Heavy Vehicles Services
DAF-XF Category two Prime Mover vehicles with Trailers for sale for highest bidder. 0777745765.
Cars for Sale
Nugegoda - Micro Panda 1000cc first owner,excellent condition,White colour,accident free,2012,76,000 km. Price 17,90,000/=. 0718293467.
Toyota Cars for Sale
Toyota Axio wxb 2016 /2017 reg. for urgent sale. Price negotiable. 0716851114.
Honda Cars for Sale
Honda Insight ZE2 2011 White CAAxxxx second owner,full option. Company maintained Hybrid. Delkanda 5.6 Mn. negotiable. 0725777899.
Vehicles Wanted
All kinds of cars,vans,jeeps,cabs are required immediately without the Driver on rent basis to be used in private and public sector institutions. Payments and relief packages are available. Govt. Registration Number WC 18880 - Pannipitiya,Kandy,Matara. 0112846026.