Bhagavad Gita online lecture | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Bhagavad Gita online lecture

12 March, 2023

The Bhagavad Gita lecture by Sunadaji on the chapter 5 on the topic ‘3 Steps to Perfection’ will be held online from March 23 – 26 from 6.45 to 8 pm. Free registration is open at

Bhagavad Gita is a manual of life. It enunciates the ancient philosophy of Vedanta. Vedanta presents the eternal and universal principles of life and living which transcends the barriers of race, religion, caste and creed.

These principles equip one with a strong intellect to meet the challenges of the world at all levels –social, official and domestic. Thus, one enjoys a rare combination of being dynamic and successful in one’s endeavours externally and being happy and peaceful internally. Above all, Vedanta ushers one towards the ultimate goal of human perfection within, the state of spiritual enlightenment.

Bhagavad Gita is taught systematically and methodically at the Vedanta Academy. It is part of the curriculum of the three-year residential course on Vedanta in the Vedanta Academy in Pune, India.

Swami A. Parthasarathy, the world-renowned Vedanta philosopher is the founder of the Vedanta Academy. Youth from all over the world with diverse cultural backgrounds study at the Vedanta Academy and learn Vedanta, the technique of life and living.

Sunandaji is the daughter – disciple of Swami A. Parthasarathy. Sunandaji has been studying and researching on Vedanta, for over three decades. Her clear and powerful presentation of the Bhagavad Gita in contemporary thought has been acclaimed in India and abroad. 
