Change your lifestyle | Sunday Observer

Change your lifestyle

14 November, 2021
An apple a day keeps the doctor away
An apple a day keeps the doctor away

Small changes in your lifestyle can make a big difference in your life. By doing so, you can reduce the risk of catching a disease and lead a happy life. No sensible person wants to lead a miserable life. That is why all of us are trying to avoid diseases and live in harmony.

Students and others who rush to workplaces often skip their breakfast. They probably do not know the importance of having breakfast after a long night’s rest. They should remember that they have fasted for nearly 12 hours when they get up. As an engine needs fuel for peak performance, your body also needs food to generate physical and mental power to do various tasks. When you skip breakfast, there will be a shortage of glucose in your bloodstream. When you start work with low blood sugar your body and mind do not perform properly. Your brain needs a steady flow of blood sugar for maximum performance. You may have seen some people feeling queasy or jittery when they start working on an empty stomach.


Studies have shown that schoolchildren who do not miss their breakfast have better memories and they perform better than their classmates who have skipped their breakfast. Dr Suma Dronavalli, an endocrinologist, says, “Breakfast is important for keeping your appetite under control for the rest of the day.” Some people who skip breakfast tend to overeat at lunch and dinner which is harmful to the body. They probably do not know that saturated fat plugs arteries. If you are a breakfast skipper, you tend to snack on junk food in between meals. A study in Venezuela and the United States found that obese people who ate breakfast high in carbs and protein lost their weight than those who skipped their morning meal.

Although medical authorities constantly advise us to eat breakfast and lose weight, we pay scant regard to such advice. There is a misconception that skipping breakfast is the ideal way to lose weight. According to medical experts, it is a myth. When you take your morning meal regularly, you are less likely to develop insulin resistance.

You can see young people snacking on chocolate. The inside story is not a sweet one. Chocolate contains sugar which is the primary ingredient in all sweets. When you eat too much of sugar-based food, your blood sugar soars immediately. Although blood sugar effect of chocolate is not so bad, the fat in it slows down digestion. Medical authorities point out that the sugar in a chocolate bar will raise your blood sugar. There are other problems as well. For instance, milk chocolate contains a lot of artery blocking saturated fat. Milk chocolate is tasty but it contains little nutrients. However, dark chocolate contains anti-oxidants that lower blood pressure. Even if you eat a piece of dark chocolate every day, it will not cause any harm. What you have to bear in mind is that however much chocolate is alluring, eat it occasionally. Otherwise you may have to pay a heavy price later.

We have often heard the old adage: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” It is true that every bite of a juicy apple delivers vital nutrients and other food compounds that keep your metabolism on an even keel. It also curbs your appetite and nourishes your heart. Apples contain fibre, specifically soluble fibre, which controls blood sugar. The sugar in an apple is absorbed slowly and it will not increase your blood sugar levels. Apples also have an anti-oxidant called ‘quercetin’ which is capable of lowering the risk of asthma, heart disease and some forms of cancer. What is more, apple eaters are less likely to develop diabetes and heart attacks. Eating apples will also help you lose weight. However, finding fresh apples may not be an easy task for those living in Sri Lanka.

Sedentary life

Office workers are leading a sedentary life. When you spend the day always sitting down, you will have trouble with the glucose idling in your bloodstream. If you are unable to do your work standing, take a break every now and then and walk around the workplace. When you do some such physical activity, you force your muscles to soak up the glucose. When you do not exert yourself, glucose goes unused. When you lead a sedentary lifestyle, you will have to face two major problems. The first problem is that your body will convert some unused sugar to fat. Having too much glucose in your bloodstream can damage nerves and blood cells. High blood sugar levels can lead to diabetes, kidney disease and even blindness. If you are unable to go for a walk while on duty, do so after work. Exercise is a reliable fat burner.

You may have seen people in an angry mood all the time. You can lose your temper occasionally, but if you do so all the time, you need help. Staying angry is bad for your health as it can lead to weight gain and even diabetes. When you are angry, your body releases adrenalin and other stress-related hormones. Stress hormones increase your blood sugar levels. Letting anger boil can damage your heart as well. A Yale University study has found that anger can trigger heart attacks by causing plaques in the arteries and from blood clots. What is more, if you remain angry throughout the day, it can be toxic. Therefore, find some way to blow off steam.

Sleep deprivation

All of us like to meet and work with happy people who are at peace with the world. Such people do not protest and scream. A recent study in the United States has found that happy people are less likely to develop infections and other illnesses. A research team at Carnegie Mellon University has found that happy people possess infection-fighting proteins which strengthen the immune system. As far as possible, stay happy and contented. Even a good smile can help battle high blood sugar.

How many hours do you sleep? Your answers may vary from four to seven hours. Getting too little sleep throws a wrench into your system. A sleep debt lowers the levels of hormone leptin which helps to keep your appetite under control. Those who do not sleep well tend to overeat. Sleep deprivation also boosts your body’s levels of stress hormones. Too little sleep also makes your body less sensitive to insulin. Research shows that sleeping too little shuts down the production of certain chemicals in the immune system. If you sleep less than seven hours, you will develop a cold.

Life is a grim battle for survival. In order to fight and win the battle you have to change your lifestyle. It is never too late to do so. [email protected]
