A balanced mind means a happy mind | Sunday Observer

A balanced mind means a happy mind

28 August, 2022

With the pandemic and lockdown, there has been an increase in ‘screen time’. According to the recent research done by the National Broadband Network (NBN) it is observed to have 70-80% growth in the daytime screen usage pattern. Screen time can be categorized into many activities like streaming content, scrolling on social media, attending online classes and answering emails while working from home. An imbalance in the time spent on screen and outdoor activities has hit the lifestyle of both young and old individuals.

Due to an increase in the time spent on social media, there has been a spike in mental health-related issues in young adults. The constant need to present a certain look, aesthetic and lifestyle has triggered anxiety in these young adults.

With reduced outdoor activity, parents and guardians are trying to find an effective way of reducing the time spent on social media and making the kids more productive.

Boost in online education has led to the introduction of various new classes; however, it can be quite overwhelming to choose the best fit. We have shortlisted some of the best right brain-stimulating activities that ensure better brain functioning and well-rounded personality development.


Many people wish to learn music, but could never find the time to follow through. With relatively more time on hand, one can enroll for some online music learning classes. Parents should carefully choose the right institute and invest in a certificate course as it adds some brownie points in the child’s resume. Parents don’t have to invest and buy a new instrument, instead opt for rent and learn course too for beginners, which is offered by Furtados School of Music.


Whether you have a creative streak or not, painting on canvas will always leave you feeling recharged and refreshed. Painting is a great way to exercise the brain as it strengthens the mind and also leads to the release of dopamine. There are great new courses like Mosaic painting, Fluid art, leaf stamping, mandala art etc. that one can opt for.

Express yourself better with speech and drama courses

Speech and drama classes assist students in building their self-confidence, a creative imagination, better articulation and expression. These engaging courses promote overall personality and character development.

Dance your woes away

While dancing is a great way to stay fit and active, it also helps in promoting better posture, building confidence and discipline. One can opt for the style that most inspires them. Indian classical dances like Kathak or Bharatnatyam are great options.

It’s important for parents to find a good fit for their children to promote a healthy mental environment. Enforcing lesser social media time can leave the kids feeling out of place amongst their peers, which ends up doing more harm than good.

Engaging in activities like dance, drama, music and art offer kids a chance to express themselves better while having fun. With reduced outdoor activity, these courses are a great way for students to come together and get a sense of normalcy. A healthy and happy brain corresponds to a healthy and happy individual.
