Ride4Ceylon legal victory | Page 3 | Sunday Observer

Ride4Ceylon legal victory

30 October, 2022

Friends of Manipay Hospital and their fundraising branch, Ride4Ceylon, have been victorious in their recent legal battle with a former committee member.

The Intellectual Property Office in the U.K. adjudged that the R4C trademark is rightfully owned by FoMH. A previous committee member had attempted to claim full rights to the R4C trademark. Thereby, sabotaging the aims of the charity by using the logo for personal gains.

However, the ruling in the U.K. now prevents the disgruntled individual from destroying the name, reputation and hard work of those involved with the charity.

Set up by brothers, Prof Jayantha Arnold and Anandan Arnold, to raise funds in order to renovate and restore Green Memorial Hospital. Situated in Jaffna, the hospital was left in a state of disrepair following the battle against terrorism.

Purpose driven, the Arnold brothers founded the charity to raise funds and see this once flourishing hospital restored.

A painstaking and challenging task, taken on by community minded cyclists. Annually, a group of riders, congregate in Sri Lanka to participate in a 500 km bike ride across the country.

Sponsored by companies, international organisations and good hearted individuals, these riders raise funds to enable the advancement and renovation of Green Memorial Hospital.

The favourable ruling, now allows the charity to pursue its target of seeing this hospital thriving for the benefit of all Sri Lankans. Ride4Ceylon are already making plans for the 2023 ride.
