POETRY CORNER | Sunday Observer


16 July, 2022

In honour of the female

None other, but the female can claim
The distinction of delivering a baby by the name
Siddhartha, more than 25 decades ere, on this earth
Who became Lord Buddha on that very Birth
The fact remains, mother is the fountain of love
Whom, in that respect, the male ought to bow
Mankind survives from mother’s feed, is Gorky’s view
In addition to Sun’s rays is known, by only a few
The experience by the female in the monthly cycle pain
Without exaggeration the male wouldn’t ever gain
Due cognizance must be given to this as an issue main
By the male to coexist happily for the family to sustain

The phenomenon of monthly cycle is purely biological
For the female , after puberty, the occurrence is inevitable
The pain involve is physical in addition to being mental
Nevertheless, that helps enhance mankind’s survival

In day to day life, the female must be respected
by the male unethical behavior, they shouldn’t be affected
To evolve a solution proper procedure must be effected
Speedy action need be taken to see that culprits are convicted
This way the grievance of the female can be minimized
Ipso facto the male counterpart need not be criticized
The questioning of giving birth to a male can be reversed
The male can in turn offer the female a bouquet of flowers

Gorky (Great Russian author - Maxim Gorky)
Words - S.S.J. Fernando
