P.M.N.Bandara has been appointed as the Honorary Consul for Sri Lanka in Papua New Guinea by the Government of Sri Lanka, with the concurrence of the Papua New Guinea Government.
P.M.N.Bandara is a Senior Lecturer in Accounting and the Head of Accounting Division of the University of Papua New Guinea. He has been serving in PNG for 16 years as an academic.
He holds a Master of Business Administration from the Post Graduate Institute of Management, Sri Jayewardenepura University, Bachelor’s Degree from the same University and a Licentiate of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka, member of Association of Accounting Technicians of Sri Lanka. He is a member of Certified Practising Accountants of PNG (CPA PNG) and Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy ( CIPFA) UK. He is also a council member of CPA PNG.
Bandara has written 10 text books in Business studies, Accounting and Economics for secondary schools, universities other tertiary institutions. He is also a member of governing councils and academic boards of tertiary educational institutions in PNG, and has contributed immensely to accounting education in PNG, in recent years.
Bandara received the Member of Logohu(ML) award from the Governor General Grand Chief Sir Bob Dadae at the investiture ceremony held at Government House recently. It was awarded for his contribution to higher education, particularly, accounting profession and accounting education in PNG during the last 16 years.
Bandara serves as the President of Sri Lanka- Papua New Guinea Friendship Foundation.