305204.
Luxury Apartments / Hosues / Conominiums to Let / Lease
Colombo 08 border of Colombo 07,near British School two bedroom full A/C furnished apartment for foreigners. Tel. 0772724403.
Newly built two bedroom apartment to be rented out with vehicle parking,Gym and swimming pool facilities at Makubura,Kottawa. Contact: 071 4283592.
House & Property - Colombo District for Sale
Apartment for Sale- On Three 20- Union Place,Colombo 2. Fully furnished two bedroomed apartment on 13th floor- 907 sq.ft. Contact: Email <1964allisong@gmail.com> Phone: 0777-804200.
Borella 4.30-P.,3.25-P.,Darley Rd 4-P.,Rajagiriya 7 -P.,18-P.,Dehiwala 10-P.,12-P.,7-P.,Ratmalana 128-P.,17.5-P.,7-P.,Kotahena 10 P. 075-2774485,011-2670954.
Colombo - 14,house for sale in prime spot on St. Joseph’s Street,Colombo 14 built on 8 perches land in commercial area with easy access to the Municipal Market,Church,Police Station,Mosque,Stadium and Banks. Rs. 24M. (30 lakhs per perch) Negotiable. Contact No. 0701922785 /0777 806616.
Dehiwala house for sale. 6.75 P/C upstair house,Sampath Bank,Cargills Foodcity,walking distance. Price 34 million negotiable. Tel. 0704420945.
House for sale in Rukmalgama Scheme. Contact: 0778564993,0750564993.
Kalubowila Anderson Road,house and property with 3 separate units in a peaceful surrounding,14.5 perch with clear title. No brokers. Phone 0752666287.
Land for sale Dehiwala. 9.65 P/C bare land quick sale clear deeds near Cargills Sampath Bank. Price 32 million,negotiable. No brokers. Tel. 0704420945.
Nawala 10P and 9.5P or together. Bare land ideal for residency. Contact: 0773-733822,076-4900759.
Pannipitiya - Land 15 perch with house 3500 sq.ft. 5 rooms,6 bathrooms,2 halls,dining,pool approval and fully covered wall,big verandah at Depanama,Pannipitiya near Sakthi TV. Clear property. Bank loan availed. Contact : 0755701417.
Pepiliyana centrally located between Nugegoda and Dehiwela Architect designed two storey well maintained modern house with roof garden three bedrooms with attached bathrooms,servant’s room with toilet locked up double garage,highly respected residential area. Offers accepted. Mobile 0712220032. Email: kitprivate@yahoo.com
Thalwathugoda - 12.75 perch land,2 Km to Thalawathugoda and 500m to Kolalgoda Junction,Athurugiriya interchange 5.6 Km,wide road,residential,very clear titles (28 years same owner) 2 million per perch. Price is negotiable. 0716005532,0778320230.
House & Property - Gampaha District for Sale
House for sale. 686A,Tewatta Road,Ragama. Large house,03 bedrooms,lounge and living area,kitchen,bathroom,perches 12.09,very close to Ragama Railway Station,Hospital and Tewatta Basilica Church. PH: 0766406383.
Kelaniya,Pattiwila 50 m away from the Main Road modern house on 20 perches for sale. Inquiries : 0779400510.
Wattala,Kerawalapitiya,9.6 perch land,electricity,water,telephone facilities,roads available. 03 km to Schools,Hospitals,religious places. 0771894610.
House & Property - Kandy District for Sale
Kandy Asgiriya close to all schools. Two room annexe with 13.5P land for sale. 772779867, 0779103434
House & Property - Colombo District to Let or Lease
Colombo 5,Thimbirigasyaya Road,Ruwan Mawatha upstair fully furnished,02 bedrooms,sitting dining A/C,pantry,02 bathrooms,one hot water foreigners preferred or local couple. 0714211381,0112589346.
Kalubowila - close Hospital,30/30,De Silva Cross Road,03 roomed house,for residence or business,for rent. 0777116023.
Kotte,Madiwela luxury,newly renovated house. 5 bedrooms,3 bathrooms,solar hot water,lounge,dining,kitchen,fitted pantry,servants quaters,double garage. 22 perches,large garden. Contact on WhatsApp: +447380167022 or Tel No.: 0778564013. No brokers.
House & Property - Kandy District to Let or Lease
Kandy Asgiriya close to schools two rooms and one room annexes vacant for rent with all amenities. 0772779867, 0719103434
House & Property for Sale/Lease
House for sale or lease - 54,Joseph Dias Ave,Mutwal,Col 15 big house,large two bedrooms,bathroom,kitchen,ceiling. Too close to Aluth mawatha Road & Bloemendhal Road. Safe location. PH: 0766406383.