Lawyer chews document in Kekirawa Court | Page 3 | Sunday Observer

Lawyer chews document in Kekirawa Court

29 July, 2023

An incident where two copies of essential documents taken out of the court safe were torn and chewed by a female lawyer who was there at the time has been reported from the Kekirawa Court.

The lawyer was arrested on Thursday (27) evening by the police after the Court staff, videotaped the entire incident and complained about it to the Kekirawa Police Station.

The lawyer tried to chew and swallow the original documents related to a case being heard in the Kekirawa District Court against her as she had allegedly prepared false documents related to the ownership of the room where she runs her lawyer’s office near the Kekirawa Court Complex. Another lawyer had been running her office on a rental basis in a room in front of the Kekirawa Court owned by a senior lawyer working at the Kekirawa Court, for a long time. Although the owner of this room had been asking for it, for sometime, the lawyer had refused to vacate the place. In this regard, the lawyer of the room owner has filed a case in the Kekirawa District Court.

At that time, the female lawyer occupying the room had submitted two fraudulent documents by forging his signature on a letterhead of the lawyer and stated that he had sold it to her for Rs. 2 million and that she now owns it.

The senior lawyer had informed Court that the said signatures were not his own and that arrangements should be made to verify the signatures.

According to a court order, the signature was sent to the Government Analyst’s office for verification. Meanwhile, at the time of the investigation, the court had said that the manner in which this case had been filed was flawed and the aggrieved party had withdrawn the case.

Meanwhile, the court had received the Government Analyst’s report regarding the signature verification. According to the report, it was confirmed that these signatures did not match and that the signature mentioned in the document is fake.

As soon as these documents arrived, the aggrieved party had obtained copies of the original documents.When the female lawyer realized that a case was being filed against her regarding the preparation of false documents, she had gone to the registry office to make a request regarding those two documents. The registrar of the court had sent a note to the officer in charge of the documents to allow this lawyer to take out the documents and when she took out the documents from the safe, the lawyer who was there had torn the two documents and put them in her mouth and started chewing. The staff who recorded this entire incident had complained to the Kekirawa police station in this regard. At the same time, the Kekirawa police officers who arrived there had arrested the lawyer and found a piece of document that she was chewing on.

She is currently in police custody and was scheduled to be produced at the Kekirawa Magistrate’s Court yesterday (28).

Further investigations are being conducted under the supervision of Officer-In-Charge of the Kekirawa Police Station, Chief Inspector M.A.L.S.Munasinghe.
