Environment not conducive - NEC chief | Page 4 | Sunday Observer
Holding polls

Environment not conducive - NEC chief

16 July, 2022

National Elections Commission (NEC) chairman Nimal Punchihewa said the NEC needs at least four months to conduct a General Election even if all necessities such as fuel, funds and other essential facilities are provided.

Asked on the possibility of conducting a General Election soon since some leading politicians are demanding an early election, the NEC chairman said, “The present environment in the country is not suitable to hold a General Election immediately. If a free and fair election is to be conducted, first of all, the burning issues of the people such as the shortage of fuel and gas and high prices of essential food items need to be sorted out first.” Since the prices of all commodities and services have gone up unimaginably, at least Rs.10,000 million would be required to meet all expenses of a General Election at present, he said. He said that fuel and other essential day-to-day basic requirements must be freely available to ensure a free and fair election.

“On the other hand, it has to be considered seriously whether the present situation in the country is normal , safe and peaceful for the peoples’ representatives to move freely among the voters to declare their desired objectives and plans for the people after winning the election,” the NEC Chairman added.
