The 36th Triennial International Convention 2017 of Federation International for Women Lawyers (FIDA) was held in The Grand Lucayan Resort, Freeport, Grand Bahama, The Bahamas, recently and women Lawyers from many parts of the world participated. Ridmika Dep (Past president of Sri Lanka Women Lawyers’ Association) and The Country Vice President of FIDA Sri Lanka Pramuditha Senaratne (Co Vice President of Sri Lanka Women Lawyers’ Association) participated from Sri Lanka.
FIDA had chosen the priority theme for the above convention as, ‘the economic empowerment of women and children in an evolving world’.
Several distinguished speakers delivered valuable speeches and discussed issues based on Empowering Women to participate fully in economic life across all sectors and throughout all levels of economic activity which are essential to build strong economies, establish more stable and just societies, achieve internationally agreed goals for development, sustainability and human rights, improve quality of life for women, men, families and communities and propel operations and goals of businesses.
Ridmika Dep, delivered a presentation under the theme, ‘Economic Empowerment of Women from Village to the Boardroom’ explaining the Sri Lankan Laws relating to ‘Laws on Protecting the Rights of Women in the Workplace and Equal Pay’.
Ridmika and Pramuditha had represented Sri Lanka at the cultural show at the convention and performed for the song ‘Our Land of Gypsies’.
At the election held for the FIDA Executive Committee for 2017-2020, Ridmika Dep had been appointed as one of the Directors of FIDA for the first time from Sri Lanka, and Pramuditha Senaratne as a Regional Vice President.