Bukhary’s 116th annual Grand Feast | Page 4 | Sunday Observer

Bukhary’s 116th annual Grand Feast

29 May, 2022

The 236th year commemoration - in honour of Holiness Al-Quthbu Sayyidh Muhammadh Jalaaliyil Jazeeriyil Mavlal Bukhariyil Qaadhiriyil Kannuri, qaddhasallaahu sirrahul azeez and Silsila Majlis, in honour of his holiness Zamaan Sayyidh Abdul Qaadhir Thaika Saahib Al-Kirkari, qaddhasallaahu sirrahul azeez and in honour of His Holiness Quthbuz Zamaan Sayyidh Abdul Qaadhir Khalwath Nayagam Al-Kirkari, qaddhasallaahu sirrahul azeez and other Mashaaiks. Thamaam concludes at 1:00 p.m. under the patronage of His Holiness Ash-Shaikh Al Allama Afzalul Ulama Thaika Ahmad Nasir Alim Al Aroosi, Faazil Jamali, M.F.A., Jalali Board of Trustees along with Kandhoori Organising Committee, at Al-Masjidul Bukhary Thaika, 25, Imamul Aroos Mawatha, Colombo 10.
