Dhane illuminated the lives of one and all | Page 5 | Sunday Observer

Dhane illuminated the lives of one and all

2 July, 2023

On June 4, 2023, family and friends in Toronto, Canada, gathered to pay their final respects to Dhane Bahar. 

Dhane was a devoted mother to Alastair, Jurian, and Sherzade. Her love knew no bounds, and she embraced her role as a grandmother,

affectionately known as Nene, to her nine grandchildren.

Dhane showered her warmth upon numerous nephews and nieces, leaving an indelible mark on their lives.

In her journey through life, Dhane found companionship in her husband, Dan. She also maintained a connection with her former spouse, Erwin.

As a mother-in-law, she welcomed Rhea, Suzy, Thushani, and Ron into her heart, fostering loving and nurturing relationships with each of them.

Despite the physical distance between Dhane in Canada and her siblings, Isy, Ihsan, and Moorja and their spouses in Sri Lanka, they remained incredibly close. Through the miles that separated them, Dhane bridged the gap, offering unwavering support and love, not only in honouring the memories of their dear departed parents, and brother, Alfie and his wife but also in being present for them through the joys and sorrows of life.

Dhane’s presence illuminated the lives of all who knew her, and her absence leaves an irreplaceable void in our hearts. Those who loved her hold on to the precious memories of her love and kindness, cherishing the moments shared together.

May the verse Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji’un - from Allah we come, and to Allah we shall return - echo within our hearts, serving as a reminder of the temporary nature of this life and the eternal nature of the hereafter. With faith and hope, we entrust Dhane’s soul into the hands of Allah, knowing that her spirit will forever reside in His divine presence.

- Fanizah Bahar Downs, Ina Bahar Garbutt and Imtiaz Bahar
Melbourne/Sydney, Australia
