Havelock members take rugby bosses to court | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Havelock members take rugby bosses to court

5 June, 2022
Members of the Havelock team in a happy mood after they beat traditional rivals CR and FC in the 2022 Nippon Paint League in this file photo
Members of the Havelock team in a happy mood after they beat traditional rivals CR and FC in the 2022 Nippon Paint League in this file photo

A group of senior members of Havelock Sports Club have filed a case at the Colombo Magistrate court against the incumbent Committee for violating the club’s Constitution.

Among the violations the petitioners have listed are appointing a member as the Patron outside of the AGM (Annual General Meeting) and refusal to call for an SGM (Special General Meeting) after receiving a notice signed by 52 members.

The complainants point out that the person appointed as Patron is not the most suitable to this position given the history of the Patron who has been appointed at the club.

They also charge that the Committee refused to circulate and ignore the recommendation sent by senior members asking for the most senior, suitable and most worthy member of the club to be appointed as the Patron of the club.

The petitioners, comprising past presidents and officials who held key positions, point out that even though the Constitution of the club states that an SGM must be called by the Secretary of the club after he receives a notice signed by 20 members, the refusal to call for an SGM violates the rights of the club members.

Another violation is appointing the same member to the post of Vice Patron and Trustees, when the club Constitution clearly states that the Trustees of the club need to be independent and cannot hold any other position in the club.
