Seven in hospital oxygen cylinder theft arrested | Page 3 | Sunday Observer

Seven in hospital oxygen cylinder theft arrested

8 May, 2023

Officers of Polonnaruwa Criminal Investigation Division have arrested seven people including a hospital worker for stealing 208 oxygen cylinders brought to Polonnaruwa General Hospital for patient care.

Police stated that after questioning these suspects, 80 stolen oxygen cylinders were found, which had been sold to outlets in other areas.

The police say that four of the other arrested suspects are employees of a company that distributes oxygen cylinders to hospitals and one person is involved in selling the stolen cylinders to various people.

The person is a resident of Maligawatte, Colombo. After questioning him, 80 oxygen cylinders have been found.

The police say that this theft has been carried out for two years and the Deputy Director of Polonnaruwa General Hospital, Dr. Mahinda Gunathilaka, filed a complaint on March 19.

It has been stated in the complaint that since March 2020, 208 oxygen tanks have gone missing in the hospital. According to the complaint, the value of the 208 stolen oxygen tanks is Rs. 8,125,354.04, the police said.

The police say that the theft was carried out by taking the oxygen tanks to the hospital in the company’s lorry. The police also say that the hospital employee was in charge of these oxygen tanks.

It has been revealed that the hospital employee was coerced by the employees of the company that brings the oxygen tanks to get involved in this theft promising him half of the money received from the sale of one cylinder.

Investigations have revealed that most of the stolen oxygen cylinders were sold for an amount between 40,000 and 50,000 rupees and 1-4 million was credited to this suspect’s bank account.
