For almost a century, the scientific community has been making a lot of effort in investigating what factors motivate people.
This investigation was initially led by psychologists and psychiatrists such as Maslow who brought out the idea of the hierarchy of needs that is basically included with love, safety, self-esteem and self-actualization. As declared by Maslow, an individual is only able to attend to their needs of “higher order” as and when their needs of “lower order” are partly or fully met.
Since late, researchers of other disciplines have been showing a huge interest in investigating human motivation, notably as to how it is related to leadership (Rabas, 2019) as well as taking environmental actions (Arnold, Cohen, and Warner, 2021).
They conducted an investigation with a small group, comprising of young leaders, aged 16-26 years. Their investigation divulged key factors which have the potential of influencing them to take action; a combination of “influential people” such as parents, teachers and friends as well as the role models and “influential experiences” in the calibre of the time, spent outdoors, youth groups, gatherings and conferences.
It is clear that these particular factors have a resemblance to those explained by Chawla, another researcher who noted that not only adolescents but also the adults are influenced by their friends, role models, conferences, groups and gatherings while the same still being noticed relatively less by negative environmental experiences, media and books.
This is definitely a penetrative and perceptive advice for leaders to get themselves adapted and adjusted with the constantly changing environment to pull through the cut-throat competition.
A considerable number of authors have so far suggested definitions for youth leadership.
Giving a sense of encouragement for a younger generation of workers to express their opinions, thoughts and experiences within the working environment is rather significant for their professional development.
Making them enabled with their voice similarly gives them a valuable opportunity where they can also be an authority in their own right in which they are allowed to get heard by their colleagues, mentors and the senior staffers while giving a sense of inspiration to think and speak in a way which is rather attractive and creative.
Being heard may come in several different forms, no matter if they are one-to-one, in smaller groups or even challenging the young people to speak individually and toss and flip. As a concerned employer, it is merely as significant in order to act on as to what the young people in your team express as listening to them.
Positive discussion
An employer is able to encourage a positive discussion with his team, by facilitating them with a reliable platform to get heard while consequently putting the changes into practice.
Generally for the young team members, and notably for those who have clearly expressed their willingness to rise up in the ladder of their selected field of work, mentoring and inspiring programmes have the ability of going a long way in assisting the development of skills and traits of a future leadership role.
Offering a mentoring program for their young workers is absolutely an asset for any organisation as it has the potential of driving up to a real spur and a stimulus as to what the young workers in your team would yield and bring onto the table.
In your endurance of inclining and inspiring young workers unto to the path of becoming leaders, you are required to outline as to how they are able to reach at that particular goal and make it a success.
Genuine concern
Moreover, the more the training opportunities that you provide to encourage their personal and professional developments, the more you show the young workers of your team that you are genuinely concerned with their progress and also keen on exploring the ways and means of uplifting their chosen career.
On the other hand, success can also be measured by means of appreciation, praise and rewarding in which you are able to highlight on the ways where your team has been able to meet with the targets, reached at the goals and taken a further step closer in ultimately becoming a senior and experienced member of the organisation.
Motivating and inspiring the young folks towards the path where they are able to reach at leadership positions may also bring about challenges, but on the other hand, initially the move may be rewarding.
Your ability of creating and extinguishing a personal development programme and strategy is basically central in contouring the pathways towards the accomplishment of success and persistently investing in the success, and the well-being of the young workers in your team can pave the way for their motivation in order to fill senior leadership roles in your organisation.
The leaders in your organisation and the senior citizens in a country at large are able to inspire the younger generations. Therefore, it should be ensured that this marvellous potential is transformed into action where a country at large is able to achieve a great boon.
Researches indicate that youth development could be achieved by means of activities and experiences which are able to assist the development of the physical skills, mental stability, social, ethical and emotional competencies.
Skills and knowledge
Recent research studies reveal that youth leadership is a theory of youth development where young people are able to obtain the skills and knowledge to take the lead in education reforms, civic engagement as well as activities, organised by the community.
The largest portion of the current world population comprises of the youth. This means that the young people are able to facilitate independently the happening of the things where they are not necessarily required to seek for the assistance of the generation that lived before their time where the youth leadership takes a critical, and quite decisive position in every sector of a country.
Young people are arguably the leaders of tomorrow: what is learnt currently by them will be put into practice by the time, they become the leaders. The impact that the young people have got on the field of politics is tremendous in the present-day world context.
Facilitating and creating leadership development schemes for young people is invariably an investment in a better future since they are able to offer valuable opportunities that can assist them to develop the skills that are essential for them to rise upto the ladder of their selected field, including every area of their personal life as well.
It is also mandatory to note that your academic excellence is different from that of your sound leadership mentality. An academically versatile and steady youth may perhaps be a lousy boss. A considerable number of studies, conducted so far found that a well over 85% of the first-class college and university students do not possess the charisma and the qualities of a good leader.