Illegal Fishing Operation in Mannar Leads to Arrest of Nine Fishermen | Page 3 | Sunday Observer

Illegal Fishing Operation in Mannar Leads to Arrest of Nine Fishermen

14 July, 2023

In a successful operation carried out on the 13th of July, nine fishermen and their three boats were apprehended for engaging in illegal fishing activities in Mannar's Konthaipiddy sea. The operation was conducted with the joint efforts of officers from the Mannar District Marine Department and the Navy.

During the operation, the authorities not only arrested the fishermen but also seized a substantial amount of illegal net gear and other equipment used for their illicit activities. The individuals, hailing from the provinces of Pallimunei Southbar and Thaulpadu in Mannar, were caught red-handed while en route to the Konthaipeeddy area to engage in unlawful fishing practices.
It is reported that the suspects are to be presented in front of the Mannar Magistrate.
