Raween Kanishka on exploring himself in his artistic journey | Sunday Observer

Raween Kanishka on exploring himself in his artistic journey

11 December, 2022

Twelve years ago, he who entered the ranks of the Sri Lankan Arts industry as a singer, later transcended in to a brilliant and versatile actor keeping the singer in him alive.

Explaining his way in to the hearts of his fans with his soulful voice and heartfelt acting, Raween Kanishka shared his masterpiece journey of hardships and his achievements in life with the Sunday Observer.


Q: What kind of a character is Raween Kanishka from childhood till today?

A: Actually, there was a totally different “me” in each phase of my life till now. In my childhood, I was someone who never talked to others, someone who was very shy and afraid. Then, came someone who thought, that it’s high time to somehow fulfill all my hopes in life. So, later I started working tirelessly day and night for all the hopes I had, for all the dreams I saw in life. With a lot of work and responsibilities now, today, there is this much matured, relaxed “Raween” who is absolutely contented in life.

Q: As we know, you are a huge automotive enthusiast. Could you share more about it?

A: You need to be crazy about something in life. So, this is my craze. I still work hard to own automobiles. One must have a motivation in life. My motivation is this. Bikes and cars are the only things I have ever loved since childhood. Earlier in my childhood, we didn’t even have a foot cycle in our house. At that time, I thought “it’s okay, today, you’ll walk under the scorching sun, but remember one day, you’ll own the best cars in the world.” And today, I’m living those dreams.

Q: How would you describe your journey of performing arts?

A: In Sri Lanka, an artiste is only someone who has an academic background, who has worked on stage and someone who has completed a higher education. By that measure, I am not an artiste; I have never acted or studied about it, and I didn’t have any such background or experience when I stepped in.

One day I got a call and they said that they had a role for me to play in a TV series, and that was the beginning of my acting career. When it comes to the journey as a singer, I launched myself in the industry through a reality show with lot of hard work. That’s how my journey of performing arts has been going since then. For some, I may or may not be an actor or a singer, and in another’s perspective I would be nobody, just Raween Kanishka. I think only I should know myself and just let others view me in their own perspectives.

Q: You have been in the industry for more than a decade. How do you feel about it? What has it been like for you, when you look back?

A: Superb! There is a saying that ‘no broth tastes good without spooning, and the river that flows with no obstacles is never magnificent.’ That’s how my life is. I value even the smallest things in my life, because none of that was gained in a jiffy, they all are hard-earned things in my life. One can think that he is an immature, but only I know the story of tears behind my journey. I think that if I didn’t struggle that day, I won’t be able to be stable today. I am in a place where I can be proud of myself and happy about the journey from the smallest start I had.

Q: So, what was the greatest strength you had to overcome all challenges and obstacles in life and to stand wherever you are today?

A: Self-confidence. I had no one else to encourage me in my journey. But I especially want to remember a few people in the industry who trusted me in my courage and dedication. Be it acting or announcing, every time I get a chance to believe in myself and fulfill the tasks and responsibilities given to me by them, that’s how I have come this far. Apart from that, it was the immense love of those who loved me and my work. And I was more encouraged and sharpened by the best; the haters.

Q: Usually, struggles help anyone achieve their successes. So, Raween, share with us the journey of accepting failure the same way you accepted success throughout?

A: There is no other teacher who has taught me as much about my mistakes, corrected me as much and taught me a thousand things. I’m someone who loves to make mistakes. You should not be afraid of making mistakes in life, you should be afraid if the success you are trying to build over the years is not stable. Most of all, you need to have a strong backbone to accept and correct your mistakes.

Q: What have you gained for life being in the industry?

A: I earned self-esteem. And I was lucky enough to receive the love of a significant number of people. That changed me in to a very loving and kind person and I started to socialise more. Over the years, I have received a lot of priceless things in life.

Q: Can you share with us about the moment when Prof. Sunil Ariyarathna spoke?

A: It’s still a dream. Back in my childhood, I used to go to the movie theatre after school and watch Jackson Anthony, Kamal Addaraarachchi and their descendants on the big screen. They are like Gods to me.

Being like that, I was later asked to act with the same veterans in the movie Ksheera Saagaraya Kalambini. Life is such a surprise. In particular, I got to work under director Sunil Ariyarathna and through his knowledge, experience and guidance, I gathered many things in my life.

I believe that this will be one of the turning points in my life.

Q: Many keep underestimating the Sri Lankan Arts industry. They are of the view that, “if you join with the industry, there will be no future.” Raween, you too come from such a family background. What are your thoughts on this opinion as someone who proved it all wrong?

A: I have not tinkered with my fame. I managed the little money I got, invested it properly and pursued all my dreams. If you are flexible enough, have good connections with people in the industry, work according to a system, you can definitely build your future in the industry.

Q: You are a star who has won and continues to win the hearts of the people over the years. How does that love feel like?

A: That’s the most valuable thing I have earned in my life. The most beautiful things in this world are the intangible. Love is like that and it’s unconditional. I’m being loved because of the sacrifices I made. I would like to be an heir of that love until the last moment.

Q: If you look back on your journey of 12 years, what can you say about the ‘Raween Kanishka’ who started out on the journey?

A: ‘Raween Kanishka’ who started out back then, is the one who gave me the strength to do everything I’m doing today. He had nothing back then; had no encouragement, help nor companionship. I started working because of that lost Raween. He is still within me and he will always be by my side, because if I lose myself, there won’t be any worth in the things I do.

Q: Many other youngsters out there would want to follow the path they once dreamt of just like you. What piece of advice do you have for them?

A: I succeeded because of my stubbornness. But I can’t advise someone else to be stubborn. Do what your heart yearns for and once dreamt of. Today, if we don’t live the life we imagined once, tomorrow we might regret it. Always do what makes you happy. Make the most of today and try to do something more tomorrow. Gain as much knowledge and experience as possible. Love people unconditionally without any difference, because everyone deserves to be loved. I believe that these are the challenges one should have in life. Write your own story the way you always wanted it to be, rather than the way anyone else wants you to.
