A lecturer in English at the Sri Lanka International Buddhist Academy (SLIBA) Campus, Kandy in an interview with the Sunday Observer said mere protesting violently alone in streets would do nothing beneficial for the nation.
“I strongly believe that certain anti-Sri Lankan NGOs are funding enormously to continue these present protest campaigns against the Government. She said the duty of the religious dignitaries, elders and teachers today should be to calm down the masses and to make them ponder over the present crisis in a peaceful manner so that its results would be positive and people- friendly at all times.
We all have to refrain from ‘adding fuel to the burning fire’ as it is seen done by now in our country by some selfish, opportunist and politically–motivated elements to further increase the sufferings of the people”, S.M.A.P. Wijayaratne said.
Q: What are your views on the present political situation in Sri Lanka?
A: Trade union leaders who represent the Opposition political parties attempt to provoke their members against the Government and the President. As a result, the public servants including the school teachers have once again started their protest campaigns demanding the Government to quit.
These short-sighted protests don’t propose any alternatives to fill the gap that would be created to ensure the smooth functioning of administration of the public sector if the Heads of the State decides to step down. Mere protesting violently alone in streets would do nothing beneficial for the nation. I strongly believe that certain anti-Sri Lankan NGO s are funding enormously to continue these present protest campaigns against the Government.
Q: According to you, how can we find a solution to this present crisis?
A: According to the present Constitution, there is an accepted democratic and legal procedure to overthrow the Government and its Heads of State. That democratic right of the voters is assured by the Constitution. Why can’t these Opposition Parliamentarians enlighten their supporters of these true facts to follow the democratic path as shown by the Constitution? However, I always respect and uphold the rights of people in this country to rise against the injustice, waste and corruption of the rulers at all times.
Q:All Sri Lankans have to be loyal to the existing Constitution to ensure peace and political stability of our country. How can we achieve our future goals by engaging in violent and unruly acts of this brutal nature?
A: We all witness in the electronic media these days how some adults persuade their little children to insult senior politicians of the ruling party while participating in protest campaigns in public places. Can these adults instill moral values in the minds of their children by misguiding their own beloved children in this manner? What a tragic trend that our proud nation is undergoing these days! We really repent in our hearts over the downfall of the human values and gratitude among the people of the present day.
Q: Why can’t we get together as a nation to solve our own problems in a patriotic and peaceful manner by disregarding our personal political ideologies and underhand selfish agendas?
A: School teachers and school heads of the Government sector institutions were given their salary increments recently which they had been deprived of over 24 years. However, they provoke their children and parents against the very same Government which helped them unlimitedly to ensure the dignity of their teaching profession.
Leaders of the present Government tried their level best to save the nation from the Covid-19 pandemic in a praiseworthy manner. Billions of dollars utilising public funds were spent during the past two years to save all Sri Lankans from the pandemic. Are Sri Lankans really a grateful to the nation? I frequently ask that question from myself to console myself.
Q: How does this present unrest affect our country and its future?
A: Most probably, the tourism sector would be affected badly once again since it was severely ruined due to the Covid-19 pandemic during the past two years. As a result, the amount of foreign exchange to be received by Sri Lanka via tourism will go down drastically further aggravating the economic situation. International Organizations would surely hesitate to grant us with sufficient foreign aid and loans to overcome the present economic challenges due to the existing political instability in our country. Valuable human resources and their useful time are lost on the streets of the country while youth today are clamouring on the streets by protesting against the rulers.
However, I saw in the media that former Minister of Sports Namal Rajapaksa had said in the Parliament that if anyone has valid evidence to prove the possession of illegal assets in foreign countries by his family members, such individuals can sue against the wrong–doers in the Supreme Court.
Genuine political leaders are the need of the hour according to the continuous cry of the common people.
The people say it boldly while displaying large posters with slogans that all rulers who ruled in the past mercilessly exploited public funds in large quantities and therefore, all are responsible for this present crisis faced by the poor people of this country.
This present unwholesome trend vividly manifests that the majority of the voters in this country have lost the confidence in all politicians and their genuineness towards burning issues of the people who undergo much trouble due to this present crisis situation.
Q: What do you suggest for the people and the youth of today to overcome the present crisis?
A: It is my personal view that senior and mature politicians should genuinely refrain from provoking the youth to achieve their narrow political goals. If we are divided politically, religiously, ethnically and community-wise, the downfall of this country economically, spiritually and socially cannot be stopped.
Children, the future heirs of this noble land, seemed to have been misguided and frustrated by the adults of today. These unpleasant memories in the minds of the children may create thoughts of malice, hatred and revenge and therefore, such violent thoughts may perhaps breed bad fruits in the future too. The duty of the religious dignitaries, elders and teachers today should be to calm down the masses and to make them ponder over the present crisis in a calm and peaceful manner and then, its results would be positive and people- friendly at all times.
Founders of all religions have preached that human beings on this earth to be far-sighted, non-violent and sympathetic even to their enemies. This country is blessed with the noble teachings of the Gauthama Buddha, Lord Jesus Christ, Lord Siva and Lord Allah. These great religious teachers have preached their followers to practice the maximum amount of loving kindness to all their neighbors at all times. Unfortunately, the majority of people in our country seem not be practicing the faiths and their religious teaching genuinely for their own benefit and for the benefit of others. How can we benefit from our religions without practicing these noble teachings genuinely and wholeheartedly?
Let’s forgive the offenders who are morally bankrupt if any and remove them democratically to ensure honest and patriotic rulers to be replaced on behalf of them in the future elections with the hope of dawning or ushering a better future for our future heirs of this country.
Not only that, action has to be taken legally to get back the assets if any that are proved or found to have been stolen by the errant rulers from the poor people of this land. We all have to refrain from ‘ adding fuel to the burning fire’ as it is seen done by now in our country by some selfish , cunning and politically –motivated elements to increase the suffering of the common people.