EC requests Rs.91.755 Mn from Treasury for recurrent expenditure | Page 3 | Sunday Observer

EC requests Rs.91.755 Mn from Treasury for recurrent expenditure

14 March, 2023

The Election Commission (EC) has requested an amount of Rs.91.755 million from the Treasury for its recurrent expenditure this year.  

Out of this, Rs.60.560 million are expenses for overtime allowances of Election Commission employees.

Other expenses are Rs.12.797 million for payment of allowances to casual employees, Rs.2.203 million for salaries of recalled employees, Rs.12.805 million for payment to staff officers for working on holidays, Rs.396 million for non-staff officers for working on holidays and Rs 396 million for electricity and water bills.

The Operations Department of the Treasury has requested approval from the Finance Minister to release the money allocated by the budget of the year 2023 to the Election Commission subject to its limitations on last March 10th. The Department of Operations of the Treasury has also mentioned that sufficient funds can be paid for the above payments of EC depending on the liquidity of the Treasury in March 2023.

According to the Cabinet’s decision on February 13, 2023 to release the allocations for the essential public services of the Government, the Operations Department of the Treasury has requested the Finance Minister to release the allocations only for the above functions as per the request of the Election Commission.



