High risk dengue areas: 59 MOH divisions identified | Page 4 | Sunday Observer

High risk dengue areas: 59 MOH divisions identified

15 May, 2023

Around 59 MOH divisions across the country have been identified as dengue high risk areas. The National Dengue Control Unit states that the number of dengue infected people have increased by 3 percent this week compared to last week. So far, about 32,000 dengue infected people have been reported since the beginning of the year.

The Dengue Control Unit states that an increase of infected people are reported in Colombo, Gampaha, Kalutara, Kandy, Galle, Jaffna, Batticaloa, Trincomalee, Kurunegala, Kalmunai, Puttalam, Ratnapura, Kegalle districts.

Doctors declare that with the rains these days, the breeding of dengue mosquitoes can increase and by maintaining the surrounding environment where mosquitoes cannot breed, the number of dengue infected people can be reduced.

