Poems: School debates | Sunday Observer

Poems: School debates

19 November, 2017

A small battle in the classroom
A battle of wits
A battle of wills
I see …

Words, thy weapons
A lie may become a truth
They espouse a point
Then others oppose it
Logic makes no sense
Still they argue …

Thisari Imesha Kannangara

Nature’s rage

It is very sad and rather unfortunate
That Lanka has suffered a tragedy great
Due to incessant rains, floods and landslides
Lanka now is ravaged by so called natural disasters
It has brought such immense devastation
Leading to loss of lives and property beyond imagination
When man fails to respect laws of nature
Being unaware of harm done of immense stature
They have to undergo severe punishment untold
When you are truly under Mother Nature’s fold
Those who do not treat Mother Earth well
Suffer enormously as if they are in hell
We still feel her serene warmth
When thinking of the service rendered mammoth
People are distancing from the noble truth
Failing to trod and achieve the spiritual path
Crime is committed in every walk of life
Giving up moral values causing moral strife
Many minds are overwhelmed by ignorance
Many more are marked by oppression and violence
Some have even deep-seated hatred
Disregarding the religious norms sacred
This conveys message to current society
To bring peace and harmony to humanity
Let us live according to message of SUBLIME DHAMMA

Rupa Banduwardena

Final stop

That thought
Of you touching him
The way you touch me now
All those years ago
It kills me
It grabs me in a vice
It burns me
A blue current circles my heart
It hurts, sweetheart
I know I was not there then
But, but, it hurts
It hurts so bad
This crazy love
That thought
Of you embracing him
All those years ago
Before I met you
It is killing me darling
It is killing me
I hope you will stop
At me, with me
Not any more
Hugs or kisses
To anyone dead or alive
Till I depart

Prof. Ananda P Dasanayake
New York
