Hope Solo, who came to be known as an American goalkeeper by profession, felt helpless when she was arrested. Unexpectedly, on March 31, 2022, she was arrested over her drunk driving, resisting arrest and misdemeanor child abuse.
Unfortunately, her two year old twins too were in her car when she was arrested in a Walmart Parking lot in Winston Salem North Carolina. Regarding her arrest she had shared a note on her instagram on Monday, July 25, “It has been a long road, but I’m slowly coming back from taking time off. The upside of making a mistake this big is that hard lessons are learned quickly. Learning these lessons has been difficult, and at times, very painful.” Hope Solo had revealed that the events which contributed to her arrest were the worst mistakes in her life. “Easily the worst mistake of my life.”
However, she realized the negative impact of her bad habit later. “ I underestimated what a destructive part of my life alcohol had become.” In addition, the Washington native explained how she was proud of herself and her husband Jerramy Stevens for their support. “I want to thank my beautifully strong husband for supporting me through this in so many meaningful ways and my mom for being there for us always and all my friends who showed me support and also the ones who pushed me to take the hardest steps.”
Police report
The police had said that they had found Solo Hope had passed out behind the wheel with the engine running in a Walmart Parking lot.
Her blood test revealed that she had a blood-alcohol level of 0.24. “Passed out behind the wheel for more than an hour while the engine was running.” Her two children Lozen and Vittorio were also in the vehicle. When local police officers woke Solo up, they allegedly noticed the scent of alcohol on her breath and claimed her eyes were red.
Her lawyer’s statement
As noted by her attorney Chris Clifton, the resisting and child abuse charges were voluntarily dismissed. In addition, Forsyth District Judge Victoria Roemer had issued Solo a two-year suspended sentence and active sentence of 30 days. Solo had to surrender her driver’s license and was fined $2,500 for drunk driving. And also, she is due to undergo a substance abuse assessment.