LP gas shortage likely to end by Tuesday | Page 3 | Sunday Observer

LP gas shortage likely to end by Tuesday

19 December, 2021

The LP gas shortage is likely to end by Tuesday with the two companies making preparations to resume normal supplies to the market shortly.

Litro Gas Lanka Ltd. began unloading one of the shipments yesterday following approval by the Consumer Affairs Authority (CAA) and Sri Lanka Standards Institution (SLSI). The company earlier said that it would begin distribution of LP gas cylinders from yesterday. However, Litro Gas distribution agents yesterday afternoon said they were yet to receive supplies. A media release from the Litro Gas company stated, “Two more LP gas ships have docked near the Litro Gas Terminal in Kerawalapitiya and were awaiting the green light from the CAA and the SLSI, to unload.” The company said it could resume the filling and distribution of all types of LP gas cylinders throughout the country when approval is received to unload the shipments.

Laughs Gas PLC Chairman W.K.H. Wegapitiya said a few of their LCs to import LP gas have come through, and he was hopeful of restoring normal operations by Tuesday.

“We never had an issue with the standard of our gas. But our supplies were low due to the issues with LCs,” he said, adding that they bring down Propane and Butane separately and mix them in accordance with Sri Lanka standards at their Hambantota terminal.
