Expand your vocabulary | Page 8 | Sunday Observer

Expand your vocabulary

19 February, 2023

Circle A, B, C or D that most accurately fits the meaning and check your answers with the key.

1. Bogus
A. different
B. true
C. honest
D. false
2. Fiasco
A. failure
B. success
C. deal
D. deception
3. Furtive
A. vague
B. secretive
C. direct
D. edgy
4. Finite
A. precise
B. tiny
C. limited
D. outstanding
5. Homage
A. fame
B. modesty
C. honour
D. immunity
6. Equate
A. to cause to happen
B. denigrate
C. conceal the truth
D. consider to be equal
7. Raconteur
A. skilled storyteller
B. dishonest person
C. art connoisseur
D. daredevil
8. Trumpet
A. evade arrest
B. to lie boldly
C. proclaim loudly
D. repent
9. Rampant
A. haphazard
B. troublesome
C. unchecked
D. dwindling
10. Apex
A. lowest point
B. highest point
C. sliding scale
D. an opening
11. Enigmatic
A. erratic
B. suggestive
C. puzzling
D. happy
12. Cartel
A. credit
B. two-wheeled vehicle
C. small map
D. monopoly
13. Bipolar
Characterised by
A. opposing qualities
B. weather patterns
C. tropical animals
D. equal division
14. Recuse
A. accept
B. to reject
C. repeat
D. withdraw
15. Boon
A. failure
B. benefit
C. trap
D. proportion
16. Delta
A. stream
B. a river
C. source
D. triangular-shaped
silt deposit at a river-mouth
17. Archipelago
A. a cluster of islands
B. reef
C. glacier
D. lagoon
18. Piazza
A. veranda
B. public square
C. cheese dish
D. style
19. Hellenistic
Referring to
A. Romans
B. Swiss
C. Indians
D. Greeks
20. Iconic
Pertaining to
A. Greek architecture
B. Roman sculpture
C. Indian stone inscriptions
D. Mediterranean sea
1. D
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. C
6. D
7. A
8. C
9. C
10. B
11. C
12. D
13. A
14. D
15. B
16. D
17. A
18. B
19. D
20. A

10 – 14 Correct:
15 – 17 Correct:
18 – 20 Correct:

