A special place for special people | Page 4 | Sunday Observer

A special place for special people

19 February, 2023

Do you know what this special place is and who the special people are? Well, the special people are the ‘differently-abled’ and the elderly. The special place or places are the Marcsri Homes for the differently-abled and the elderly.

They are two sections of our society who need to be loved, cherished and cared for. Sadly, this is not always the case. At times, the differently-abled are misunderstood, harassed and neglected. The elderly too are often neglected or in the worst case scenario-dumped by the wayside.

Silver linning

However, every cloud has it’s silver linning. There are people and places dedicated to the care of these special people. There are people who care about the differently-abled and the elderly and dedicate themselves to make the lives of the differently-abled and the elderly better and happier.

The Marcsri Homes are places where the differently-abled and the elderly are cared for with great dedication and love.

The Priest In-charge of Marcsri Homes is Rev. Fr. Prasanna Christopher Perera – who has selflessly dedicated himself to care for the elders and the differently-abled. He is supported by an equally dedicated and selfless staff.

The Marcsri Homes were started by Rita Perera, who was greatly moved by the hardships faced by the differently-abled and the elderly.

Her caring nature led Rita Perera to join the Order of ‘Sisters of Charity’, the Order founded by Mother Teresa. Unfortunately, serious health issues forced her to leave the Order and she returned home. She served the community as a teacher. She was also proficient in nursing, another way in which she was able to serve society.

She subsequently married Marcus Perera of Kalutara but continued her works of charity.

After her husband’s death, she continued her charitable work. One day, a man who was discharged from a hospital and had no place to go, asked for Rita Perera’s help. She offered him shelter in her porch and this was the start of the first Marcsri Home.

It is now known as the main Marcsri Home and is home to 55 inmates comprising all categories of people.

The Mama Papa Home cares for 32 totally differently-abled children. Some of these children are cot ridden, while some others can take only liquid nourishment. They are differently-abled both mentally and physically and are unable to fend from themselves.

The children who are able have recreational activities which include drawing and colouring. They have what they call iskole in a space with low walls – open to the outdoors with plenty of fresh air and light.

Mama Papa Home

Generous hearted volunteers help the homes. One such person is Dias, a retired Bank Manager who spends much time at the Mama Papa Home helping the staff to look after these differently-abled children.

The St. Theresa’s Home is for differently-abled young women.

Where ever possible the inmates both adult and children are encouraged to take part in the daily routine of the homes such as the cleaning and cooking. They also have many recreational and therapeutic activities.

Some children who are able to do so attend school. Thirandi, Channna and Mario live at the main Marcsri Home and attend school. Thirandi is in Grade 10 and Channa is in Grade 11 and will sit for his O/Ls this year while Mario completed his A/Ls this year.

Shehan and Sineth attended a school which has non-formal education.

Shanil had been brought to the main Marcsri Home two days prior to our visit and was feeling rather lost and lonely. But Fr. Christopher, the staff and the other residents were doing their best to help him to adjust to his new home.

It was heartwarming to see the unity among the elderly women as they gathered to cook lunch.

Great example

Dulanjali has been living at the main Marcsri Home since she was seven days. She is a great example as a courageous differently-abled person.

She is currently reading for her special degree in International Relations at the University of Colombo and her thesis. will be on ‘Disability Rights’. According to the Priest in-charge, Fr. Christopher Perera, the 10 Marcsri Homes need much support.

Currently, the homes are also affected by the shortage of drugs.

Despite all obstacles Father Christopher Perera and his dedicated staff and volunteers give the best possible care to the inmates.


Text: Nira Diaz

