HOUSE & PROPERTY | Sunday Observer


3 July, 2022

Business Premises for Sale

0777438169 - Few Developed lands A/9 Road Dambulla, Matale Matalapitiya Road, Coconut, kitul with inter-crops, 12 million. Manampitiya, 6 1/2 acres with coconut, mangoes, paddyfield and residential house 25 million. Bokkawala 20 acres with Jak, coconut, inter-crops, rock (2 acres) 35 million. Ulpath Madawala 16 acres 4000 teak, 2000 pepper creepers, house with paddyfield, 80 million. Galagedara, 350 metres facing carpet road, 16 acres rubber estate 1400 million. 0777282147.

House & Property - Colombo District for Sale

Moratuwa, Katukurunda beautiful two storeyed house for immediate sale. 6 rooms, visiting rooms, dining room, pantry, kitchen, 3 toilets, 3 balconies, separate staircase to the upper floor, garage, boundary wall, around the house, in respectable peaceful, picturesque surrounding. Ideal even for 2 families. Contact: 0773 333157, 0112 657595.

House & Property - Colombo District to Let or Lease

Dehiwala close to Galle Road, Garden, 03 parking, 03 beds, 01 attached bath, large hall / dining / open pantry, wet kitchen, overhead tank, CCTV. 0774165281.

Lake Crescent Attidiya Dehiwala. One roomed annexe with attached toilet, pantry, hall, parking facilities ground floor in a quiet area by the lake. Rent 30,000 and 4 months advance negotiable. 0777395198 / 0773022249.

Lake Crescent - Attidiya Dehiwala. In a beautiful quiet location by the lake three rooms with attached toilets including AC large hall, pantry and wet kitchen. Parking available, solar powered electricity with or without furniture. Rent 80,000 four months advance negotiable. 0777395198 / 0773022249.

Residential / House for rent. Nugegoda, Wijerama - Closed to Wijerama Junction & Japura University facing Campus Road. Two storied house for rent with 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, living room, pantry & two balconies along with parking facilities. Contact : 0718249531. 0

Wellawatta E.S. Fernando Mawatha, 2nd Floor, 2 bedrooms, 2 toilets with living dining pantry balcony, no parking, 100 m to Galle Road rent 65,000/-. Tel: 0777 522099, 0777 951798.
