A tribute to a great human being | Page 3 | Sunday Observer

A tribute to a great human being

9 April, 2023

A tribute to a great human being

Ananthawuu kiranasalaa, the tranquillizer that lulled
Great many a grief-strikened youngsters of the time
Still lingers fresh in their minds, despite the chronological maturity
Owing to its impeccable beauty
Unlike many talented pedestrians who restrict their audience
To concerns of the callow youth, exclusively,
You spread yours to wide and varied horizons,
Bringing within your wings, not only romance, but
Ethics, faiths, culture and human issues
Some of yours renderings were, in addition to being
Melodious, soothing and meaningful have another beauty
In that, you attire those in decorous clothing to make sure,
That your message in those is not jarring or too obvious
Which, not only satisfies acoustic needs but taps brain prowess too
Sowin piri mage hadawatha discusses in a restrained manner, a grave issue
And from its elaborate description, listener has to infer the gist
Similarly, in Ananthawuu kiranasala which is rendered immaculately
You conceal the crux of the message behind breath taking beauty of hill country
Thus, soothing the listener, not only acoustically but visually too
And evergreen of yours that unrolls, presumably a youthful saga
The language used is exquisite, but enigmatic too
As the following extract Adara senasum ketikala nethu sagale, depicts
Nevertheless, it brings out the listeners’ imaginative power,
Expanding his aesthetic boundaries
Thus you gifted to the listener an ensemble
Of diverse aesthetic experiences through your works
In addition to your unforgettable service there is another task which
Perpetuates your memory further
That is your role as a tutor mentoring and guiding
Thousands of undergrads, as a professor
Simple, honest amiable gent: Sangeeth Nipun Sanath
Thank you for all what you did
Good bye!
I wish you the bliss of Nirvana.

– D.S.
Department of Library Science
University of Kelaniya

Salute you, Nation’s maestro Sanath

Sonorous voice of you
So marvellous twit of it.
Pre-eminent play of seven notes
Profound and comanding beauty of your lyric
And then mastering a divine craft,
Your art,
Enthrals awakened fans.
Your perspective sympony
And melodious notes of the sky -lark bring
fans into a deep fascinating fashion.
Fantastic rhythm and roll of your Tabla- play
Thrillingly carving the heart beat of the epicurean fan.
Your delightful spell of Buddhist songs and
Its cantata mesmerise and escort
Attractive listening fans to their spiritual home.
On a doom day in this dark Spring
He Leaves us in a deep sadness but
Entering through the golden gate
“Nirwaana Swarna Dhwaara”.
We, your fans take our hat off to you,
Nation’s maestro, the singer Sanath.

– H.D. Jayasooriya

