Business Opportunities
Are you a retired professional or is the salary you get from the present employment insufficient or are a person hoping to obtain a promotion as a Manager ? Or are you a person seeking employment ? or are you a housewife ? Call Miss Perera for obtaining a monthly salary of over Rs. 75,000/=. 0768083318.
Positions Vacant - Marketing
Wanted Sales Girls for a saree showroom in Battaramulla,experience in selling and spoken English essential. Call: 0777362495.
Positions Wanted
A partly qualified Accountant with over 25 years experience in final accounts,VAT,EPF & ETF salaries,arrears seeks a suitable employment. 0781004246,0786464468.
Tuition Available
AABA ABE BSc.,CIMA MBA Cambridge Edexcel National Mathematics English Business Accounts Economics Physics Chemistry Biology Global Perspectives IT Psychology Statistics Geography 0716128439,0112685649,0112671710 “Colombo Overseas School”.
AL (Local /London /IB) Physics Mathematics by 25 years experienced,excellent results proven Teacher. Former Lecturer in Faculty of Engineering. Homes visited Colombo,Gampaha. Online classes also conducted. Telephone : 0716565472.
Cambridge Edexcel A/L Chemistry O/L - Chemistry,Biology Physics experienced teacher B.Sc /M.Sc. 4/B guaranteed. Home visits. 0773499051.
English Language classes are conducted home visit (Colombo and Colombo suburbs) /Group (Zoom) /Individual (Zoom) for Grades 1-8 by a Graduate Teacher. For details contact 076-1822284.
English Literature and Language OL/AL London Local Grades 6-9 by a visiting English Graduate. Tel. 0710784080.
English Literature,Language for Cambridge,Edexcel,National (O/L,A/L) by English Graduate. 23C,Anderson Road,Kalubowila. 0779604004.
Lady Teacher visits /online - IELTS,spoken English,Sinhala,Tamil other subjects. GCE (O/L) (A/L) English. 0770351835.